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was considering trying out duel, but...

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Forum » General Discussion » was considering trying out duel, but... 41 posts - page 4 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 18, 2020 1:44pm | Report
silentshell wrote:

i had 2 more matches

1st an 0-2 vulcan vs jing wei

2nd was a 2-3 poseidon vs susano that i am pretty sure i would have won, but i tried for the bull demon too early and died. I had destroyed his tower and during my death he destroyed mine, otherwise i would have had the pressure on him.

Would you mind linking the smiteguru or listing what builds you went (sorry im lazy also don't know your ign)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 1:58pm | Report
cool, just got my first two wins

6-1 as poseidon vs cernnunos and 1-0 Ah Muzen Cab vs Hel

Ah Muzen Cab's pressure is potentially insane. I mean building networks of hives in the middle and then eventually on the sides and though i didn't do it, two down at the start and ability to port back when one gets destroyed. The only time the Hel was able to get a bit of damage on me was randomly hitting me with the aoe she has or at the end when i pressured her a bit more. I forgot to build pestilence early and so started building it late.

I started hunter's blessing and morningstar and i think two healing/mana and i hit the mana buff a couple of times.

The hel built bancrofts, shoes of magi, typhon's, thoth(which feels really wierd to me), Doom orb and was starting another book.

I went Trans, ninja tabi, asi, o-bow, heartseeker and got pest late since i forgot, but probably should have just gone brawler's instead

With Poseiden, I felt like i was outclassing the Cernunnos bad. I don't know if that is just because of the Tier level distance(though according to smiteguru Pos is only 1 tier above cernunnos) and/or skill difference with the characters. I died to the order titan and not to him. lol. I don't really know the levels that they are still dangerous at, but it seems like you want the minions for sure in front of you until like 11-14 depending on what class you are i guess.

cernunnos went warrior tabi, bloodforge, fail-not and exe so i feel like maybe bad build but don't know how to build cern so not sure.

I went to start tiny trinket, mages blessing and i think 2 each of pots(match had started already)

shoes of focus bancrofts demonic grip(didn't feel protects needed yet), BoV, was got to tier 2 soul reaver.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 2:04pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Would you mind linking the smiteguru or listing what builds you went (sorry im lazy also don't know your ign)

it's cool. lol. my sign in you can find me under is silentshell there. until these last two matches it was trash. lol. it was also before i got more input from people here.

Top three are the trash matches. Bad builds, didn't really know wtf i was doing(still kinda don't) lol.

Feel like i SHOULD have won this one...but not realizing i was too little to attack the bull demon wrecked it. Thought i would get him but ran too late.

and the wins...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 18, 2020 2:53pm | Report
silentshell wrote:

(though according to smiteguru Pos is only 1 tier above cernunnos)

I wouldn't pay attention to Smiteguru tierlists.

Either ask Rexsi or Samdadude on twitch if they're streaming about tiers but it's likely they're still testing things out and the duel meta will for sure have changed with the itemisation changes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 3:29pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

I wouldn't pay attention to Smiteguru tierlists.

Either ask Rexsi or Samdadude on twitch if they're streaming about tiers but it's likely they're still testing things out and the duel meta will for sure have changed with the itemisation changes.

That makes sense since the patch hasn't even been live for a week yet. I will have to look into that soon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 18, 2020 5:03pm | Report
You should only attack the BD if your opponent is (to steal it) or if you have nothing else to attack: you've cleared the minion wave and none of your buffs are up (blue, red, yellow, and XP).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 18, 2020 5:55pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

You should only attack the BD if your opponent is (to steal it) or if you have nothing else to attack: you've cleared the minion wave and none of your buffs are up (blue, red, yellow, and XP).

thanks for the heads up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 18, 2020 10:48pm | Report
We need to play a few matches against each other because I haven't bothered trying out duel yet due to what I've seen on Rexsi's and Hatmaster's channels. A lot of their competition treats the game mode as a PVE mode and not a PVP one, which is very annoying to have to play against. I do feel competent enough to give you advice on your play and builds to help you get into at least gold if you decide to keep playing it. Past gold you'll need to talk to the experts.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 19, 2020 4:30am | Report
Looking at the matches you won you kinda won them on your opponents also not building defense.

Yes iirc AMC is considered a higher tier cause of his pressure.
I myself would have gotten pest and brawler's/toxic (or both) instead of Obow and heartseeker, would have shut down her lifesteal a ton.

what I know from most mages is that they either start Attackers blessing or just T2 bancroft's. you gain enough mana sustain from blue.

For you redone build examples they look a lot better. Only missing the Toxic Blade suggestion. On the topic of berserker start I think ichiaval is better because it will provide you with better waveclear.

on the topic of devos soul eater dunno if it;s gonna change but certain non trans adc did build it, albeit the slow power curve.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 19, 2020 5:03am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

We need to play a few matches against each other because I haven't bothered trying out duel yet due to what I've seen on Rexsi's and Hatmaster's channels. A lot of their competition treats the game mode as a PVE mode and not a PVP one, which is very annoying to have to play against. I do feel competent enough to give you advice on your play and builds to help you get into at least gold if you decide to keep playing it. Past gold you'll need to talk to the experts.

If we can line it up, that would be cool. It is a lot of PVE feel since you(and i am still pretty bad at it) farming the buff camps and hitting the waves. It also seems like everyone is trying to hold out with the tiniest health and mana for as long as possible before backing..which makes sense..if you can at least hold your ground or better with where you're at then you can buy a lot more and not be under pressure if you play your cards right.

I think at times i am too timid, like last night i was 1-5 vs another poseidon and lost and he would aggro chase me hard core and sometimes my cd's were not up and i would be running and dodging but there were a few times i should have just dropped my pool as soon as he was on me and ulted. It's also confusing right now not knowing a lot of the single matchups, because sometimes it's better to drop the pool first and then the ult + follow up and other times i've had more success hitting the ult first and then dropping the pool and following up.

I had a raijin that tore me a new one as well. I got to where i was able to counter better by mid match but it was too late.


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