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Artemis S8 Guide: The new hunting season! (8.1)

73 8 423,183
by xZeroStrike updated March 21, 2021

Smite God: Artemis

Build Guide Discussion 83 More Guides
Choose a Build: ADC/Carry build (All modes, except Assault)
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Artemis Build

Example start

Notes Your starting gear for the Devourer's build.

Leather Cowl is the recommended starter. The lifesteal added together with Spiked Gauntlet will give you some good early sustain. The passive will give you bonus attack speed when with your support, giving you +15% attack speed before you even have your boots built. This'll be incredibly helpful during the early minutes with clearing waves and any boxing you might do, as well as empower Vengeful Assault.

Has some Physical power to boost Suppress The Insolent's damage, and a slight amount of movement speed when your support isn't with you, which can help outmanouevre your opponent or escape / chase during those times.

Grab Spiked Gauntlet with Leather Cowl for decent early sustain and to begin your Devourer's Gauntlet, to be finished later.

Additionally, spend the last 300 gold on as many Healing Potion and/or Multi Potion as you feel comfortable with / want to bring with you. More potions = more potential to stay in lane longer but will set you back 50 gold each potion, so you'll need to farm slightly more as well.

If preferred, Death's Toll or Gilded Arrow are alternate starter items you can use. Read the items section of the guide for more information on these.


Your starting gear for the Devourer's build.

Leather Cowl is the recommended starter. The lifesteal added together with Spiked Gauntlet will give you some good early sustain. The passive will give you bonus attack speed when with your support, giving you +15% attack speed before you even have your boots built. This'll be incredibly helpful during the early minutes with clearing waves and any boxing you might do, as well as empower Vengeful Assault.

Has some Physical power to boost Suppress The Insolent's damage, and a slight amount of movement speed when your support isn't with you, which can help outmanouevre your opponent or escape / chase during those times.

Grab Spiked Gauntlet with Leather Cowl for decent early sustain and to begin your Devourer's Gauntlet, to be finished later.

Additionally, spend the last 300 gold on as many Healing Potion and/or Multi Potion as you feel comfortable with / want to bring with you. More potions = more potential to stay in lane longer but will set you back 50 gold each potion, so you'll need to farm slightly more as well.

If preferred, Death's Toll or Gilded Arrow are alternate starter items you can use. Read the items section of the guide for more information on these.

Build Item Leather Cowl Leather Cowl
Build Item Spiked Gauntlet Spiked Gauntlet
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Full example build

Notes The standard Devourer's Gauntlet build. Solid, versatile build that's recommended. You may also opt to replace some of the items with items listed as possible replacement (or other items if you're feeling frisky).

The build order is interchangeable. You will always begin with building Devourer's Gauntlet into Ninja Tabi (or Warrior), but what you build after that will depend heavily on the situation at hand.

During late game, if you have a chunk of gold on the side, consider swapping Ninja Tabi for Poisoned Star, or any of the replacement items, paired with an Elixir of Speed!


The standard Devourer's Gauntlet build. Solid, versatile build that's recommended. You may also opt to replace some of the items with items listed as possible replacement (or other items if you're feeling frisky).

The build order is interchangeable. You will always begin with building Devourer's Gauntlet into Ninja Tabi (or Warrior), but what you build after that will depend heavily on the situation at hand.

During late game, if you have a chunk of gold on the side, consider swapping Ninja Tabi for Poisoned Star, or any of the replacement items, paired with an Elixir of Speed!

Build Item Hunter's Cowl Hunter's Cowl
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed


Notes The various relics to be picked.
  • Purification Beads if the enemy team has a lot of CC or if you don't feel comfortable enough setting out without it. CC is deadly in SMITE for a low mobility character like Artemis.

  • Aegis Amulet if the enemy team has a lot of burst (think Poseidon's Release The Kraken!), or you otherwise don't feel comfortable setting out without it.

  • In case of an enemy team comp with CC and high damage / burst, take Purification Beads before Aegis Amulet. You can always attempt to dodge incoming damage when you can move, but when you're CC'd, there's not a lot you can do without Purification Beads.

  • Heavenly Wings if one of the above is not required / not desired. Will help with escaping or chasing. Its upgraded version can be used in combat to provide a Fatalis effect for the duration.

  • Horrific Emblem is the altered personality twin of Heavenly Wings. Can be used to escape, chase, or in combat to make it that much easier to land shots on them. Pick this over Heavenly Wings if you're a more aggressive player. Its upgraded version additionally lowers the damage the affected opponent(s) do(es), improving its combat potential even more.

  • Belt of Frenzy Very useful for teamfights. Activate this, then ult and dish out some real hurt. Recommended only if you're comfortable with the game, the god and you have competent teammates that can make the most of this effect.


The various relics to be picked.

  • Purification Beads if the enemy team has a lot of CC or if you don't feel comfortable enough setting out without it. CC is deadly in SMITE for a low mobility character like Artemis.

  • Aegis Amulet if the enemy team has a lot of burst (think Poseidon's Release The Kraken!), or you otherwise don't feel comfortable setting out without it.

  • In case of an enemy team comp with CC and high damage / burst, take Purification Beads before Aegis Amulet. You can always attempt to dodge incoming damage when you can move, but when you're CC'd, there's not a lot you can do without Purification Beads.

  • Heavenly Wings if one of the above is not required / not desired. Will help with escaping or chasing. Its upgraded version can be used in combat to provide a Fatalis effect for the duration.

  • Horrific Emblem is the altered personality twin of Heavenly Wings. Can be used to escape, chase, or in combat to make it that much easier to land shots on them. Pick this over Heavenly Wings if you're a more aggressive player. Its upgraded version additionally lowers the damage the affected opponent(s) do(es), improving its combat potential even more.

  • Belt of Frenzy Very useful for teamfights. Activate this, then ult and dish out some real hurt. Recommended only if you're comfortable with the game, the god and you have competent teammates that can make the most of this effect.

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy

Replacement items - Offensive 1

Notes These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.
  • Bloodforge - High power lifesteal item. Its high cost make this more of a "luxury" item, however, and therefore shouldn't be built unless the game runs long and you can afford it. You can replace Devourer's Gauntlet with this later if you prefer:
    • Advantage: Higher physical power.
    • Disadvantage: Lower lifesteal.

  • Fail-Not will give you more crit chance against the first enemy hit by your ultimate. Very useful to delete squishies faster, and may also prove very effective against tankier targets as well. Recommended to slot in place of Deathbringer:
    • Advantage: More physical penetration, cooldown reduction, crit chances against first target hit after casting ultimate.

    • Disadvantage: Less critical hit chance against enemies not affected by Fail-Not passive, less physical power, less critical hit damage.

    or slot in instead of Poisoned Star:
    • Advantage: More physical power, more physical penetration, more critical hit chance (base and passive affected targets), more cooldown reduction.

    • Disadvantage: Less attack speed, does not debuff enemy during fights.

  • While more of a niche or "fun" item, Hydra's Lament is still a good item and deserves a spot on the list of replacement items. Its passive can be procced multiple times during combat, and the power, cooldown reduction and MP5 is a great added bonus.


These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.

  • Bloodforge - High power lifesteal item. Its high cost make this more of a "luxury" item, however, and therefore shouldn't be built unless the game runs long and you can afford it. You can replace Devourer's Gauntlet with this later if you prefer:
    • Advantage: Higher physical power.
    • Disadvantage: Lower lifesteal.

  • Fail-Not will give you more crit chance against the first enemy hit by your ultimate. Very useful to delete squishies faster, and may also prove very effective against tankier targets as well. Recommended to slot in place of Deathbringer:
    • Advantage: More physical penetration, cooldown reduction, crit chances against first target hit after casting ultimate.

    • Disadvantage: Less critical hit chance against enemies not affected by Fail-Not passive, less physical power, less critical hit damage.

    or slot in instead of Poisoned Star:
    • Advantage: More physical power, more physical penetration, more critical hit chance (base and passive affected targets), more cooldown reduction.

    • Disadvantage: Less attack speed, does not debuff enemy during fights.

  • While more of a niche or "fun" item, Hydra's Lament is still a good item and deserves a spot on the list of replacement items. Its passive can be procced multiple times during combat, and the power, cooldown reduction and MP5 is a great added bonus.

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament

Replacement Items - Offensive 2

Notes These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.
  • Qin's Sais is the item to pick up if there's a lot of health and protections going around on the enemy team. If you find that the enemy team sports a lot of tankiness despite having Dominance and/or The Executioner, consider taking crit out of the build and adding in Qin's Sais instead. An example build for this could be: Hunter's Cowl, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Silverbranch Bow.

  • The Executioner is a protection shredding item that you can add alongside of, or replace in slot of Dominance. This choice depends on the situation (buy both if protections are an issue) or preference otherwise.
    When replacing Dominance:
    • Advantage: More attack speed, more protections removed.

    • Disadvantage: Less physical power, less mana, less MP5, protection shred needs to be fully stacked for stronger effect.

  • Wind demonis another crit item that is good to use. It's recommended you swap this in for Poisoned Star. The choice depends on your preference.
    • Advantage: More attack speed, more movement speed, more penetration, higher crit chance.

    • Disadvantage: Less physical power, does not debuff the enemy during boxing / fight, synergises less with Artemis' passive, potentially overcaps attack speed with Vengeful Assault.

  • Runeforged Hammer is has almost the same passive as Artemis does. The only difference is that Runeforged Hammer's passive increases damage by 20% rather than 15%, but it does not work on knockbacks, blinds and grabs. However, Artemis doesn't have those CC types in her kit, but has 3 other forms of CC she can apply: Root, Slow and Stun. When a target is under any of these effects, your damage against them will be increased even more. A more niche item, but it can hold a spot in a build if you prefer.


These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.

  • Qin's Sais is the item to pick up if there's a lot of health and protections going around on the enemy team. If you find that the enemy team sports a lot of tankiness despite having Dominance and/or The Executioner, consider taking crit out of the build and adding in Qin's Sais instead. An example build for this could be: Hunter's Cowl, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Silverbranch Bow.

  • The Executioner is a protection shredding item that you can add alongside of, or replace in slot of Dominance. This choice depends on the situation (buy both if protections are an issue) or preference otherwise.
    When replacing Dominance:
    • Advantage: More attack speed, more protections removed.

    • Disadvantage: Less physical power, less mana, less MP5, protection shred needs to be fully stacked for stronger effect.

  • Wind demonis another crit item that is good to use. It's recommended you swap this in for Poisoned Star. The choice depends on your preference.
    • Advantage: More attack speed, more movement speed, more penetration, higher crit chance.

    • Disadvantage: Less physical power, does not debuff the enemy during boxing / fight, synergises less with Artemis' passive, potentially overcaps attack speed with Vengeful Assault.

