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In-Depth Guide to Cupid in 5 Modes

21 3 299,490
by Tlaloc1050 updated October 25, 2018

Smite God: Cupid

Build Guide Discussion 51 More Guides
Choose a Build: Arena, Clash, and Joust
Arena, Clash, and Joust Assault Conquest ADC
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Cupid Build


Notes Sell Hunter's Blessing for Deathbringer late game


Sell Hunter's Blessing for Deathbringer late game

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Critical Chance Build

Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

QIn's Sais Build

Notes Asi can be swapped for Soul Eater

Odysseus' Bow can be swapped for Brawler's Beat Stick if anti-healing is needed


Asi can be swapped for Soul Eater

Odysseus' Bow can be swapped for Brawler's Beat Stick if anti-healing is needed

Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Pure Ability Based Build

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane


Notes Get Phantom Veil if there's an Odin


Get Phantom Veil if there's an Odin

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Phantom Veil Phantom Veil


Notes Late game this is the only consumable you'll need


Late game this is the only consumable you'll need

Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power

Cupid's Skill Order

Heart Bomb

1 X Y
Heart Bomb
1 3 6 7 10

Share The Love

2 A B
Share The Love
4 15 16 18 19


3 B A
2 8 11 12 14

Fields Of Love

4 Y X
Fields Of Love
5 9 13 17 20
Heart Bomb
1 3 6 7 10

Heart Bomb

1 X
Cupid fires an arrow of love at the target, causing damage when it hits and slowing them. After a short time, the targets heart explodes, dealing the damage again to the target and all enemies within the radius. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks then all enemies in the explosion area are Stunned for 1s. Minions take 55% increased damage from Heart Bomb.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20%
Detonation Duration: 3s
Radius: 25
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Share The Love
4 15 16 18 19

Share The Love

2 A
Cupid places 3 floating hearts at his ground target location that heal himself or allied gods and provide a passive stack when picked up. Cupid regenerates Mana and heals for 60% of the value for each heart that is picked up by an ally.

Ability Type: Area, Heal
Heal per Heart: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125
Mana Regen per Heart: 30
Heart Lifetime: 8s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13s
2 8 11 12 14


3 B
Passive: Cupid gains increased Attack Speed.

Active: Cupid flutters quickly forward, leaving a trail behind him that increases all allies' movement speed. Additionally, after dashing, Cupid doubles the Passive Attack Speed he gains from this ability for 4s.

Ability Type: Dash, Buff
Attack Speed: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20%
Movement Speed: 30%
Lifetime: 6s
Range: 55
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Fields Of Love
5 9 13 17 20

Fields Of Love

4 Y
Cupid fires arrows of love at his ground target location, slowing enemies in the area and crippling them, preventing movement abilities. The arrows grow and explode, dealing damage and Mesmerizing enemies. Any damage done breaks the Mesmerize effect. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks the Mesmerize duration is doubled.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 / 520 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Mesmerize: 1s
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s


This guide covers all modes except Siege.

If you see any errors, they're mostly likely from when I wrote the guide two years ago. please inform me of any, thanks.

Pros / Cons


  • Good chaser
  • High attack speed naturally due to Flutter's passive
  • Can heal teammates
  • Great CC
  • Large radius ultimate
  • Large threat if used properly
  • High sustain
  • Team Player
  • Heal isn't too powerful and doesn't really fit with a hunter's kit
  • Low stats compared to other hunters
  • His Ultimate's mesmerize effect will be broken if target is damaged
  • Even if Heart Bomb or Fields of Love miss stacks will be removed anyway
  • Needs a remodel



This passive can build up to a maximum of 16% healing/damage. When using Heart Bomb it's best to build up stacks so when the stun kicks in, the enemy you targeted will be vulnerable to damage from you and you're alies. If you plan on using Share The Love that 16% more healing may help. "Healing" also includes Mana obtained from Share The Love. With Fields Of Love you can build it up if you want the duration of the mesmerize to be doubled. Since the mesmerize would be broken from you attacking them I wouldn't recommend building it up for that.

