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Cernunnos vs. Double Guardians

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Cernunnos vs. Double Guardians 16 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 10:15am | Report
Gulf, yeah I probably would've, and should've, but once I realized that they started avoiding me towards the end, I was finally able to focus out their Mercury since he was the bigger threat. They definitely played it smart though. Focusing us early with Guardians, and then switching and relying more on Merc end game. Either way it was a difficult situation since going Titan's Bane wouldn't have been very good against Merc, but Deathbringer wasn't good against the guardians, so it was a toss up. Either way, a better team would've helped more than either item.. Way of the road I guess.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 7, 2018 10:30am | Report
Double tanks should technically be what would be a "balanced" team, you would have one of each class, and the guard/warrior would both build on the tankier side. In this case, double guards, but again...not all that uncommon.

I'd suggest an adjusted build route for Cernunnos. I don't feel he's quite as much of a hybrid as Medusa. Even though he's been built with Trans in the past (which isn't bad), I'd currently go the more basic attack route, and agree on the Qin's direction rather than crit.

In others' example builds, I feel that Qin's is being built too late. It should be the 4th item latest.
The rest would be situational. If you went Devo's or BF, you could consider Atalanta's Bow or Odysseus' Bow. Anti-heal Brawler's Beat Stick. Additional pen effect Titan's Bane.

As for that Nox suggested build, you left out a core item... Chronos' Pendant, which I feel should be purchased 2nd after boots...and you can refer to Tlaloc's Nox build (tab 3, non stacking) for a good Arena build there.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 11:05am | Report
Yeah double tank should be optimal, but it seems like most common (in Arena) is

-Insta Lock LOKI


But really, I've seen a lot more of a 3 mage, hunter, and some kind of tank.. Not saying its ideal, but with that set up, I'll pick tank Fenrir and as long as I'm constantly in the enemy's grill pressuring them, its pretty easy for our team to frag out.. Especially if there is a Zeus on our team... cuz Zeus is sooooo hard to play in arena. Lol


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 7, 2018 4:41pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Cern's a lot like Medusa in that he's a hybrid hunter who uses AAs and abilities. Since he doesn't have an attack speed steroid, the Qin's Sais route is usually the way to go, especially with 2 tanks. That being said, I would have gone something more like this:

Ninja Tabi <-can swap out with Warrior Tabi late.
Soul Eater
The Crusher <-swap out with Jotunn's Wrath.
The Executioner <-replace late game with Titan's Bane.
Qin's Sais
Brawler's Beat Stick

Soul Eater is a waste on Cernunnos. Get Bloodforge instead. Swap brawler's for Odysseus' Bow or Atalanta's Bow.

No Urchin and/or Spirit Robe? Build's pretty lacking for health.

That build order is pretty bad. Go: Shoes of Focus, Spear of Desolation, Spear of the Magus, Soul Reaver, Divine Ruin, Soul Gem. (Magus/Reaver can be swapped around, Magus can be swapped late for Obsidian, or swap Soul Gem for Obsidian)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » December 7, 2018 5:52pm | Report
I can see Spirit robe, but urchin would be kinda wasted.

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 7, 2018 5:57pm | Report
Get Gaia then. Or Blackthorn. Or Frostbound.


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