  • Runeforged Hammer is has almost the same passive as Artemis does. The only difference is that Runeforged Hammer's passive increases damage by 20% rather than 15%, but it does not work on knockbacks, blinds and grabs. However, Artemis doesn't have those CC types in her kit, but has 3 other forms of CC she can apply: Root, Slow and Stun. When a target is under any of these effects, your damage against them will be increased even more. A more niche item, but it can hold a spot in a build if you prefer.

Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer

Replacement items - Offensive 3

Notes These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.
  • Silverbranch Bow is a must have item if you instead go for a high attack speed build, as in that case you're likely to overcap on attack speed, certainly with Vengeful Assault active. Will work extremely well in a Qin's Sais build, for example.

  • Ichaival is a solid item that can be used in attack speed oriented builds. It'll help box the enemy ADC and possibly jungler as well, unless they're a magical or primarily ability based god.

  • Asi is a strong lifesteal item that will more often see a place in attack speed builds (e.g. Qin's Sais build or Silverbranch Bow build. It can provide up to 50% lifesteal when its passive is active, alongside some flat penetration, a good amount of attack speed and a bit of power. Its stats make it to be a strong mid-game item. You'll typically see it get picked in the third or fourth slot.

  • Odysseus' Bow is straightforward: attack speed for when you feel you don't have enough of it. It doesn't really provide much else other than a passive that will proc a lightning chain every 4 basic attacks that can do some damage to nearby enemies. This can be nice to poke or annoy enemies from a relatively safe(r) distance, but is a minor benefit here.


These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.

  • Silverbranch Bow is a must have item if you instead go for a high attack speed build, as in that case you're likely to overcap on attack speed, certainly with Vengeful Assault active. Will work extremely well in a Qin's Sais build, for example.

  • Ichaival is a solid item that can be used in attack speed oriented builds. It'll help box the enemy ADC and possibly jungler as well, unless they're a magical or primarily ability based god.

  • Asi is a strong lifesteal item that will more often see a place in attack speed builds (e.g. Qin's Sais build or Silverbranch Bow build. It can provide up to 50% lifesteal when its passive is active, alongside some flat penetration, a good amount of attack speed and a bit of power. Its stats make it to be a strong mid-game item. You'll typically see it get picked in the third or fourth slot.

  • Odysseus' Bow is straightforward: attack speed for when you feel you don't have enough of it. It doesn't really provide much else other than a passive that will proc a lightning chain every 4 basic attacks that can do some damage to nearby enemies. This can be nice to poke or annoy enemies from a relatively safe(r) distance, but is a minor benefit here.

Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow

Replacement items - Utility

Notes These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.
  • Brawler's Beat Stick, Toxic Blade and Shadowsteel Shuriken all serve the same purpose: anti-heal. Brawler's Beat Stick provides physical power where Toxic Blade does not, but the latter instead has added attack speed and movement speed, and works better with Artemis since she's a basic attack reliant hunter, but both will do fine to counter healing.

    Shadowsteel Shuriken provides equal power to Brawler's Beatstick but lacks the penetration, it does have attack speed albeit less than Toxic Blade. It does provide critical strike chance. Downside is that you need to hit a crit for the antiheal to apply, meaning that it'll only be truly effective when paired with at least 1 other crit item.

    Only pick either of these if enemy healing proves an issue for you.


These items can be used as a replacement for items from the main build. If there is a "preferred replacement slot" for them, it'll be listed here, too. The main build will work fine, but everyone's tastes may vary, so these are your options.

  • Brawler's Beat Stick, Toxic Blade and Shadowsteel Shuriken all serve the same purpose: anti-heal. Brawler's Beat Stick provides physical power where Toxic Blade does not, but the latter instead has added attack speed and movement speed, and works better with Artemis since she's a basic attack reliant hunter, but both will do fine to counter healing.

    Shadowsteel Shuriken provides equal power to Brawler's Beatstick but lacks the penetration, it does have attack speed albeit less than Toxic Blade. It does provide critical strike chance. Downside is that you need to hit a crit for the antiheal to apply, meaning that it'll only be truly effective when paired with at least 1 other crit item.

    Only pick either of these if enemy healing proves an issue for you.

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Shadowsteel Shuriken Shadowsteel Shuriken

Alternate starter items

Notes These are alternative starter items you can use if you prefer these over Leather Cowl.

Both of these starters each have 2 upgrades that are also strong and useful, depending on what you like, need, or what build you're going for. More information on these and their upgrades can be found in the items section of the guide.


These are alternative starter items you can use if you prefer these over Leather Cowl.

Both of these starters each have 2 upgrades that are also strong and useful, depending on what you like, need, or what build you're going for. More information on these and their upgrades can be found in the items section of the guide.

Build Item Gilded Arrow Gilded Arrow
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll

Artemis's Skill Order

Transgressor's Fate

1 X Y
Transgressor's Fate
3 15 16 18 19

Vengeful Assault

2 A B
Vengeful Assault
2 8 11 12 14

Suppress The Insolent

3 B A
Suppress The Insolent
1 4 6 7 10

Calydonian Boar

4 Y X
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20
Transgressor's Fate
3 15 16 18 19

Transgressor's Fate

1 X
Artemis places a trap on the ground. Enemy gods coming within 5 units of her traps activate them, Rooting, Crippling, and revealing the enemy god while dealing damage every second for 3s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 48 / 61 / 74 / 87 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Total): 105 / 144 / 183 / 222 / 261 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 2s
Max Traps: 4
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Vengeful Assault
2 8 11 12 14

Vengeful Assault

2 A
Artemis attacks at a furious pace, increasing her attack and movement speed significantly. Additionally, Artemis cleanses herself of slows and becomes immune to Slows for 0.6s when activated.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Movement Speed: 25%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Suppress The Insolent
1 4 6 7 10

Suppress The Insolent

3 B
Artemis fires a volley into a ground target, suppressing all of her enemies. Enemies caught within the volley are damaged and are slowed.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 25%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 15
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 9s
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20

Calydonian Boar

4 Y
Artemis summons the great Calydonian Boar on her enemies, doing damage to the nearest enemy god and Stunning them, and itself. The boar is immune until it hits the first god and then continues to charge other gods for its lifetime. Artemis is also immune to Crowd Control for 1.5s.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 (90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Boar Lifetime: 6s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Artemis Threats

Tap each threat level to view Artemis’s threats


Artemis Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Artemis’s synergies




Chapter Summary: Introduction, Table of Content, Awards.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my Artemis guide for S8. This guide made a leap from S7/U7.8 to S8/U8.1. In case you find any issues or incorrect information still lingering around, please do let me know! Happy reading!

Here's a quick overview of what you can expect to find in this guide:
Table of Content:
1. Pros & Cons:
  • Also known as Strenghts & Weaknesses, you'll read all about what Artemis is good at, and what she lacks.

2. Abilities:
  • Ability description, ability leveling sequence, and how/when to use your abilities will be described here.

3. Items & builds:
  • The items you should build and in what order, item description, situational items and counterbuilds will be described here.

4. Gameplay information, tips & tricks:
  • How to behave as Artemis during games and different phases in said games, and (useful) tips you may not have known before, will be described here.

5. Summary:
  • A quick summary of all the information described throughout the guide.

Additional information:
1. Lore:
  • For those interested only.

2. Changelog:
  • For quick and easy reference of the latest updates to the guide, or those that are interested in following the progression line the guide has been through.

Certified Season4 Top-Guide

This Artemis guide, "Artemis S4 Guide: The new hunting season!", was chosen as top guide for SmiteFire's very own Season 4 guide contest, taking the #1 spot in the hunter category guides. A huge thank you from me to everyone who has supported this guide from the start!

Pros / Cons

Pros & Cons

Chapter Summary: Pros|Cons

........... Pros ...........

  • High damage potential
  • High attack speed
  • Very strong late game
  • Very strong ultimate ability
.......... Cons ..........

  • No escape ability
  • Squishy, very susceptible to ganks
  • Weak clear
  • Very weak early game

+ Artemis has very high, if not the highest, damage potential. This potential will only come to light later in the game, however.

+ Artemis has arguably the strongest attack speed steroid of all hunters, due to Vengeful Assault. It not only provides a huge 80% boost at max level, but lasts for 5 seconds, which is more than enough time to erase most enemies.

+ Due to the very high attack speed, and Artemis passive Still Target, she can have one of the strongest late games of all hunters. Hence why many players suggest attempting to shut down an Artemis early in the game.

+ Artemis' ultimate ability, Calydonian Boar, has great teamfight utility, and a fair amount of damage. Therefore, it's one of the most effective ultimate abilities in the game.

- Artemis has no escape ability, such as a dash or leap, and therefore lacks a lot of mobility*. Being focused, ganked or CC'd therefore poses a large risk to Artemis.

- Due to the inherent squishy** nature of hunters, Artemis herself is also very squishy. This increases the danger of focus, ganks or CC even more.

- Despite Artemis high attack speed and high damage potential, she has one of the weakest clears*** among all hunters. To put this in perspective, her clearing ability ( Suppress The Insolent) can just about kill the back archers of a minion wave instantly at max rank. (Note: this is prone to the build you're using, as well.)

- As mentioned, Artemis's power only shows later in the game. Because of her late game power, she is balanced out due to a very weak early game. Her early clear is very weak, her power is very limited and so is her CC and mobility.

*Mobility: The ability to move around an area, dictated in how far one can travel in a given timeframe.
**Squishy: Weak, soft. Not being able to sustain much from special conditions. (Damage, for example)
***Clear: The ability to clear an area. The faster one can clear an area, the better his/her clear potential.

Did you know?
Artemis received a base power buff. Due to this, her clearing ability Suppress The Insolent can just about clear the back archers of a minion wave. Before this buff, her clearing ability could not kill them immediately, which made her clear the worst among all hunters.


Skills / Abilities

Chapter Summary: Ability description, How-To, "Combos"

The key to learning any god is knowing what each ability actually does and knowing where the effectiveness of this ability comes into play. You won't be taking the stage by attempting to hit air with your waveclear ability. This chapter is devoted to explaining exactly that. Additionally, this chapter will also describe some possible combos that can be performed with Artemis' abilities.

Still Target

Ability uses

Description: Passive / Self / Buff

Still Target is Artemis's passive. It is automatically active at any given time, and applies a buff to Artemis herself.
  • Increased damage to targets affected by Crowd Control.
  • Increment of 15% against enemy gods.
  • Increment of 30% against enemy minions.
  • Applies to: self

This passive allows Artemis to deal increased damage to enemies affected by Crowd Control. Artemis has 3 CC effects built into her own kit, and can use CC effects applied by teammates, too. This makes Artemis an increased threat to anyone who is affected by CC, which will play in your favour. It's effectiveness is partially depending on your teammates, and also on how well you can apply your own CC.

