+85 Magical Power
+12% Magical Lifesteal
+10% Magical Penetration
PASSIVE - Any god you damage becomes marked and debuffed to take 5% increased damage from all sources for 8s. This effect can only affect one god at a time and can only occur once every 8s.
"This is more of a fun tech and less of a useful one, but kuzenbos shell spikes benefit from magus and can be activated twice simultaneously with myridan
I've used these 2 on a few ranked games as final pickups specifically to counter kukulkan. Any tornado he sets can be hit with 51% reflection (shell spike 30% and myridan shell pikes doing 21%) then 36% bonus (around 14%bonus damage) is a 65% reflection, both provide pen as well which let's this do considerable damage to squishy characters and can be paired with the Thorns relic to completely shut down characters
Shell spikes is also damage taken from any source, so if zeus ult hits you 5x, the shield, then 2 chain lightning, then detonate, that's all counting toward the same magus counter so it will 9 shell spikes hits, 3 taking full advantage)
Little boi also benefits from magus as does pushing your opponent through their wave making it a considerable item for solo kuzenbo (but I'd rather have a 2nd defence item)"
Looking at this on Anubis, it's pretty good for ult dps against players and really good for objective dps, but for his 3 it sucks cause it ticks only once per 0.5s (especially if you don't wrap someone) and it only last 2 seconds anyway, so you'd only get 4 stacks of magus max). His 1, again, ticks same speed as 3, lasts 3s though, and while it can be more reliable to stack magus against melee enemies diving you, the problem comes in lategame when they have antiheal and also you're self-rooted by this ability (though this is why Anubis just sucks in general), and also that this ability is irrelevant to ranged dps.
And all this combined with the fact it's per ability now, and not like magus which can be stacked by one ability to full benefit for other abilities.
So basically you just pick this up now if you want to shred people/objectives with your ult, otherwise just get deso on Anubis.
Until we reach mid game where any person with brain would build anti heal and Anubis sustain is basically shut down becoming a "Kill or be killed" playstyle.
By lategame Anubis is basically irrelevant. Too many abilities that root him in place and the antiheal will just make his bancrofts/typhons/passive useless.
that's why I love Chronos' Pendant + Shoes of Focus + Divine Ruin into % pen. and if you have a mage with some self healing yourself goobis probably needs a divine too instead of magus.
Trash on Merlin's ice and arcane. Only better than deso on 5+ ticks on fire.
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I've used these 2 on a few ranked games as final pickups specifically to counter kukulkan. Any tornado he sets can be hit with 51% reflection (shell spike 30% and myridan shell pikes doing 21%) then 36% bonus (around 14%bonus damage) is a 65% reflection, both provide pen as well which let's this do considerable damage to squishy characters and can be paired with the Thorns relic to completely shut down characters
Shell spikes is also damage taken from any source, so if zeus ult hits you 5x, the shield, then 2 chain lightning, then detonate, that's all counting toward the same magus counter so it will 9 shell spikes hits, 3 taking full advantage)
Little boi also benefits from magus as does pushing your opponent through their wave making it a considerable item for solo kuzenbo (but I'd rather have a 2nd defence item)"
Is this true? Does Magus work on his reflect?
And all this combined with the fact it's per ability now, and not like magus which can be stacked by one ability to full benefit for other abilities.
So basically you just pick this up now if you want to shred people/objectives with your ult, otherwise just get deso on Anubis.
Bancroft's + Magi + Typhoon's + Magus. That's enough to pubstomp the game and it's already nightmare fuel for me lol.