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Determining the Quality of a Build - A Basic Overview

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Forum » General Discussion » Determining the Quality of a Build - A Basic Overview 58 posts - page 1 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 22, 2017 1:31pm | Report
Updated 2019/6/24.

This post focuses on how to determine if a build is generally viable, and will discuss some basic is meant to help newer players who aren't sure what they should be looking for (and any whose understanding of general mechanics could use improvement).

Firstly, this chapter of my Item Choices guide also provides a helpful base of information:

Item Costs:

Even if you're somewhat unfamiliar with the items, you can easily check item costs. Here's a general range of costs in my estimation:
  • Cheap: 500 - 1,700 gold
  • Average: 2,000 - 2,600 gold
  • Expensive: ~2,700 gold and higher
In the early stages of a game, you (typically) DON'T want to see items with exorbitant general rules:

Granted, there are unique circumstances where an early expensive item can be functional early (e.g. Deathbringer for Mercury + Ne Zha perhaps, Rod of Tahuti for Zeus, Bloodforge for a hunter in Assault)...but those are few and far between.

Starter Items:

Not going in-depth here. The purpose of buying a starter item is to help the early minutes of a match, particularly in modes that can last a long time, such as Conquest and Siege. They are generally less mandatory in quicker modes, especially teamfight modes like Arena, though some starters can still be effective in those modes.

Why are starters useful? They provide key stats (e.g. extra damage, health/mana regen) at a very reasonable price (500-800 gold) compared to full items, especially at the beginning of a match when you have limited funds.

For a discussion on the individual starter items, read this chapter.

Movement Speed:

This is a nice and easy one. In all modes, a main movement speed item is essential. It allows you to get to locations quicker, get in and get out of fights more easily, chase/escape, and provides great stats for the price (1,400-1,600 gold).

  • It's in the build as main item #1 or #2

  • You can't spot shoes/boots anywhere.
  • It's purchased later than item #2.

Here's a video of me basically talking about some of these aspects.

There are TWO situations where you might not see Shoes/Boots in a build.
  1. The god uses 3 items from the Ring tree (e.g. Demonic Grip, Hastened Ring, Telkhines Ring or at least 2 items from the Katana tree (e.g. Stone Cutting Sword, Hastened Katana), where the movement in these items makes up for the lack of Shoes/Boots.

  2. The build you're looking at is a late-game build, where the movement from Shoes/Boots may have been replaced with the permanent "consumable" Elixir of Speed.

Stacking Items:

Stacking items are quite popular. They are some of the most powerful items in the game, but require killing a significant number of minions in order to get their full "stacked" effect. Some provide a huge boost of power and mana ( Transcendence and Book of Thoth), while others offer increased sustain / survivability ( Devourer's Gauntlet and Warlock's Staff).

However powerful they may be, it is generally not efficient to build more than one stacking item...not only time to reach full effectiveness must be considered, but also cost (some are relatively expensive) and function (these items have a very specific focus at the cost of other stats) need to be understood.

  • IF it's in the build, it is built as main item #1 or #2 (#3 or #4 latest in some circumstances)

  • The build suggests 2 stacking items.
  • It's suggested as a late-game item.

Further to this idea, the suggested item should match the rest of the build's intent. Transcendence, with its power and mana, is often more helpful for gods with some ability reliance, since the mana boost is more specifically helpful for heavy ability users. Devourer's Gauntlet, on the other hand, requires basic attacks to get use from one of its main stats (lifesteal only applies on basic attacks).

Penetration / Protection Reduction:

This can be a tricky subject. However, all builds focused on dealing damage (meaning not building full tank w/ all protection items) should have a decent amount of penetration / protection reduction, barring very unique circumstances. For ease of consideration, consider these essential for damage dealers.

Flat penetration or protection reduction is usually a fairly low number (10-20), and thus is better early-game, when enemies have lower protections (and before they build protection items).

% penetration or protection reduction is more effective the more protections an enemy has...thus, usually preferred late-game when more protection items are built.

If you want to read a full discussion to get a much better understanding of this subject (you should), read this chapter.

  • For early damage, they have at least 1 flat pen item in the first 3 item choices.
  • If they choose mostly damage items, a % pen/prot reduction item late is there.

  • No pen items in sight...or maybe just one flat pen item in the entire build.

You know what, this is getting out of hand, lol. I'm feeling a bit burned out. Maybe I'll continue this later...or maybe not.

As an option...people can always ASK...and we can provide feedback. Ask within the guide, ask in a forum post, ask in a personal message...whatever works.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » June 22, 2017 1:48pm | Report
You are ridiculous Bran, in a good way of course. The amount of time you put into everything you write is commendable and I appreciate it.

I feel this is a good place for any new player to start since the recent discussion on here seems what would constitute a good build. Overall, I agree with your points. I mean it doesn't take into account everything else, but as a new player, a basic guide/outline would be beneficial. I know I wish I had it back when I first started.

*FYI you missed a coding for Gladiator's Shield under item costs

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » June 22, 2017 3:03pm | Report
Lol bran this post could go on for like 12 more pages, idk what you were thinking
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 22, 2017 3:34pm | Report

I gave up cuz I was starting to realize it was going to be waaaay too long.

Thus..."hey, ask if you have questions" lol.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » June 22, 2017 5:41pm | Report
easy way to tell if a guide sucks or not.

if it doesnt "guide" you in the right direction.

he he he he hue hue hue hehe heu dh



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 23, 2017 8:23am | Report
Embedded vid in original post, but link is also here if you want to watch.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 23, 2017 12:37pm | Report

Can you rate my Ares build plz?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 23, 2017 1:48pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Embedded vid in original post, but link is also here if you want to watch.

When it comes to the xball build. Of course it is not a good build. But building tier 2 of the bow is actually better than completing it in that build. Because tier 2 passiv is flat damage 30 i think. And the full passive is just some extra % damage so with just attack speed boots and fatalis going. For tier 3 would be even worse haha
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 23, 2017 2:31pm | Report
@Marki, that's what I get for talking up your guide, huh? XD

Hmmm...didn't think about that w/ Xbal.

As for're a good player, so you can make somewhat funky stuff work...also, by looking at everyone else's builds, they didn't know WTF they were doing. And your entire team stomped them. So...your build? Slightly poopy, shown not by your end score of 9/2/20, but in your numbers...pretty solid damage, 2nd highest on your team and beating everyone on the enemy team...but could have been even higher with Spear of the Magus...and as a tanky god, you could have had significantly better tank numbers...your taken is good, but mitigated seems way off...normally expect at least roughly equal mitigation to taken, if not higher as the game goes longer. But also...that enemy team wasn't doing much damage.

...but good players can make almost anything work in those situations, lol. Nice +48% move speed, not including Swift Wing. LOL You were obviously trolling.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 23, 2017 3:41pm | Report
Swift wing was last item though. Sold my watchers. Just ran around with speed buff and chained ppl.

Never gone that fast ever before. It was hilarious. The trolling started after sov.

And nice video btw!
IGN: Marki

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