Transgressor's Fate

Description: Active / Enemy / CC (root + cripple) / Damage

Artemis' first ability is Transgressor's Fate. This ability provides a root and cripple (CC)* and damage. When activating this ability, it is placed in the form of a "trap" on the ground. Do note that this ability does not affect minions.
Aside from being Artemis' main CC tool, it's a very good combo ability. It can be effectively used in a combo with Calydonian Boar as well as other forms of (hard) CC, provided by other gods.
  • Roots, cripples and damages enemies who trigger the trap.
  • Damage per tick: 25/40/55/70/85 base, + 30% of your Physical Power.
  • CC duration: 2s
  • Cost to cast: 45 mana
  • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10s base
  • Applies to: Enemies

This ability provides a decent amount of CC. However, the limitation of having maximum 3 traps up at a given time, the low damage, and the easy counter make this ability relatively weak and useless in most scenarios. If an enemy does walk in, however, they make for a nice and easy target for basic attacks. They're also vulnerable to your passive ability and/or other abilities. Be careful when placing this trap, as enemies who trigger it and take damage from it, will turn minion aggro** on you, regardless of where the trap was set off.

This ability's main usage is only the root. The damage is too low to justify leveling this ability early. Because of this, this ability will be leveled last.

Usage: How and when.

How to use:

Enemies don't like to be trapped. By placing this on the ground, you can zone* an enemy and force them to change their path. You could for example place this at the entrance of a jungle path to force enemies to walk around, use an ability to get over the traps, or trigger the trap before being able to pass.

Closing distance
A trapped enemy is an easy target. If the enemy got trapped in a trap you placed a while ago, you might even be able to trap them twice. If your enemy is trapped, take advantage and close the gap between you and him to attack him while he's immobilized!

Creating distance
Instead of closing the distance, you can also create some distance. While the enemy is trapped, if they don't have any CC immunity available they can't move, giving you some time to create distance between you and your enemy.

Saving or helping teammates
You cannot only close or create the distance for yourself. You can also do so for your teammates. This can help teammates escape or get a kill in some circumstances.

Detecting enemies from anywhere
This is a bit luck-based, but if you place a trap anywhere on the map and an enemy walks in, you'll be able to see the damage numbers pop up from anywhere on the map and be able to tell where the enemy is located. Very useful to avoid ganks** or warn teammates.

Another hint is by looking at Artemis as a character. If you're not in combat and Artemis suddenly goes into combat stance (bow straight, looking ready to fire), an enemy has most likely run into a trap of yours. Use this cue to look around and detect where the enemy is at!

When to use:

While running away
Whenever you're running away to escape an enemy. What a time to be alive! Simply place that trap of yours right under your feet and if the enemy isn't cautious enough they'll walk right into it!

During combat
When you're fighting an enemy, they won't just simply stand still. You can change that. Observe the enemy's movement and place a trap accordingly. The enemy, to busy attacking you, will walk right into it, making him an easy target for you.

When laning/farming
While you're laning/farming, it's a good time to place some traps around. Unsuspecting enemies may just walk straight into them. Also placing them in strategic positions (read above, "how to") should be done during this time.

Before recalling
While more useful in cropped up areas, such as Arena, this can be done in any gamemode, except Assault. When you want to recall, drop a trap before you do so. This isn't necessary if you already have 3 traps placed, however. When you're recalled, your trap can do all sorts of magical things. You may get a lucky kill or save a teammate with this trap without you realizing it!

Vengeful Assault

Description: Active / Self / Buff

Artemis' second ability is Vengeful Assault. This is the ability that helps Artemis a lot in the battlefield, due to the buffs it provides. When pressing this skill key, it is automatically activated for a short duration, applying the buffs immediately.
  • Grants you an attack speed and movement speed increasing buff.
  • Attack speed increase: 40/50/60/70/80%
  • Movement speed increase: 20%
  • Buff duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s
  • Cost to cast: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s base
  • Applies to: self

With this ability, you can allow yourself to chase/escape easier due to the movement speed, and deal high damage in a short time frame due to the high attack speed buff.

As this is Artemis' main boxing tool, by it being a great buff ability, it is high on the leveling list. However, since Artemis is fairly weak during the early game, and you should only start fighting enemy gods later in the game, you should not level this ability first, but prioritize it second.

Usage: How and when.

How to use:

Closing and creating distance
The speed boost that this ability provides will help you cover some distance a bit faster. This allows you to use it as a chase/"escape" tool. You won't win a marathon with it, but it's something.

Rapidly eliminate enemies
This ability is what makes Artemis so special: the insane attack speed. With this ability, you can near instantly erase an enemy who's a bit low on protections, granted you can land the shots.

Increased objective takedown
Pretty straightforward: more attack speed equals more attacks in a given time frame equals more damage in said time frame. This will help dealing more damage overall to objectives.

When to use:

While farming
Use this while clearing camps/minion waves to eliminate them faster. This reduces the risk of enemies swooping them from under your noses, and you'll have some extra time to do other things.

While fighting
Using this in a fight will allow you to eliminate your enemies faster, doing so before they eliminate you. That is, if you can hit your target.

While walking
Plain and simple. When you're walking towards any objective of yours, using this ability will allow you to reach the destination faster.

When attacking objectives
Vengeful Assault will help to take down objectives faster, so whenever you're putting some shots into a tower or phoenix, activate this ability if you can.

It is advised that, if you know that the enemy is on their way to you, that you save Vengeful Assault as a means of escape rather than burning it on the tower, unless you're certain you can destroy the tower with Vengeful Assault active.

Suppress the Insolent

Description: Active / Enemy / CC (slow) / Damage

Suppress The Insolent is Artemis' main ability. You'll be using this ability throughout the entire game. It is your clearing ability as well as poking*** ability. It does damage, and CC's the enemy in the form of a slow.
  • Damages and slows enemies. Also applies to minions.
  • Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 base, +60% of your Physical power
  • Slow: 25%
  • Slow duration: 2s
  • Cooldown: 10s base
  • Cost to cast: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

This ability is what you'll be using constantly. It is fairly costly for Artemis' low base mana pool in that regard, increasing the need for mana items. Its low damage also make it a relatively "bad" idea to count solely on your abilities as Artemis, though it's not impossible.

Artemis' main clear and poking ability. This has the greatest importance in your kit during general play, especially the early game, when you should take it safe and slow. By these rules, you should give this ability the highest priority and level it first.

Usage: How and when.

How to use:

Wave and camp clearing
Use this ability as your main wave clearing ability. Prioritize the archers of a minion wave. Hit any other targets with this ability as well, if possible. Can also be used to clear camps faster, just make sure to try and hit every camp enemy with this ability for the quickest takedown!

Poking the enemy.
Poke your enemy with this. It'll do a bit more than tickling though, it'll do actual damage. Damage that will hopefully force your enemy out of lane eventually. When your enemy is gone, that buys you some time to farm or do other things.

Slow down enemies, chase or escape potential
You can use Suppress The Insolent to slow down your enemy. This can help in both escape and chase scenarios, as the enemy will be slowed unless they have something to remove the slow.

A bit far-fetched, but you can actually use this ability for zoning out an enemy. Nobody likes to take damage, so using this ability can force an enemy to back off for a bit. Most usable in small pathways, such as the jungle paths. You can use this zoning advantage for all sorts of purposes, be it to separate an enemy from the pack, or making it a bit safer for yourself, there's a lot to be done with this, potentially.

Note: Don't rely on this to much for zoning potential. While it does work, some enemies may just prefer to take a hit and get to you, rather than moving out of the way and giving you some time to regain your footing.

When to use:

While laning/jungling
This ability should be used both during the laning phase as well as when you're jungling. Primarily used for clear, but can also be used for poke/zoning.

While chasing/escaping
The slow from this ability can help in both situations. Especially effective when combined with the speed boost from Vengeful Assault.

During combat
You should always use this ability while in combat, at any time is it up. When the ability gets off of Cooldown during combat, immediately cast it on your enemy.

Calydonian Boar

Description: Active (Ultimate) / Enemy / CC (stun) / Damage / CC immunity

Calydonian Boar deserves a spot as one of the best Ultimate abilities in the game. The utility this ability provide is insane, for an already fairly powerful hunter as Artemis. This ability has the highest damage from all abilities available to Artemis, but on top of that also stuns all the enemies it hits. Because of this, it's usable in a variety of ways.
  • Damages and stuns enemies, while granting Artemis CC immunity.
  • Damage: 150/225/300/375/450 base, + 100% of your Physical power.
  • Stun duration: 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5s
  • Boar lifetime: 6s
  • Cooldown: 90s base
  • Cost to cast: 80/90/100/110/120 mana

The stun is great for setting up kills for yourself or teammates. Since the boar acts as a pet, it can be used as mobile cover, aid in battle, etc.... There's a wide variety of ways to use this ability.

As this is an ultimate, you cannot level it whenever. It is a very powerful tool, and since each level increases its decent damage and stun duration, it's very important to level this ability. Therefore, you should level this ability whenever it's available.

Usage: How and when.

How to use:

Powerful CC tool
Enemy being a bit to much of a slippery snake, like the dreaded Medusa? No problem, for you have your trustworthy Calydonian Boar. Use this ability to stun your opponent and get some easy shots in.

Extended range
Calydonian Boar does damage. If an enemy is just out of range, but there's another enemy between you and the enemy that's out of range, using Calydonian Boar and letting him "chain" his dash may just end up having the enemy that's out of range get hit. Useful for securing kills on enemies who are just out of your range in such a scenario.

Escape / Chase tool
Pretty straight forward. The stun that this ability provides will allow you to catch up to or escape from enemies.

Note: This tool is way more reliable as an escape tool than a chase tool. While it is possible to use as a chase tool, it's a bit finicky. This is primarily due to the casting time of the ability. While chasing an enemy and casting Calydonian Boar, by the time the boar is actually able to move, the enemy may've already moved out of range, especially when they hear you cast it.

CC immunity tool
Ymir chasing you? 100% certain he'll freeze you when he gets to close? Enemy team waiting to annihilate you as soon as he does? No problem, for Calydonian Boar gives you a short CC-immunity effect. While not advised to spend such a powerful ult on this, it may just save your life, which is in any case better than death.

Split-Push Pro : Tower tanking
Admittedly you'll hardly ever see this done, but it is a possibility: Using Calydonian Boar to tank a few tower shots so you can safely (split-)push*** it. However, it's advised against it to use a powerful ultimate for such goals.

When to use:

Combat and/or teamfights
Use this ability during teamfights, or a 1 on 1 battle. The stuns will give you an incredible advantage, that even your team will probably profit highly from. Can also save your life should you get focused by 5 people, as this ultimate can stun all of them. And for the fans: the penta-kill potential with this ability is incredible.

