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Smite Item: Hide of the Nemean Lion

Smite Item Hide of the Nemean Lion

Item Details

Hide of the Nemean Lion

Cost: 1200 (2450)

+200 Health
+50 Physical Protection
+20 HP5

PASSIVE – Reflects 15% of all Basic Attack damage back to the attacker as Physical Damage.

Smite Item: Hide of the Nemean Lion

Smite Item Hide of the Nemean Lion

Item Details

Hide of the Nemean Lion

Cost: 2550

+50 Physical Protection
+350 Max Health
+4 Health Regen

Passive: Reflects 15% of all Basic Attack damage back to the attacker as Physical Damage. Active: Reflects 30% of all damage back to attackers as Physical Damage for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 120s.

Additional Notes:

  • The Damage Reflect value is calculated pre-mitigation.

Item Discussion

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Branmuffin17 (401) | January 4, 2019 12:53pm
Viability / General Use: High viability. Tank item specifically used to counter enemy basic attackers and reflect a portion of damage back to them.

Advantages: Very high physical protection. Mana and MP5 are helpful.

Disadvantages: No magical protection, no health.

Restrictions: None.

Discussion: This is a counter item for tanks to reflect damage back at basic attackers and put more pressure on them. With no magical protection or health, it is typically best to combine this with other items that provide other needed stats.

Situationally purchased early to mid game for Solo-laners when facing basic attackers in their lane, or by any tanks in the late game to counter basic attackers. More functional against critical damage. Useful for tanks in all other modes.
DV-8 (35) | January 4, 2019 9:21pm
Popular for Supports in Conquest, and situationally for Solo-laners when facing basic attackers in their lane. Useful for tanks in all other modes.
For solo laners (who I believe this item is predominantly built on), this can be built not just to counter their lane opponents. In the late game, solo usually looks to dive and pressure/zone carries out of a fight. The ADC will be more of a threat the later the match goes on, and Nemean can be a good option for adding more pressure.

In my mind this is less of a support item.
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 4, 2019 9:35pm
Hmmm, I can agree with that. Adjusting.
Gulfwulf (81) | June 10, 2018 2:07pm
Is the damage reflected calculated before or after protections?
boogiebass (46) | June 10, 2018 2:34pm
Before. Its not explicitly stated in the description.
The one exception to this case is spectral armor. It gives diminishing returns to the reflected passive.

Check out my fenrir guide. I dud some testing with pappsi on this.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 10, 2018 3:44pm
I believe (but am not sure) that Spectral Armor is NOT supposed to reduce the passive function from Hide of the Nemean Lion. It seems like a coding error by HR.
Gulfwulf (81) | June 10, 2018 3:10pm
Ok. I was wondering how useful it was to stack physical protection items with this against a crit building god. Now I know.
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Devampi (105) | January 31, 2016 2:20am
It's pretty good to counter lifesteal as you do remove 20% of it. neamean is strong with that active yeah but with the new anti lifesteal armor it's probably also going to be stronger (or tottally the opposite)
iReauxbot (11) | January 30, 2016 3:23pm
20% doesnt seem like all to much to me, but im sure as hell not asking for it to buffed. Must be good for its 80 prot only or when combined with Shield of the Underworld
Subzero008 (112) | March 12, 2014 8:05am
Not sure about on-hit effects, but Innate damage like Pulse is definitely reflected.
Sirsir94 (6) | March 12, 2014 7:53am
Does this work with the enhances basics like Chronos or Freya? Or Polynomicon?
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