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was considering trying out duel, but...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » July 17, 2020 11:37pm | Report
I would also say to remove The Sledge and Oni Hunter's Garb from these builds because they require 3 enemies to reach it's maximum potential and there is only 1, leaving you with better options.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 18, 2020 12:12am | Report

problems for duel that are immediately clear:
-2 types of defense
-lot of lower damage hybrid defense items
- Winged Blade, slows are rarely a problem

Rexsi already played bel (vs loki) on the new patch trying out serrated this was the build for your reference:
Serrated Edge- Ninja Tabi-(normally 3rd item is defence but) ichiaval- Breastplate of Valor-stonecutting sword (game end)
he did say in the end to start ichiaval and build serrated 4th after defence

You see how much less defense he builds

outstanding issues:
-no defense
-gem of iso, yes brings you nice utility but hurts your damage.
-also would say late bancroft's

last rexsi example is last patch somewhere but was (against kuzenbo):
Bancroft's Talon- Shoes of Focus- Genji's Guard-demonic ring- Polynomicon (this item is used to help siege phoenix) game end

honestly the better one of your 3 concepts:
-late defence just build it 3rd probably would say he benefits more from berserker shield, but both shields od hurt your gained amount of port. They will probably become a double defense option.
-magi's cloak, while useable highly situational especially since beads exist in most cases.

So I dunno how much adc builds in duel are gonna change but most of them looked like this:
Transcendence- Ninja Tabi-defense (BoV/Genji)
and they often ended with these items in any needed order: Asi/ The Executioner/ Toxic Blade (or brawler's)

I'm by far not a duel expert or know how they build this season, however I do know your concepts stick way to much in a regular team game. Not a 1v1.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 9:40am | Report
Devampi wrote:

problems for duel that are immediately clear:
-2 types of defense
-lot of lower damage hybrid defense items
- Winged Blade, slows are rarely a problem

Rexsi already played bel (vs loki) on the new patch trying out serrated this was the build for your reference:
Serrated Edge- Ninja Tabi-(normally 3rd item is defence but) ichiaval- Breastplate of Valor-stonecutting sword (game end)
he did say in the end to start ichiaval and build serrated 4th after defence

You see how much less defense he builds

outstanding issues:
-no defense
-gem of iso, yes brings you nice utility but hurts your damage.
-also would say late bancroft's

last rexsi example is last patch somewhere but was (against kuzenbo):
Bancroft's Talon- Shoes of Focus- Genji's Guard-demonic ring- Polynomicon (this item is used to help siege phoenix) game end

honestly the better one of your 3 concepts:
-late defence just build it 3rd probably would say he benefits more from berserker shield, but both shields od hurt your gained amount of port. They will probably become a double defense option.
-magi's cloak, while useable highly situational especially since beads exist in most cases.

So I dunno how much adc builds in duel are gonna change but most of them looked like this:
Transcendence- Ninja Tabi-defense (BoV/Genji)
and they often ended with these items in any needed order: Asi/ The Executioner/ Toxic Blade (or brawler's)

I'm by far not a duel expert or know how they build this season, however I do know your concepts stick way to much in a regular team game. Not a 1v1.

Appreciate the ample feedback. I was just testing the waters to see basically input on if i needed a minimal amount of physical protect due to minions if magical or even as a physical. I will take a look at your input and probably look up the source you gave and some other sources..i am just so bad about looking for tips if they are in video form. i just hate sitting there watching someone else talk about a game. lol. I usually try to find articles/reddit stuff, etc that is reading. lol.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 9:43am | Report
Big Damage wrote:

I would also say to remove The Sledge and Oni Hunter's Garb from these builds because they require 3 enemies to reach it's maximum potential and there is only 1, leaving you with better options.

yeah i wasn't thinking about that...i was just thinking, more mitigation, crowd control, health. lol. I am wanting to give this an honest go but there is so much information to consider and it is a huge shift in focus vs 5v5 teamfighting in arena. Thanks for your input.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 9:57am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

You're in the wrong mindset for duel, Shell. It's you against your opponent, not you and your team against the opposing team, so you need items that directly benefit you.