During chases/escapes
Using this during a chase or escape is a viable strategy, as the stun allows you to catch up or run away much more easily.

Ability combos

Combo: Transgressor's fate + Basic attacks

This combo is pretty straightforward. Simply cast and drop Transgressor's Fate anywhere in your vicinity*. Once an enemy triggers the trap, proceed to engage the target with basic attacks while the target cannot move. This will not only allow you to do more and easy damage, it will also stack your passive, increasing your critical hit chance and increasing your damage output even more.

Estimated difficulty rating: MEDIUM.
Reasoning: This combo is flagged medium not because it's hard to pull off, but requires some luck to be on your side. This combo cannot be executed as long as the enemy does not run into your trap, or you're to far out of range when the trap is triggered.

Combo: Transgressor's fate + Basic attacks & Vengeful Assault

This combo is very identical to the first one, except that this time you will be combining Vengeful Assault with your basic attacks. Start the combo process as is described in the first combo by placing Transgressor's Fate anywhere in your vicinity. When an enemy triggers the trap and becomes rooted, activate Vengeful Assault and use basic attacks. The result will be identical to the first come, except that you'll attack faster and have more overall damage.

Estimated difficulty rating: MEDIUM.
Reasoning: This combo is flagged medium not because it's hard to pull off, but requires some luck to be on your side. This combo cannot be executed as long as the enemy does not run into your trap, or you're to far out of range when the trap is triggered.

Combo: Transgressor's fate + Basic attacks (& Vengeful Assault) + Suppress the Insolent (+ Basic attacks)

Expanding on previous combo(s), this combo is almost identical to the previous ones, but uses Suppress The Insolent as well, to increase the damage even more at the end of the combo. Also, due to the slow Suppress The Insolent provides, you can then engage with basic attacks even more for the time being, as the slow will make hitting them easier.

Estimated difficulty rating: MEDIUM.
Reasoning: This combo is flagged medium not because it's hard to pull off, but requires some luck to be on your side. This combo cannot be executed as long as the enemy does not run into your trap, or you're to far out of range when the trap is triggered.

Combo: Calydonian Boar + Any above combo

The title should explain this pretty well. Simply start by using Calydonian Boar. Approach your enemy, and drop Transgressor's Fate directly underneath them while they're stunned. From here, just continue the combo with one of the aforementioned ones.

Estimated difficulty rating: EASY.
Reasoning: This combo is flagged easy instead of medium. This is because once the enemy is stunned and immobilized it should not be hard to pull of any of the other combo's after it.

The Words (*)

*CC: Or Crowd Control, is your ability to, simply said, control a crowd. This would mean having the ability to force something/somebody or mutliple objects/people into doing something as you demand it.
**Aggro: Aggressiveness. "To pull Aggro": Making something/somebody aggressive towards you.
***Poke: To touch something/somebody gently. Usually done to cause a reaction. Mostly doesn't have any permanent/lethal consequences. In the context of SMITE this would be damaging enemies from a safe distance to force them to retreat.

*Vicinity: An area, an area around a certain location. "Your vicinity": the area around you.
*Zone / zoning: To zone something/somebody is to force them to take a certain path or to got to a certain area. A zone is a named area (e.g. "jungle" zone).
**Gank: Similar to "flanking". To attack an (unsuspecting) enemy from the side or back.
***Split-push: To push (an objective) from different angles, forcing potential enemies/defenders to split their defenses.

Did you know?
That Artemis' passive gives her a 15% damage buff to enemies affected by any form of CC? Thus, items that apply a CC effect are stronger on her than most other gods.

Builds & Individual items

Builds & Items

Chapter Summary: Builds, Items, User-Submitted builds

Artemis belongs to the hunter class. This class' nature is all about having the highest possible damage output. Defense items are rarely seen on this class, though they are sometimes bought in certain scenarios. Most builds for this class are pre-defined, as the hunter class and hunter gods work in ways that hardly allow room for much variation.

Note: Following builds are examples/suggestions. Therefore they should be treated as such. You're not obligated to follow them to the slightest detail. Experimenting is, in fact, strongly encouraged. It'd also be greatly appreciated if you could share your changes and experience with certain builds with the community, as it can only help us all.

Build examples
These builds are also listed at the top of the guide with added notes. It is vital you read these for the full understanding of these builds.

Build #1 - Primary ADC build
Build order is variable

Build #2 - Qin's Sais build example
Build order is variable

Build #3 - Recommended Assault build
Wind Demon +
Build order is variable

Individual items

Core items (Exception: Assault)

Leather Cowl is a starter item that can be upgraded to Hunter's Cowl at level 20.

Leather Cowl is probably the best starter item for Artemis, followed closely by Death's Toll if that's your preference. Leather Cowl provides 15 physical power, 10% physical lifesteal and 5% attack speed, along with a very good passive that'll help Artemis in lane both early and late game.

Passive: Gain 10% additional attack speed when near an allied god. When alone, gain 5% movement speed instead.
This will pretty much give you 15% total attack speed when you're laning together with your support. This will not only help with clearing minion waves, it'll also help with early boxing if the enemy duo is being particularly aggressive. When your support rotates, you will have 5% extra movement speed instead which, while not a lot, is always useful.

Combining Leather Cowl with Spiked Gauntlet will give you a total of 20 physical power and 17% physical lifesteal in the very early game! Note that lifesteal is affected by the 30% global antiheal when you haven't damaged an enemy god recently!

Hunter's Cowl is the straight improvement of Leather Cowl. It simply does the same thing, but with better numbers. This upgrade gives you 60 Physical power (up from 15), 15% lifesteal (up from 10%), and 20% attack speed (up from 5%). The passive is also improved, giving you a bonus 25% attack speed (instead of 10%) when near an ally, or 10% movement speed (instead of 5%) when alone!
Ninja Tabi is just the type of shoes that complement Artemis' playstyle. She can still benefit a lot from Warrior Tabi, however. Your choice of shoes comes down to personal preference.
My preference goes out to Ninja Tabi, for the attack speed boost it provides, as this works better with her Vengeful Assault throughout the early to mid game, and pairs well with Leather Cowl statwise.

With Ninja Tabi and Leather Cowl, you could have up to 40% added attack speed by the time you just got boots!

Aside from 25% attack speed, Ninja Tabi adds 20 physical power, 18% movement speed and 100 mana.
Difference with Warrior Tabi: Less physical power (-20), more attack speed (+25%).

Since the addition of Elixir of Speed, you may swap your boots in the late game for another item + the elixir, should you so desire to do so and have enough gold to spare.
This is your core item with the Devo's build. Devourer's Gauntlet is a very strong lifesteal item. The power it provides needs to be stacked in order to reach full potential, which is why you should buy it early. The power and good amount of lifesteal will help you sustain in lane, and increase your chances of survival during fights against enemy gods.

When fully stacked, the item will be providing these stats:
  • 65 Physical power, up from 30. (+35)
  • 29% Physical lifesteal, up from 15%. (+14%)

Alternative starter items

Death's Toll - This item will provide you with some early and lategame sustain. However, aside from some sustain, it doesn't provide much else early game. Its upgrades are both useful, each serving their own purpose:
  • Death's Embrace - Simply the improved version of Death's Toll. More power, more health, and more health and mana restored.

  • Death's Temper - The more aggressive / offensive oriented upgrade of Death's Toll. This upgrade loses the sustain, but instead provides more power and health, a large amount of attack speed, and a passive that can boost your basic attack damage up to 35%. Downside is that it needs to be stacked. This item would see most potential in a teamfight, after 2 enemy gods have died, provided you were close enough, the item will be fully stacked.
Ornate Arrow - This item is a bit of a double-edged starter. You'll deal more damage with your basic attacks, and its passive can make you earn gold faster and give you some attack speed to get more shots in, faster. The downside is that the marked enemy might tempt you into a dangerous position, or be simply unreachable otherwise, and you need to get the killing blow, so if your support gets the last hit (by accident or not), or your jungler came in for a gank and killed the marked minion, you won't benefit from this passive. Additionally, this item provides no sustain. You'll be relying on the bonus gold to buy more potions.
  • Diamond Arrow - The Gilded Arrow upgrade for attack speed / Silverbranch Bow builds. It doesn't bring a lot but the stats it does bring are strong. 80 additional basic attack damage, some health and up to 60% additional attack speed. This needs to be stacked, however, requiring you to kill 3 enemy targets (minions) first, or 1 enemy god, before it reaches its full potential. You also gain some extra gold every time you earn a stack.

  • Ornate Arrow - The lategame hypercarry "I've got a lot of gold and you'll know it" item. While the item stops providing you with bonus gold, and has less basic attack damage bonus than Diamond Arrow (60 instead of 80), it does bring slightly more health, and can boost your crit chance by 20% and attack speed by 25% when fully stacked. You gain stacks by carrying gold: 1 stack per 100 gold, up to 25 stacks at 2500 gold. Strong lategame when you have bought everything you need, but otherwise a more niche item.

Situational / Non-core items - Offensive

Warrior Tabi acts as a replacement for Ninja Tabi if you chose this over the other. Both options work fairly well for her. Pick this up instead of Ninja if you prefer Warrior instead.

Compared to Ninja Tabi:
  • More Physical power (40 instead of 20).
  • Less attack speed (0% instead of 25%).
Bloodforge is a luxury item. It's pretty expensive, but it also comes with some nice benefits. When playing Assault, you buy Bloodforge straight from the start for this very reason. In any other mode, you buy Devourer's Gauntlet first (due to it being a lot cheaper), and replace it for Bloodforge afterwards if you want.

Compared to a fully stacked Devourer's Gauntlet:
  • More Physical power (80 instead of 65).
  • Less Physical lifesteal (15% instead of 29%).
Asi is a strong lifesteal item that can be bought in attack speed oriented builds, or if you need lifesteal asap but don't want / are too late into the game to stack Devourer's Gauntlet and don't have enough gold for Bloodforge. It can also be bought if you need lifesteal combined with all the other stats it provides.

Compared to a fully stacked Devourer's Gauntlet:
  • Less Physical power (20 instead of 65).
  • Less Physical lifesteal (20% instead of 29%).
    • When Asi's passive is active: More Physical lifesteal (50% instead of 29%).

  • More attack speed (25% instead of 0%).
  • More Physical penetration (15 instead of 0).
This item is one that complement high attack speed gods/builds, or those who have a short progression chain ( Kali, for example). Since Artemis has an insane attack speed steroid, it being 80%, this item will still show a lot of benefit when built with her. For the most part, it's a pretty standard item, providing some power and attack speed.

