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Bees swarm at the ground target location, creating a new hive that provides Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and HP5 buffs to Ah Muzen Cab. Hives reveal enemies within 20 units of them. The hives can only be destroyed by basic attacks.SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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I often see people not utilizing their Hive setup effectively. Although not every match will be the same (there could be situational circumstances that change the way you will want to setup your Hives), I thought I would provide some general configurations for the inexperienced Ah Muzen Cab player.
Over time I've come to find that each match presents different factors in what the best placement for a hive network would be. Like you said, putting a hive behind your tower would be a more defensive setup with increased reliability.
That being said, the example hive network is shown in more of a general laning sense (neither winning or losing). There are many different configurations you can use. I just wanted to provide some standard examples that will at least serve as a starting point when crafting a network. Newer AMC players can feel this out and then make adjustments based on what feels best to them.
Generally, I do like the hive near red camp for several reasons. It's important to remember that Hive also acts as miniature wards. This keeps an eye on a high traffic rotation route between mid and duo as enemies will usually detour to check on red camp. With this hive, they will usually be pinged, and if not, you will at least see the hive disappear off the map when they destroy it, indicating enemy movement.
This hive can also be repositioned directly on top of red camp as a ward if your red camp is getting stolen on a consistent basis. In some situations, it can even ward Gold Fury if your team is struggling with warding objectives.
I feel that hives and hive networks are an improperly utilized part of Ah Muzen Cab's kit that many people overlook. Because he has no mobility in his kit other than movement speed, crafting routes and warding with hive becomes an integral part of his game.