Without the sun, there would be no light, no warmth, no life. Without Ra, there would be no sun. Ra is a guardian, the keeper of Ma’at - order and truth, and master of the sun. Each day he sails across the sky in a golden ship, and each night traverses the underworld, bringing light and warmth to the dead beneath the horizon. For those in the scorched South, Ra was the first God, creator of earth and sky and father to all other Gods. But Ra’s time is fading like a twilight sky. His descendants have grown in power and prominence and seek to replace him as the figure of authority. His own granddaughter, Eset, cleverly poisoned him by secretly summoning a viper under his feet. When he stepped on it, the serpent’s venomous bite poisoned him. Eset promised to heal Ra if he revealed to her his True Name. At first, he refused, for knowledge of his True Name would give Eset unparalleled power over him, but as the pain mounted, Ra was forced to relent. Eset kept her word and Ra was healed, though the cost may have been too high. Light can heal, but light can also burn, and the great protector is showing signs of wrath not seen since mankind’s insolence. In that rare moment of anger, Ra sent his daughter, Hathor, in the form of a lion, to devour the people. However, he ended her bloody feeding before she consumed all mankind. This time, his burning gaze is set on the other Gods. When his wrath finally cools, nothing may be left but ash.