However, there's the passive, and that is what makes Qin's Sais, Qin's Sais.
The passive makes you deal a scaling percentage of your enemies' health points (scaling from 3 to 5%, depending on the target's maximum amount of HP), regardless of protections. If you're facing enemy gods who still seem to be a tower of indestructible force even though you've bought The Executioner and/or Dominance, pick Qin's Sais up.
The Executioner is a strong protection shred item that will temporarily remove the Phyisical protections of the enemy you hit with it.

The downside to The Executioner is that it needs to be stacked in order to reach its full potential. You apply one stack of The Executioner on a target for each basic attack you land on it, providing 7% protection reduction per stack, up to 28% at max stacks (4).

Stacks are also per target, so if you switch targets, you'll need to apply the stacks again. Luckily, Artemis has the ability to land a lot of shots quickly, and can somewhat make up for the first few hits dealing lower damage thanks to her passive if the target is affected by CC ( Suppress The Insolent will work for this purpose).
A strong item that brings a variety of stats to the table. Featuring high Physical power, some mana, a good amount of MP5 and a hefty amount of Physical penetration, this is definitely a good item choice.

Compared to The Executioner:
  • Higher Physical power (55 instead of 35).
  • More mana (200 instead of 0).
  • More MP5 (20 instead of 0).
  • Less attack speed (0% instead of 25%).

    • When The Executioner has 0-2 stacks: More Physical protection mitigation (10% - 20% instead of 0% - 14%).
    • When The Executioner has 3-4 stacks: Less Physical protection mitigation (10% - 20% instead of 21% - 28%).

  • Note: Dominance only has 20% Physical penetration on basic attacks. Abilities only benefit from 10% Physical penetration.
wind demon
Wind demon is Poisoned Star's cousin, though it does almost the exact opposite. Instead of applying debuffs to your enemy, it applies buffs to you. It is an item that fits Artemis pretty well, though you have to be a bit wary when buying this item, as you may overcap attack speed.

If you do decide to purchase this item, it will give you more critical hit chance, and attack and movement speed.

Compared to Poisoned Star:
  • Less Physical power (25 instead of 35).
  • More attack speed (15% instead of 10%).
    • When Wind Demon's passive is active: More attack speed (35% instead of 10%).

  • More critical strike chance (20% instead of 15%).
  • When Wind Demon's passive is active:
    • More movement speed: 20% instead of 0%.
    • More physical penetration: 10% instead of 0%.
If you're going with critical hits, Deathbringer is almost a staple in your build. It provides Physical Power and increased Critical Hit chance, but will also increase the damage of your critical hits by 30%, and as such, is a strong pick in critical builds. However, one can replace is with another critical hit item if they want or need it.
Fail-Not is another crit item that isn't seen all that often (from personal experience), but synergises extremely well with your ultimate, Calydonian Boar. Upon casting your ultimate, you and your allies will have 20% increased critical strike chance against the first enemy you hit. This can be lethal for the enemy that's now left stunned by your ultimate as you and your allies crit them to death!

On top of that, this item has some good base stats. It adds 40 Physical power, 10% Physical penetration, 20% Cooldown reduction and 10% critical strike chance.

Note: Due to its low base critical strike chance, it is recommended that you pair it with either Rage or at least 2 other items that provide Critical Strike Chance. While it can achieve 30% Crit chance on its own, this only happens once per target, per ultimate cast, making it too unreliable as a standalone crit item or with only 1 other crit item that isn't Rage.
Poisoned Star is another critical hit item. It applies debuffs to the enemy upon landing a critical hit. It will slow them down and decrease their damage output by 15%, making this a great boxing** tool.

This item works extremely well with Artemis' passive, and is therefore highly recommended. The slowdown is CC, which will activate your passive and increase your damage by an additional 15%.
An "evolving" item, Rage sets you up with some power and 30% critical strike chance from the start. However, as you gain kills, the item will "evolve", increasing your critical hit chance with each kill you gain.

For every kill you get, Rage will get a stack, increasing your critical strike chance by 3% each stack. Max. 5 stacks. The total amount of critical strike chance is 45% after stacking, which is a lot. Recommended in case you find 40% from 2 critical hit items to be too low for your preference.
Shadowsteel Shuriken is a critical hit item with an anti-heal passive. It's a crazy combo but it's just about crazy enough to work! This item is a great pickup if you're going for a critical build while facing a team whose heals are giving you trouble!

Unfortunately, if you consider this item, you must have at least one other crit item for it to be worth it, otherwise the critical hit chance will be too low to reliably counter healing.

Aside from critical hit chance and the anti-heal passive, it also has some attack speed and Physical power.
Toxic Blade is an alternative anti-heal option if you're not building for critical hits. (If you are, see Shadowsteel Shuriken instead). Toxic Blade applies anti-heal upon hitting basic attacks.

The anti-heal needs to be stacked, stacking up to 2 times and reduces the enemy's healing by 17.5% per stack, for a total of 35% anti-heal when both stacks are applied. A stack lasts for 6 seconds, and can only be applied through basic attacks, not abilities.

It also brings the benefit of more health and attack speed, which will also help in combat, as well as movement speed which can help during escapes or chases. On top of that, the item also holds a flat 15 penetration. This would make this a valuable item to buy as an alternative option during the early to mid game in case a healer is bothering you.

The downside of this item is that, aside from the penetration and attack speed, it doesn't provide much benefit to your offensive capabilities (no power).
Brawler's Beat Stick is another anti-heal option. This item brings some good offensive stats through a decent amount of Physical power and some flat penetration. As opposed to having anti-heal applied through basic attacks though, both normal or critical, this item only applies anti-heal through abilities. Suppress The Insolent is good for this. The anti-heal has an effectiveness of 35%, equal to Shadowsteel Shuriken and Toxic Blade.
While not exactly the best item to pick, Runeforged Hammer still pairs well with Artemis. This particularly because the item's passive functions identically to yours, meaning that the enemies will take additional damage from your passive and the item as long as they're affected by CC (excluding Knockbacks, Blinds and Grabs)! It also adds a good chunk of Physical power and health, which will be helpful when boxing with the enemy.
Apparently a controversial choice, but a choice that'll work nonetheless. Hydra's Lament brings some Physical power, Cooldown reduction and MP5 with it upon purchase, as well as a strong passive that you can utilise multiple times in combat.

Whenever you cast an ability, your next following basic attack will do 40% extra damage. This'll make an incredibly noticeable difference if you can weave a basic attack through all the abilities you would and should be casting in combat.

A slightly less useful, but still helpful, additional passive is that this item will increase your MP5 based on your missing mana.
Odysseus' Bow is the pinnacle of attack speed items.
Sporting a whopping 40% attack speed, this item will boost your arrow-rate by a ton. Additionally, it has a lightning chaining effect that activates on every fourth basic attack.
This lightning hits your target and 4 nearby enemies for 15 damage, +60% of your physical power. A good fit in lots of builds, but be careful not to exceed the attack speed cap by too much if you're not going Silverbranch Bow.
Ichaival is an item that fits well in attack speed builds such as a Qin's Sais or Silverbranch Bow build. It'll bump your Physical power up by 30 and your attack speed by 30% upon purchase.

When boxing an enemy, for each hit (basic attack only) you land, you gain a buff and the enemy you hit a debuff. This buff gives you an additional 15 Physical power and the debuff will lower the enemy's attack speed by 10%.

This (de)buff can stack up to 3 times, giving you 45 Physical power at max stacks and lowers the enemy's attack speed by up to 30%. Stacks last for 5 seconds. Additional hits refresh the duration.
Silverbranch Bow is the item to get if you want to go all out attack speed. If you built a lot of items that add attack speed from this list, chances are you'll overcap attack speed, especially with Vengeful Assault active. In this case, it's a great idea to pick this item up too.

Adding another 30% attack speed, 30 Physical power and 10 flat penetration through its base stats, this is already a good item in and of itsself. With that comes a simple but potentially very powerful passive as well:

For each 0.02 attack speed you go over cap, you gain 2 Physical power. This'll work extremely well when you consider all the attack speed items you might have, combined with your Vengeful Assault!

Consumables and relics

Wards is something very important. It can and will save your life if you warded on the right spots, preventing ganks. As Artemis, you have no escape, so any gank that is attempted on you may prove fatal.

Should you be in need of wards (e.g. high enemy jungler activity near your lane), then you should buy these. If the enemy jungler, or nobody on the enemy team for that matter, makes for any danger of sudden ganks, there is no immediate need to buy these and would be better off buying potions for sustain. Wards are also a good option to gain vision over important objectives, such as the Fire Giant and Gold Fury, so when the game reaches a point that these objectives become more relevant, usually mid game (Gold Fury) and late game (Fire Giant), consider buying some Wards and place them there.
Sentry Wards are almost identical to Wards, with only 3 differences. 2 of these is that you can only carry one at a time, instead of 2 with the default Ward, and that they cost a bit more.

You do, however, have the added bonus of being capable to find enemy wards with this. If you see an enemy ward being placed (upon enemy ward placement, if you're looking at it you can see the ward appear for a split second), use the Sentry Ward on that location and destroy it. This will make the passage a lot safer to pass through, since the enemy won't be able to see you, and if the enemy is unsuspecting of your actions, you may have just opened a backdoor, perfect for your assassin to go for a gank.
Healing Potions are potions that will heal you over time when consumed. They heal 250 HP over 25 seconds, meaning 10 HP per second. You'll need these to heal back up from enemy poking, any minion damage you may receive, and any battles you get yourself into. Use these to stay in lane longer, as you will need as much farm as you can get, especially when playing Artemis, since you only start to become really strong when you get your items online. Mana Potions are the mana counterpart of the Healing Potion. It regenerates mana instead of health, for a total of 150 mana over 25 seconds, meaning 6 mana per second. You buy these for the same reason as you buy Healing Potions: sustain, with the ultimate goal of being capable of staying in lane as long as possible and get as much farm as possible.
Chalice of Healing is the chalice form of the Healing Potion. It heals for the same amount as the Healing Potion. The chalice only allows 3 uses per time, before you have to recall to the fountain, which is the limiting factor, since you can have up to 5 Healing Potions. You do, however, get infinite chalice uses once you've purchased it, since it'll refill for free every time you leave the fountain. The initial cost is higher, having the same cost as 6 Healing Potions, but in the long run this will save you a lot of gold since you don't have to re-buy Healing Potions every time. Chalice of Mana is the chalice form of the Mana Potion. It heals for the same amount as the Mana Potion. The chalice only allows 3 uses per time, before you have to recall to the fountain, which is the limiting factor, since you can have up to 5 Mana Potions. You do, however, get infinite chalice uses once you've purchased it, since it'll refill for free every time you leave the fountain. The initial cost is higher, having the same cost as 6 Mana Potions, but in the long run this will save you a lot of gold since you don't have to re-buy Mana Potions every time.
Purification Beads is an item that you should always attempt to get when playing Artemis, depending on the enemy team. If the enemy has almost no CC or no CC at all, or you do not feel like you'll need it (feeling lucky?), consider grabbing an alternate relic instead.

