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Cernunnos vs. Double Guardians

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Cernunnos vs. Double Guardians 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 4:53am | Report

I played an Arena match last night as Cernunnos and the enemy team had a Kumbhakarna, Cerberus combo that absolutely dominated the early game. Below is the link to the match details, I started out just getting trounced by their CC chains, but ended up getting a couple double kills and it around end game.. Question is, Is this build optimal?

Smite Guru Match Details Here

To keep the build on this page it is:

Warrior Tabi
Qin's Sais
The Executioner
And I sold Ichaival late for Deathbringer

I was a little torn on what to grab in place of Ichaival, I just knew I didn't want to pick up another attack speed item since I felt I had more than enough already with 3 items providing it.. Would something like Shifter's Shield be something to grab there for the power, understanding that there were maybe 100 tickets left at the time?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 7, 2018 5:04am | Report
I would recommend you sell this Asi and buy Titan's Bane if they (the tanks) are not dying. Also if the cc's chains are the problem Magi's Cloak could help you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 5:25am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I would recommend you sell this Asi and buy Titan's Bane if they (the tanks) are not dying. Also if the cc's chains are the problem Magi's Cloak could help you.

Once I got Qin's Sais and The Executioner online, that plus the Autumn setting on my basic attacks had zero trouble cutting them down.. It worked better than they expected I think because after I got them online those two just left me alone for the most part. Lol. If we would have had a tank to help out then we probably would have won.. We were just so squishy..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 7, 2018 6:09am | Report
Against two heavy tanks or more, I'd recommend you rush The Executioner right after Asi, then Qin's Sais then the Bloodforge.

I also understand how bad is doesn't have a tank in the team. This match we just lost because nobody could tank the enemy ultis. We lost with only 02 tickets difference. But that's Arena, you can't expect much from an arena player/match.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 6:21am | Report
Yeah, that probably would have made it better for sure, I just overestimated how Ichaival would do for early pen vs. 2 tanks..

The match you posted... I'd be SO pissed if I saw that a group of three players in a party didn't have the common sense to grab some kind of tank.. Especially since they could probably communicate so much better with each other to combo CC and all that.. Lol man I'd be tilted.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 7, 2018 6:26am | Report
DrxFlaskers wrote:

The match you posted... I'd be SO pissed if I saw that a group of three players in a party didn't have the common sense to grab some kind of tank.. Especially since they could probably communicate so much better with each other to combo CC and all that.. Lol man I'd be tilted.

It was like 6 A.M here in Brazil so I had woken up like 5 min ago and was an Arena match, I don't care about Arena. But if it was any other game mode I probably would be like you would hahaha.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » December 7, 2018 7:57am | Report
Cern's a lot like Medusa in that he's a hybrid hunter who uses AAs and abilities. Since he doesn't have an attack speed steroid, the Qin's Sais route is usually the way to go, especially with 2 tanks. That being said, I would have gone something more like this:

Ninja Tabi <-can swap out with Warrior Tabi late.
Soul Eater
The Crusher <-swap out with Jotunn's Wrath.
The Executioner <-replace late game with Titan's Bane.
Qin's Sais
Brawler's Beat Stick

Not for nothing, but your teammates built like ****. Osiris should have went:

Warrior Tabi
Genji's Guard or Oni Hunter's Garb
Void Shield
Shogun's Kusari or Oni Hunter's Garb
Hide of the Nemean Lion


Warrior Tabi
Rage or Poisoned Star
The Executioner
wind demon


Shoes of Focus
Soul Gem
Spear of Desolation
Obsidian Shard
Divine Ruin
Soul Reaver

I'm sure the item ordering could be improved, but those are the items I'd recommend for that particular match-up.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DrxFlaskers » December 7, 2018 8:14am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Not for nothing, but your teammates built like ****.

They were all spamming the VGS like crazy too... I hate that, especially in Arena.. VGS is good for coordinating ults... calling out buffs, etc. When you're spamming "OK", "Good Game", and "Bye" every 2 seconds and you have 13 DEATHS.. Nox.. So annoying.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 7, 2018 8:41am | Report
DrxFlaskers wrote:

They were all spamming the VGS like crazy too... I hate that, especially in Arena.. VGS is good for coordinating ults... calling out buffs, etc. When you're spamming "OK", "Good Game", and "Bye" every 2 seconds and you have 13 DEATHS.. Nox.. So annoying.

*Makes some mistake*

Negative brainless teammates:



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » December 7, 2018 9:59am | Report
One thing to remember is that a single crit item is never the way to go with hunters. Some assassins can make use out of both Malice and Deathbringer, but hunters want at least double, if not, triple crit because of how crit works (it's random as to whether or not it'll apply). Also, I wouldn't go with crits against double tanks in arena, I'd go the Qin's Sais/ Titan's Bane path.

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