So, for physical (in no particular order):

Attacker's Blessing
Ninja Tabi
Breastplate of Valor/ Genji's Guard (alts are Pestilence or Shogun's Kusari)
The Crusher
Brawler's Beat Stick
Toxic Blade
The Executioner (sure it was nerfed, but it still has decent 1v1 damage and AS).
Qin's Sais
Frostbound Hammer
Titan's Bane (your go-to physical pen item)
Hastened Katana
Serrated Edge/ Soul Eater

The shields don't really offer much for a 1v1 fight, so I would stay away from them. Sure Void Shield has the same protection as bov, but its passive doesn't affect minions and jungle camps, nor does it have the CDR the latter has. Runic Shield's passive doesn't really compare to genji's stats, so I would avoid it as well.

I'll write-up a magical version later, but it follows the same thought-process as the physical, except you use Bancroft's Talon instead of trans for your power.

Thanks for all of your heavy input and I am looking forward to your thoughts on magical items for duel. As i was mentioning in another response this is a huge shift and i have so many turning parts in the noggin' right now that while i'm trying to embrace the more 1v1 format of duel, it's a big switch up from constant 5v5 battles in arena. I will be sure to go through your list and it should be pretty easy to apply items that go more with AA based or Ability based or for more hybrid characters have the flexibility to go either way on builds.

So on the Bancroft's Talon is that pretty much standard for every mage/guardian?. If i am not mistaken Book of Thoth and Warlock's Staff are not as popular/effective...i think thoth's is actually useful on some, but warlock's isn't really good on many right now is it?

As far as physical, i'm guessing that it would be dev's or Soul Eater as the choice for lifesteal if you didn't go for a trans start, or for characters that it wouldn't be as good for you would probably usually go Asi(and if so would you go a big power item first like trans and then maybe after boots build it?)

For characters that have attacks that hit multiple opponents you would opt for berserker's shield if they were hybrid or AA based and then into boots? Like, on Bellona i would guess that would be a decent start to help reapply block with Shield Bash or help sustain with Scourge.

I actually did a few duels last night..the first two were horrible. I won't even list my builds because based on what all my imput has been here they were trash. lol.

the first was as Ah Muzen Cab vs Nemesis and i was 0-6 against her before losing.

the second was as Bellona vs Loki and i was 0-4 against him before losing.

The third was as Vulcan vs Arachne and i went 1-4 before losing and had some good defense and pressure but i should have been more patient and stayed at my tower more.

I also spazzed out and on a couple of them got really dumb relics just because i had not really thought out relic vs just one opponent.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 10:33am | Report
So this is more in response to your input Devampi. I have had a bit more time to mull over your response.

Since duel is strictly 1v1 counterbuilding CAN be very different from match to match but from how you and Gulf discuss it, there is normally a general scheme, just with the different focus on attacking, since you only have to worry about the 1 enemy and that usually a single magical/physical counter is needed if you do need on and possibly a heal counter.

So basically looking at it again for Bellona

As Devampi had mentioned from Rexsi an Ichaival start would be good. If I maybe tried Berserker's Shield like i was wondering about in another response above it would only be against physical and only if it wouldn't make more sense to get a Genji's Guard/[breastplate of valor]] or a more specific physical counter like Midgardian Mail/ Pestilence/ Spectral Armor etc. at the 3 or 4 spot.