The upgraded version of this relic decreases its cooldown.
Aegis Amulet is a relic that will always be useful. It will make you invulnerable to damage for 2 seconds. It isn't stated, but it also cleanses any soft CC effects you may have on you at the moment you activate this relic, such as a slow.

The upgraded version of this relic decreases the cooldown.
This is the formerly called "Sprint". It gives a 20% increased movement speed to you and allies near you. This is a good option to attempt escapes, but is most effective when combined with Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet, since it doesn't make you CC immune. It does, however, give immunity to slows for the duration.

You should not grab this relic unless nobody else on your team has it and Purification Beads isn't a necessity for you. If anybody else has this relic, or you need Purification Beads more, get Purification Beads instead.

The upgraded version of this relic gives you a Fatalis effect while it is active.
Horrific Emblem is the more offense oriented cousin of Heavenly Wings.

Instead of applying buffs to you and your allies, it applies debuffs to your enemies. When used, all enemies within range will be slowed by 30% and their attack speed will be reduced by 15%. It has a cooldown of 120 seconds.

These debuffs make it an incredibly strong relic to use in all sorts of situations, both for combat, chasing and sticking to an enemy, or even escaping. The downside is that enemies can cleanse this with CC immunity abilities or Purification Beads.

The upgraded version of this relic reduces the attack speed from affected enemies by 25% instead of 15%, and additionally reduces the damage they deal by 15%, increasing its combat potential even more.
Belt of Frenzy is a relic that any god that deals damage can pick up to amplify that damage even more. It is especially useful when used during a teamfight, as it can strengthen all allies and turn the tide of battle in an instant (or amplify it in case you were already winning the fight).

Activating this relic will give you and your allies in range a 10% damage boost and a 15% attack speed buff for 5 seconds. Its upgraded version increases the duration to 8 seconds and additionally adds 10 penetration to all gods affected.

User submitted builds

Note: These are builds submitted by other users. They may or may not work entirely. Read the added notes for more information. If you want your own build to be shown here as well, feel free to leave it in the comments or PM me your build. Build "results" would also be appreciated to shape an idea of your build's capabilities. You can find user submitted builds at the top of the guide!

*CDR : Cool Down Reduction in full, this lowers the time it takes for your abilities to cool down, allowing them to be used more often.
**boxing : A 1 on 1 battle.
***DoT : Damage over Time in full, this indicates that something will spread a set value of damage over multiple seconds, minutes or hours, but usually seconds.
****CCR : Crowd Control Reduction in full, this lowers the duration of Crowd Control (CC) effects on you. This does not affect all forms of CC (examples: Knock-ups, Ymir's Ice Wall).

Did you know?
Artemis is one of the few hunters who can over-cap on attack speed. This is due to her Vengeful Assault, which already gives her an 80% attack speed boost at max rank. Be careful with your items!

Gameplay - Tips & goals: how to play

Gameplay - How to play

Chapter Summary: Gameplay - Early, Starting Process, Gameplay - Mid, Gameplay - Late, Warding

Each and every God has a specific role in the game. The roles are "Solo - Warrior", "Mid - Mage", "Jungle - Assassin", "Support - Guardian", "(Attack Damage) Carry [ADC] - Hunter". These are the most common role-type associations, but may sometimes vary. (e.g. Ymir (guardian) as jungle.) As the ADC, because Artemis is classified as a hunter, you have the main goal of carrying your team, as well as some other goals throughout the games. Let's go over all of these and teach you what to do, when to do and how to do it in the most efficient way, when playing Artemis, throughout your games.

Early Game

Early game summary
Farming: Yes
Objectives: Limited
Rotations: No
Jungling: Limited
Level: 1-9

Early game tips


During the early game, farming is your one and only priority. You should be doing nothing else but farming. You can occasionally enter the jungle, with the ultimate goal of clearing a camp and getting even more farm only. During the farming lane, it's also advised to apply poke damage with Suppress The Insolent as much as possible to force your enemy away and make it easier on yourself. Note: ONLY use Suppress The Insolent as poke when you have just cleared a minion wave. This to ensure that Suppress The Insolent is off of CD when the next minion wave arrives and that you don't take minion aggro. Focus minion waves mainly, and apply the poke damage only if possible without sacrificing minion damage, because your farm is still the most important.


During the early game, you have only a few objectives yet. The only objectives you have at this point are clearing buff camps to help your team (e.g. damage buff for mid), contesting or securing Large Scorpion and/or Oracle harpies with your support and jungler, and getting as much farm as possible. Other than that, you have no other obligations besides the obvious "stay alive".


None. Do not leave your lane at all unless it's to clear a quick jungle camp. At this point you are not strong enough to even think about potentially letting a minion wave get soaked up by your tower. You need all the farm you can get because at this point in the game you're still a very weak character. Stay in your lane!


You should avoid entering the jungle as much as possible. Not only do you leave your lane when you enter it, you also run a higher risk of getting caught out by sudden enemy movements onto your position, and have a greater chance of dying. Your only times you enter the jungle should be limited to clearing damage or "protection reduction" buff for your mid or yourself/support, and to clear the Large Harpy at the middle of the lane in case you managed to push the enemy duo out. Other than that, avoid the jungle at all cost.

Starting process

  1. Start at the red / damage buff (1), together with your midlaner. Your support will most likely start at purple buff and begin clearing that alone. The support may sometimes start with you and your midlaner at damage buff as well. Do not take the buff after clearing the camp, the damage buff is for your midlaner.

    Note: The duo lane is always on the side of the purple buff camp, regardless of what side you start on. Any map images in this guide show the map as starting on the Order side (duo lane on the left), but you may start on the Chaos side too (duo lane on the right). It's up to you to interpret the data shown on these images depending on the side you started on (mirror image).

  2. After clearing the damage camp, move towards the void / protection reduction buff (2), where your support will already have begun clearing it if they started there. Assist your support in clearing the camp. Typically, it'll be you (the ADC) who takes this buff, but if the support picks it up, that's fine too.

  3. When the camp is cleared, head to lane (3) and begin the laning phase. If done correctly, you should hit level 2 as soon as the (remainder of the) first wave is cleared. From this point forward, simply continue clearing minion waves and attempt to poke the enemy ADC and/or support whenever possible. Refer to the tips above, try to avoid minion aggro as much as possible.

  4. If you've managed to push the enemy duo under tower, you and your support can attempt to clear the large harpy in the middle of the lane (4) for some bonus XP and gold. This will help you build a lead over your enemy. If you are the one being pushed under tower, your enemy may go for it instead. If possible, after you just cleared the minion wave, try to steal it if you can. Be careful though, assess the situation and only attempt to do so if you have good odds of stealing it, and more importantly, getting back to lane/tower safely afterwards.

  5. If you've cleared the wave and have some spare time, you may opt to clear the Large scorpion on your side of the lane (5), or if you've pushed the enemy duo under tower, even the Large scorpion on their side of the lane. Killing these provide XP and gold.

    Note: The Large scorpions have a DbnO state (Down but not Out). After depleting their HP, they will fall down with 3 hitpoints left. This is similar to Kumbhakarna's passive. While they're in this state, the scorpions provide a healing aura around them. If you and/or your support are injured, use this aura to heal back some of that lost HP. If the scorpions get hit 3 more times during this state, they will die immediately. After some time, the scorpions will get back up with a small portion of their health restored. Depleting their health now will kill them instantly and provide their XP and gold.

  6. If the enemy is attempting to clear the Oracles (6) or the Large Scorpion Boss (7), if your jungler and/or midlaner are contesting it, you may consider helping out. Only do so after you just cleared a minion wave, though. It's too early to lose an entire wave to tower/minions.

Mid Game

Mid game summary
Farming: Yes
Objectives: Limited
Rotations: Limited
Jungling: Limited
Level: 10-15


During the midgame, you should still prioritize farming over anything else. However, by this point you're a little stronger which grants you a bit more freedom on what you are allowed and what you're not allowed to do. Still, try to stick to your own lane as much as possible, and get as much farm as you can get to attempt to reach your own lategame as soon as possible.

Teamfights will also start to occur during this time. If this is the case, you should attempt to aid your team during these battles. Clear the next upcoming wave of minions first, to ensure your own farm stays on par or better than the enemy ADC. After you cleared the wave, immediately make your way over to the teamfight location and assist your team. Do not stand at the frontline, that's where the support will go, and neither on the backline, that's where your warrior will go to fight off any enemy jungler gank attempts. Stick in the middle together with your mage and damage and kill off the enemy team from a distance.


You have acquired some new objectives at this point. Though very limited, you should attempt to strive for these objectives to weaken your enemy. The objectives from the early game still apply, and you've acquired 2 new ones:
  • Attempt to take T1 tower (first tower in lane). Do not get greedy, your life is more important!
  • Secure oracles, prevent the enemy from gaining vision over the Gold Fury. Only do so when your path is safe, the jungle is still very dangerous!
  • Secure Gold Fury if possible with your team.
  • Secure Large Scorpions if not already done to empower your buff camps.

Follow these objectives, but remember that your farm and your life still take priority in any case!


Limit this as much as possible. At this point you're allowed to do rotations only from ADC lane to mid lane and back. You should only do this under following conditions:
  • Your lane is "safe", meaning you have pushed enemy ADC and/or support back.
  • Middle lane is in need of assistance. Then and only then should you attempt to make an intervention in middle lane.
  • The enemy jungler is nowhere nearby. You should be 100% certain about this. If the enemy jungler catches you isolated on your way from ADC to mid, you are an easy target.

If all these conditions are met, you are allowed to rotate to middle lane and provide assistance. Return as fast as possible to ADC lane, however. Your farm and life still take top priority!


Keep jungling limited to the same limits as in the early game. You're only allowed to extend your jungle path up to mid harpies' camp and the Gold Fury's oracles. Do not move past that point in the jungle.

Late Game

Late game summary
Farming: Yes & No
Objectives: Yes
Rotations: Yes
Jungling: Yes
Level: 16-20+


You should still prioritize farming up to level 20 and until you have full build. After this, farm does not matter for you anymore. Leave the minion farm for another teammate, probably your support, to catch up if they need it. After this point, you should still kill minions to push lanes or to prevent the enemy from taking your towers, but don't need to farm actively anymore.

At this point, teamfights will also happen. Participate in each and every one of these, your team needs you there, just like when a teamfight would happen during midgame. Do not stand at the frontline, that's where the support will go, and neither on the backline, that's where your warrior will go to fight off any enemy jungler gank attempts. Stick in the middle together with your mage and damage and kill off the enemy team from a distance.


