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June 28, 2024


Views: 0 Bernell
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Window cleaning is another specialty offered by many cleaning companies that use professional tools and techniques to ensure streak-free results. Even at, one can find this service. This service not only improves visibility but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the building. It is always necessary to ensure that cleanliness is maintained.

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February 29, 2024


Views: 5242 AstroSurfer
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Hello, I'm new here and I like to post some new builds from time to time in hope that it will help you, so if you think my builds suggestions are good tell me

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December 24, 2023
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November 10, 2023
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Hello everyone, my name is Rachel and I'm new here.
I wannna share with you some thnings about smite! I'm playing since July 2023 and I'm in love with this game. I'm main Pele in solo-lane, yes I know, Pele is mainly jungle but, ngl she's wonderfull for solo lane, but with a special strategy:

Pele is weak at early game, so I recommend first take a defensive build after starter. You must have some knowledges about the gods of this game and their roles, bc that information will be very important for your gameplay. You must deduct who is gonna be your enemy in solo lane and press tab key to look if he's phisical or magical. When you know, after your best starter for you(in my case warding sigil is good) you have to take or phisical defensive build (contagion) or magical defensive build (oni's H.G.) after that, you must take offensive build, specially with cooldown reduction (I recommend: heartseeker, soul eater, the crusher and jotunn's vigor).

For late-game, you should replace the defe…
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April 08, 2023
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April 08, 2023
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March 12, 2023
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January 31, 2023
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What are yall opinion on Artemis this meta for ranked

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January 18, 2023
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January 16, 2023


Views: 1672 AmoralOne
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With S10 coming and the few changes I wanted to see arriving, I will be back to updating my guides next season! S9 was a good break, but the mental is reset, and I am ready to grind S10 with everyone!

Look for my guides being fully updated by Week 2 of S10 release.

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