So basically you would have a concept like Devampi had mentioned from Rexsi for Bellona, but modifying it from how they played it to how they suggested it:

Ichaival Ninja Tabi Breastplate of Valor Serrated Edge Stone Cutting Sword

and at the 6 would either be a power/pen/as item perhaps like Frostbound Hammer Qin's Sais Atalanta's Bow Hastened Katana Arondight

Looking at Poseidon after Devampi and Gulf's thoughts maybe something like this:

Bancroft's Talon Shoes of Focus Genji's Guard or Breastplate of Valor Demonic Grip Polynomicon then maybe a Rod of Tahuti, Soul Reaver or Divine Ruin

I really didn't have any other thoughts to the ADC build Devampi mentioned other than to wonder that depending on the ADC would you see devourer's guantlet as a start and are there any physicals that might use Soul Eater as a start?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » July 18, 2020 10:38am | Report
There is a steep learning curve to duel, that I don't personally consider worth it, but if you can get into it and enjoy it as I have seen others enjoy it then I wish you the best. I'm glad this input has been of use to you.

To answer some of your questions that are mainly theoretical from people I have watched online and base game knowledge are as follows:

I would consider Bancroft's Talon first item for the majority of mages and guardians unless they had strong self healing.

I would consider Soul Eater as the main physical lifesteal item, with some application of items like Asi and Serrated Edge. Devourer's Gauntlet has too slow of a power curve.

Just to let you know the technical term is a 'cleave' auto attack, but the rest of the question I'm slightly confused as to what you are asking sorry.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 10:51am | Report
Big Damage wrote:

There is a steep learning curve to duel, that I don't personally consider worth it, but if you can get into it and enjoy it as I have seen others enjoy it then I wish you the best. I'm glad this input has been of use to you.

To answer some of your questions that are mainly theoretical from people I have watched online and base game knowledge are as follows:

I would consider Bancroft's Talon first item for the majority of mages and guardians unless they had strong self healing.

I would consider Soul Eater as the main physical lifesteal item, with some application of items like Asi and Serrated Edge. Devourer's Gauntlet has too slow of a power curve.

Just to let you know the technical term is a 'cleave' auto attack, but the rest of the question I'm slightly confused as to what you are asking sorry.

Thanks for sounding off again on all of this. Sorry to be confusing on that, but for example..Bellona has AOE with bludgeon and if i am not mistaken any lifesteal only gives you like a 3rd of what it normally would on those attacks if i remember correctly what i was told. So basically any character that has attacks that have a multi hit function, whether the cleave you mentioned or bellona's bludgeon or any other character that hits multiple targets with a basic attack, you would only get back a portion of what one would normally get from the lifesteal. Do i have all that right? I hope it was more clear what i meant as well.

For the second part of that, I was thinking that berserker's might not be a bad start for bellona with the as and power boost with the passive enabling her to get every 3rd hit with her scourge and shield bash to gain the passive for them more often in the beginning of matches, though Ichaival probably would mostly be superior for straight boxing. I guess it would depend on the pressure you want to put the other player on from the beginning vs focus on wave clearing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 18, 2020 11:51am | Report
silentshell wrote:

Thanks for sounding off again on all of this. Sorry to be confusing on that, but for example..Bellona has AOE with bludgeon and if i am not mistaken any lifesteal only gives you like a 3rd of what it normally would on those attacks if i remember correctly what i was told. So basically any character that has attacks that have a multi hit function, whether the cleave you mentioned or bellona's bludgeon or any other character that hits multiple targets with a basic attack, you would only get back a portion of what one would normally get from the lifesteal. Do i have all that right? I hope it was more clear what i meant as well.

Bellona's bludgeon auto's aren't used for boxing though, they're mainly for waveclearing. Her main boxing autos are done either in her 1 or 3 stance.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 12:15pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Bellona's bludgeon auto's aren't used for boxing though, they're mainly for waveclearing. Her main boxing autos are done either in her 1 or 3 stance.

yeah, kind of all over the place a bit trying to have 3 or 4 gods to start to see if i can be worth a damn at it, and some things are falling through the cracks while i put it all together.

i had 2 more matches

1st an 0-2 vulcan vs jing wei

2nd was a 2-3 poseidon vs susano that i am pretty sure i would have won, but i tried for the bull demon too early and died. I had destroyed his tower and during my death he destroyed mine, otherwise i would have had the pressure on him.


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