Everything becomes your objective now, you're the carry after all. You have a lot of objectives at this point, some which you can attempt to do alone, others which you will most likely require your team's aid for. Here's the list of objectives:
  • Secure Oracle & Gold Fury, if not already done.
  • Secure Pyromancer and Fire Giant.
  • Push your lane and aid in the pushes of other lanes.
  • Kill as many enemies as you can. The more you wipe the enemy team, the better. Don't get too greedy though, you're still a hunter, and that means you're still squishy.
  • Defeat the enemy titan.

The ultimate goal is to defeat the enemy titan. The lane pushing is a requirement to do so. (Titan is invulnerable as long as all Phoenixes are still standing.) The other objectives, such as Fire Giant, Gold Fury and killing, are only means to help you achieving your ultimate goal, they'll make the job a lot easier.


Yes, yes and yes. At this point, you become a second jungler. You should attempt to assist in each and every other lane that is in need of help, or that needs to be pushed. Do be careful not to get caught out alone, however, make sure there's always somebody with you, preferably your support.


Very much so. You can now roam the jungle anywhere, and attempt to defeat any camp you wish. Stick with a teammate, however, preferably support, to aid you should you get caught off-guard. When attempting to take a higher objective, such as Gold Fury or Fire Giant, ensure that the area is clear and your teammates are nearby to assist you.

You can enter enemy jungle territory (towards the enemy titan's side), but be extra careful and always have an escape plan at the ready should things go a bit sideways.


Defensive warding

If you and your support are being pushed back by a stronger / more aggressive duo, or because of a lot of enemy ganks, these are the places to ward to secure your location around your tower.

Defending T1 tower

When pushed under T1 Tower, the gold numbers are the ward locations to place wards. This will provide vision over any entry point towards your lane near your T1 tower while giving you enough time to prepare for the incoming enemies.

Note: These numbers simply indicate locations to ward. They are not indicative of priority. Every location is of equal importance if you want full coverage of any entry point the enemy might have to your lane.

Defending T2 tower

If your T1 tower was destroyed, and you're now defending the T2, your ward locations should be adjusted accordingly. You will now place wards in the locations indicated by the red numbers.

Defending Phoenix

If both your towers have fallen, and you're on the last line of defense before your Titan, at the Phoenix, you will place a Ward on the location as indicated by the blue number.

Offensive warding

If you're pushing the enemy duo out and are pushing the duo lane, these are the locations you should ward depending on what tower you're attempting to take. Remember that attacking is a lot more dangerous than defending, as you're further away from friendly towers. This makes warding that much more important.

Attacking T1 tower

When attacking the enemy T1 tower, you should have wards placed at the locations indicated by the gold numbers. This will provide near full coverage of all entry points the enemy can take into your lane. The only exception is when the enemy enters from below your damage buff. However, this would require the enemy to walk an incredibly large distance to avoid all your wards and they are unlikely to be taking this path if you're pushing up to their T1 tower (they will likely be approaching north from Gold Fury's location (2, 3) or just south of Gold Fury (1) if the enemy midlaner has pushed up to your midlaner's T1.

Attacking T2 tower

When attacking the enemy T2 tower, you should have wards placed at locations indicated by the blue numbers. This will provide full coverage of any jungle entrance the enemy might attempt to take to get to you, and should give you enough time to fall back to a safer location or otherwise come up with an escape plan.

An enemy may still attempt to come up behind you through your lane. They will most likely be visible through minions, but you won't have the audible warning that wards give you, so keep an eye on the minimap.

Clarification: The ward location of number 2 is the same as that of 2.

Attacking Phoenix

When attacking the enemy Phoenix, you should have wards placed at locations indicated by the red numbers. This will give you vision over most of the entry points the enemy might attempt to take to get to you. The only location not warded here is the path directly to the right of the Phoenix, between duo and mid lane. However, you or your support should have vision over this yourselves, as you can see the path (no obstacles blocking it). However, if preferred, you may move ward 3 to this path instead, at the cost of a delayed warning if an enemy decides to push up from that location (you'll only be notified at 4).

Clarification: The ward location of number 1 is the same as that of 3. If you feel safer in doing so, you can also place 1 at the location of 2 instead. This'll give you an earlier warning if an enemy passes through this path. However, this'll leave you vulnerable to ganks from the 1 -> 1 path.

The ward location of number 2 is the same as that of 3.

The ward location of number 4 is the same as that of 4.

This would be how to behave during a game in general. Remember that things will vary depending on game to game, but this is what you should generally strive for while playing to ensure best results. Remember that whatever action you attempt during the game, you always have 3 major objectives, that you should strive for at all costs. Fail at either of these and you're at a guaranteed loss, unless the carry be carried:
  • Get max level and full build as fast as possible!
  • Stay alive as much as possible, no matter what. Even if things look dark, never just stand around thinking "oh I'm pretty much dead anyway", ALWAYS attempt to survive, no matter the conditions.
  • Defeat the enemy titan as fast as possible. Sure, if you're beating the enemy it may sound like fun to "drag it out" and kill them more, but if the enemies finally catch up that plan may quickly turn against you.

And as an extra: never give up. In SMITE, wonders do happen.



Chapter Summary: Summary of the entire guide

So by now you should know how to play Artemis along great lines. I do want you to remember that this is a guide, and as such is only meant as a helping tool and should be treated as such. You are in no way obliged to follow this guide, use this guide's build, or listen to anything I've written down in this guide, you're free to do as you desire in that regard. As for now, let's quickly summarize what we've gone over:

  • Artemis' pros & cons
    • Weak early game, but strong late game due to the hunter class' nature.
    • Great ultimate with a lot of perks. Abilities are very flexible and can be used in a variety of ways.
    • No escape moves make this god tricky to play for newer players who tend to get into trouble more easily.
  • Artemis' abilities
    • Can be used in a variety of ways.
    • Good amount of CC available in her kit, but some of it is tricky to master and use effectively ( Transgressor's Fate).
    • No escape ability, but some abilities can be used as a "make-shift escape". (Not really an escape but can aid very well in escaping)
    • Lots of utility, and less focused on damage.
  • Artemis' item selection
    • Benefits a lot from attack speed, crit, power and penetration.
    • Very reliant on items. Items chosen in the game will shape her to what she will be at the end of the game.
  • Artemis' social life
    • Very late game focused, making her weak against gods who have a strong early game.
    • Will get bullied by gods with great (early) clear.
    • Her utility can give her an upper-hand against almost any type of god, provided said god does not counter the utility provided by Artemis's kit.
  • Artemis' style, that's the style!
    • Plays like most other hunters.
    • Safe early game, aggressive late game.
    • Limited due to no real escape ability.

This will mark the end of all relevant information in this guide. You can continue scrolling down, where you'll find Artemis's lore, her base stats and the changelog to this guide. This information is mostly irrelevant to the common reader however, and will most likely be used for those who want to read more about Artemis, experiment with Artemis stats a bit more, or those who want to keep up with this guide's status with ease.

Thank you for reading my guide! I hope you learned a lot from it, and that you enjoyed reading it. Feedback would be very much appreciated. This guide is a work in progress, as it should always be. Thanks, and goodbye!

Artemis' Lore, base stats & Changelog

Lore, Stats, Guide changelog

Chapter Summary: God lore, God base stats, Detailed changelog


"Armed with a magical bow, Artemis is the unrivaled Goddess of the Hunt!

Daughter of Zeus and Leta, Artemis and her twin brother Apollo are products of Zeus’ infidelity to his wife Hera. Insulted, Hera cursed Leta while she was pregnant, forbidding her to give birth on land or sea. Fortunately, she found an island that did not touch the ocean floor, so it was neither land nor sea, and thus bore her children. Artemis was born first, then miraculously aided as midwife in the birthing of her brother.

Artemis spent her childhood in the hills and forests, training with her bow and hunting beasts. As she grew older and more beautiful, she also grew proud and ruthless when slighted or dishonored, especially against those that claimed to be better hunters than she. Adonis boasted this very thing and Artemis sent a wild boar to skewer him. The twin demigods Otos and Ephialtes, who could not be killed except by each other, threatened to kidnap Artemis and force her to marry one of them, but were tricked when Artemis, appearing as a doe, dashed between them. As they thrust with their spears they impaled each other. Finally, Actaeon, after peeping at Artemis while she bathed, was transformed into a stag and devoured by his own hunting dogs. Such is the wrath of Artemis.

Her name is invoked by hunters seeking prey and by midwives during childbirth. Sacrifices are made in her name before a new military campaign. Adolescent girls are sent to her shrine to serve for one year. Beautiful, deadly, and chaste, Artemis is a focused woman and a fearsome warrior."

Base Stats:

  • Mana: 205 (+34)
  • Damage: 35 (+2.5) +100% of Physical Power
  • Range: 55 (+0)
  • Attack/sec: 0.95 (+1.7%)
  • Health: 450 (+75)
  • Physical Protection: 12 (+3)
  • Magical Protection: 30 (+0.9)
  • Hp5: 8 (+0.68)
  • Mp5: 4.4 (+0.25)
  • Speed: 365 (+0)
  • Progression: None
Note: Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level.


February 3, 2021 [ Update 6 - V6.0 ]
  • Changed build sets to reflect current functional builds for S8 (as of 8.1).
  • Removed all traces of defensive items.
  • Removed Atalanta's Bow as option. Returned The Executioner and added Dominance.
  • Added the new starter items. Only those who are deemed to work well enough are listed.
  • Added Belt of Frenzy to the relics.
  • Reorganised top of the guide to better present builds, starting items and replacement items. (Conquest build only)
  • Added, corrected or rewrote notes on builds at the top of the guide to be more informative and clearer to read and understand.
  • Various visual corrections and improvements to the guide.
  • Added "Starting Process" information the gameplay chapter under the "Early Game" banner.
  • Added a warding section to the gameplay chapter.
  • More...
  • This guide took a large leap in state of representation, going from S7|U7.8 to S8|U8.1. Information was changed to reflect current game state as accurately as possible, but errors or incompatible content may still linger. If you spot this, please bring this to my attention.

Older updates

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LemonDiesel8305 | March 30, 2021 10:23pm
Honestly I like devos I prefer it when I'm wanting to rotate and invade gank and peel other lanes, but when I'm wanting to shut lane down and destroy other adc, I go hunter cowl dominance ninja tabi asi rage wind demon, sell boots for death bringer and I crit for 1100 with ult sometimes
xmysterionz (72) | March 21, 2021 9:39am
Arondight cannot be purchased by Hunters
xZeroStrike (46) | March 21, 2021 4:15pm
"What? Since when master Borri?"

