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Smite Item: Chalice of Healing

Smite Item Chalice of Healing

Item Details

Chalice of Healing

Cost: 300

This consumable heals 250 Health over 25 seconds per use. Comes with 3 uses that are refilled if you enter the Fountain, sells for 0 gold.

This item's effect does not stack with Healing Potion.

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xmysterionz (72) | February 18, 2020 4:41am
Just point that this Chalice now does not reset when you use it before the effect ends, it now stacks like Healing Potions does.

Before S7 if use a chalice then use it again after 10 secs, the timer would reset to 25 so you would lose 150hp regen but now, in the same condition it goes to 40 secs of healing and you don't lose any HP.
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