"Since always, young Padawan, you're just blind."

And so it is. I never even noticed. Well thank you for notifying me. It has been removed.
Prakong | February 9, 2021 6:19am
FAil-Not where is it ? :D
xZeroStrike (46) | February 10, 2021 11:50am

Right there, as an option, in the "Offensive Items 1" box. It's also mentioned in the Items section of the guide, and in the notes on this specific section of items at the top of the guide (hover your cursor over the "Notes" button).
boogiebass (46) | July 28, 2020 8:41pm
I would verify with Bran what he thinks about Qin's and Crit in the same build.
He mentioned it was better to go with one or the other.

Also, remember, she no longer has crit in her passive. Your last example build only has 40% crit chance. Is that reliable enough for you?
xZeroStrike (46) | July 29, 2020 4:35am
It'll suffice. You can still replace boots afterwards if you find the gold for it. If 40% isn't enough for you, you can delay DB/PS and slot in Rage prior, or possibly delay Atalanta's if penetration somehow still isn't needed at the time.
Kriega1 (143) | July 29, 2020 4:09am
Crit and Qins can work together, I don’t like the build paths for it here though
xZeroStrike (46) | July 29, 2020 4:26am
You can swap DB & Qin's around if that's your concern? It'll mostly depend on a match to match basis whichever I pick first, but I've been having decent succes running the build as is, with item positions being variable, of course.
xZeroStrike (46) | July 29, 2020 4:31am
I've read through it, and yes, they don't exactly enhance one another, but they both serve their own purpose. I've found crit to be incredible to deal with anything not tanky where Qin's falls short, but have also found Crit to fall short against anything tanky as of late.

Therefore, I opted to have Qin's in the build as well to effectively deal with both.

If cost is an issue, there's a couple alternative items listed that you might opt to switch in in exchange for Deathbringer, or leave crit out altogether.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 28, 2019 5:26am
I really don’t think Hydras is a valid option on Artemis (like, at all), heck, I don’t think it’s valid for most hunter’s except mainly Ullr. As for build paths, I see you have trans and Devourers builds listed, but what about this one: silverbranch, Warrior, asi, executioner, ichaival, Qins and lategame sell boots for titans or bloodforge or other.
Kriega1 (143) | May 28, 2019 5:44am
Also I don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone build hydras on Artemis in any match i’ve been in
Gulfwulf (81) | May 28, 2019 10:25am
It's not a popular choice, that's for sure. I even checked the pro builds and none of them built it on her either. Even normal Conquest players didn't built it much, if at all, on her.

Sorry, Zero, but I still don't think Hydra's is a viable option for her.
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boogiebass (46) | May 27, 2019 10:45am
The hydras lament is very unique boots replacement. Though im not sure of it's viability since you lose the attack speed from ninja tabi.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 27, 2019 11:10am
It isn't. I'd get it on gods that can attack cancel like Susano, but I don't think Art gets much use out of it.
xZeroStrike (46) | May 27, 2019 11:15am
Depends. You can get it to activate 3 times easily, consecutively. Transgressor's Fate would be cast in an attempt to root the opponent, Vengeful Assault would be cast to take the opponent down quicker, and Suppress The Insolent would be cast for extra damage. All of these abilities, barring Transgressor's Fate perhaps, have very little to no cast time, but will make use of its passive.

Can be effective, though I do agree that for the Devo's build, O'bow or Qin's and for the Transcendence build WD may be more attractive choices, it still is capable of providing noticeable benefit and thus, listed as an optional. Personal preference here, I've had good success using it myself in the past, too.
xZeroStrike (46) | May 27, 2019 11:10am
It's really up to choice. You can keep Ninja Tabi if you want.

If one feels they have enough attack speed from The Executioner + Vengeful Assault, one may opt for this change.

Its viability increases in the Transcendence build, where one would have built Asi + The Executioner, which combined with Vengeful Assault will provide sufficient attack speed for all scenarios.

Note that a swap is not required, but optional.
boogiebass (46) | December 14, 2017 7:51pm
Hey Zero, so under your Pros/Cons section, I think the picture you used for "pros" is a little out of alignment.

Also, thanks for giving a critique on my guide, I"ll be implementing those changes shortly since I have time now.
boogiebass (46) | December 15, 2017 7:45pm
Maybe I'm experiencing what Bran is describing. I checked the guide on my phone, and it looks ok.

However, on my PC, it looks like this:
boogiebass (46) | December 15, 2017 7:48pm
Ok just to confirm what Bran is saying: This misalignment only happens for me at 90% zoom. At all other zoom %, it looks ok.
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xZeroStrike (46) | December 15, 2017 3:52am
1. Could you send a screenshot of the misalignment? It looks fine on my end, but if there's any problem with it for you I'm willing to look into it.

2. You're welcome. Looking forward to seeing your changes.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 15, 2017 6:51pm
It's showing up okay on both my phone and computer (Chrome). That said, I know what he's talking about...I've seen it with my own guides here and there...just sometimes how it gets shown...sometimes it would only do that at specific zoom %s.
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boogiebass (46) | October 17, 2017 7:03pm
So is Artemis your main bae?

Wow... so this is what a master BB coder's guide looks like. Impressive.
overld1 (18) | October 18, 2017 9:56am
boogiebass wrote:
So is Artemis your main bae?

Of course it is. Everyone at least must have one to keep them at least sane in this insane game and world.

*EDIT*: I usually don't call them main bae most of the time now. I call them waifu now.
xZeroStrike (46) | October 18, 2017 1:11am
Artemis is my main, yes. M10 with one golden star (PS4) places her highest on my list. I don't play her as much as I used too in the past, but when I get the opportunity I will surely do so. Sol is my #2.

Yes, this is what a good BB-coder's guide looks like. I don't want to claim this master title because, well, you never know.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 17, 2017 4:36pm
FYI, I really like the visual update for the abilities...really helps separate out the specific points, when not adding full line spaces.

Also think the item adjustments overall are solid. Still not fully convinced with Hydra's Lament holding down the example build's 6th spot (and you have to admit, the example build is what 90% of people will be using as "THIS IS THE BUILD YOU HAVE TO USE." But, okay okay, your reasoning behind it is's a good writeup of the item.

Curious on your experience and feel of getting Rage before The Executioner. Feel at the 3rd item spot, she's getting up in level enough that Vengeful will start to be leveled more and in combination with the AS from Exe, it'll allow her to start boxing much better. Rage, of course, is also great for boxing and works well with her passive, but her AS at that point will be somewhat slower if you get it before Exe. does each feel in the 3rd spot, and what do you find are the advantages and disadvantages (other than facing tankier enemies and whatnot)?
xZeroStrike (46) | October 18, 2017 1:08am
Rage is a more aggressive approach in the third position. The early crit, especially combined with Artemis' passive, is something a lot of enemies don't expect, let alone prepare for. This can get you some early kills to stack Devo's easier and begin stacking Rage.

Overall I'd say these items are interchangeable, and it mostly comes down to what you feel is most comfortable for you. If you prefer the early attack speed while sacrificing critical chance, you should get Exe, or if the attack speed doesn't bother you that much and you'd like some critical chance for some heavy hitters early on, Rage is your item of choice.

Personally, I usually take Rage third, as at this stage in the game, provided you don't get yourself in a bad position, enemies won't be able to kill you within seconds, allowing you to get out a good amount of hits regardless of attack speed, all the while the critical hits do large amounts of damage and can help you secure some early kills.

And of course, if they're a bit too tanky early on, Exe third.

PS: Glad you like the visual changes. Took a while getting the design to look good, and transfer all the information to their rightful places, and just typing the code in general. Also took some trying to get those quicktags ready (if you didn't know, the "Ability Description" and "Ability uses" is clickable. Primarily for lazy people.)
xZeroStrike (46) | October 17, 2017 7:26am
Holy whack-a-moley. No, that's probably not a word.
I finally updated this guide! Queue the party music!
I have a really great guide that a lot of users seem to use for reference, yet I've been procrastinating like a bear would be while he's hibernating. Do bears do that? I don't know, I'm not an animalologist. Yes, I just made that word up too.
Anyway, I'm a horrible human being for not updating this guide in so long, but I finally did it anyway. Yup-Yup!
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 30, 2017 1:35am
Hey Zero,

Been thinking about Art lately myself. What do you think of, for a more traditional build, Ninja Tabi, Devourer's Gauntlet, Titan's Bane, Rage, Deathbringer, Odysseus' Bow?

Of course, with Vengeful Assault active, you'll be a bit above the AS cap, but worrying about cap and not being willing to go over will hurt her DPS when it's down.

Reason for this:
  • If she has a Support with good wave clear, Ninja sets her AS up for the long haul, since that build doesn't get the 2nd AS item until last.
  • Devo's got an early game buff.
  • TB got a price decrease. This also makes her a pretty decent tower shredder early, if she finds the opportunity.
  • I was going back and forth between a Shuriken tree item and Rage, but in the end, felt 55-70% crit chance was just too difficult to pass up over 40-55%, and I wouldn't want to have to commit to a 3x crit build.
  • Odysseus' Bow is just the single best item for AS and will drastically increase her DPS once everything else is up.
Reason I didn't choose The Executioner is for that objective damage and not to blow past the cap, since I sort of wanted to get O-Bow in there. You could of course get Exe instead of TB, and then finish with The Crusher or whatever else.

Anyway, thoughts?
Drexler (9) | August 30, 2017 5:16am
Branmuffin17 wrote:

[*]I was going back and forth between a Shuriken tree item and Rage, but in the end, felt 55-70% crit chance was just too difficult to pass up over 40-55%, and I wouldn't want to have to commit to a 3x crit build.

I personally like going with Wind Demon because it gives me the leeway to build Warrior Tabi. That's just me though, I haven't used Rage since they changed it, so I'll have to mess with it.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 30, 2017 10:15am
Yeah, that was the one I was considering mostly...and when it crits, the AS boost is almost as high as Odysseus' Bow.

But if you haven't played with Rage, I highly suggest it. Once I started using it, I found it very difficult to go back to Wind Demon (depending on the rest of my build, of course). Now, with Art, she'll get better use out of WD compared to others, due specifically to her passive crit chance. But I think the item buffs really help shift things so that she can use the build I suggested well. I'm considering objective damage as a premium here.

I understand Warrior early for laning, but late, Ninja is usually just a bit better on overall DPS (as long as you're not blasting past the AS cap).

Anyway...try Rage? Let me know what you think. It's a great item now, and it gets her into crit at 400 gold less.
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boogiebass (46) | August 29, 2017 11:46pm
Nice guide and solid builds. I hate playing ADC, but I slayed with this build in arena and joust (eh not really, but I did better than I usually do).

+1 from me.
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