Heart Bomb

During the early game phase this can't clear a wave yet but will weaken minions and reduce the time it takes to kill them. In mid to late game this can clear most of the minions in the wave. You can use it when you're boxing or chasing. When you're boxing I would recommend building up your stacks before using the skill for the stun. When chasing you should use it as soon as you're confident you can hit the target.

Share the Love

A heal that can be picked up by you or your allies. This gives Cupid a lot of sustain. If you're low on mana give it to your allies. The total heal at full stacks of your passive is 156.25 per heart. Mana per heart when picked up by allies is 30. Drops 3 hearts. Cost is 50. So your profit is 40 mana. Remember how Share The Love effects mana obtained when allies pick the hearts up? At full stacks of your passive your profit would be 46.4 mana. Plus you also got to heal an ally or 3. Although if no allies pick the hearts up you would lose 50 mana. Ping on the location of the heart to tell them its there. You could also say "Take this jungle buff"


This is your escape and chasing tool. If an enemy Hades were to use Pillar of Agony Flutter would be a life saver. If an enemy is trying to get away use Flutter + Heart Bomb. If you're leaving base with some allies you could use Flutter and your allies will benefit from the movment speed if they walk on the trail. If an Apollo or Thanatos (or both R.I.P) are chasing you with their ultimates, right before you think they'll land, activate Flutter there's a chance they'll miss and you could escape.

Fields of Love

A large radius ultimate that can make a group of enemies vulnerable to CC chains, or damage from skills like I'm a Monster. If Odin were to use Ring of Spears Fields Of Love would nicely fit inside. Try to position your target in the Center of the skill. As for the mesmerise, it'll often be broken by allies or you.

Ability Combos

For boxing and ganking

1. Release Fields Of Love on the target
2. Fire Heart Bomb at the target
3. Follow up with basic attacks

For chasing a low-health kill

1. Launch Flutter
2. Fire Heart Bomb at the target
3. Follow up with basic attacks

+ +
For chasing a medium-health kill or quickly engaging in an ongoing fight

1. Launch Flutter
2. Release Fields Of Love on the target(s)
3. Fire Heart Bomb at the target
4. Follow up with basic attacks

Arena, Clash, and Joust Build Reasoning

Critical Chance Build: Ninja Tabi is to improve your DPS to help support Rage with its' high critical chance, and Deathbringer's increased critical strike damage. Soul Eater is for boxing and staying alive, while Titan's Bane keeps your damage up against tanks.

Qins's Sais Build: Since the focus of this build is Qin's Sais, attack speed is an important factor here. That's why I chose Asi over Soul Eater, and The Executioner over Titan's Bane; along with Odysseus' Bow.

Pure Ability Based Build: This build is made so that Cupid's abilities and combos are the core of the damage, as opposed to basic attacks. Transcendence is the obvious choice here over Devourer's Gauntlet due to the cooldown reduction, mana, and power. Jotunn's Wrath and Soul Eater are great due to the same reasons that Transcendence is. Titan's Bane and Brawler's Beat Stick are for the power and penetration.

Arena Gameplay

Early Game

Pick a start. Head to the buff camps and help your team clear them. Take it if you need it. Head to the middle of the map and try to last hit minions. You can also say I'm busy ksing stacks!. Stacking will take longer because there aren't that many minions. Buff camps spawn every 4 minutes and buffs last for 2 minutes.

Mid Game

Team fights will be more common now. Remember to participate in them. Don't forget to last hit minions to build stacks and reduce the enemy's tickets. Keep defending the portal. Around this time is when siege minions will begin to spawn. They spawn every 5 kills. If they get into a portal they'll reduce 15 tickets.

Late Game

Your abilities will now do a lot more damage and you should have full stacks of Devourer's Gauntlet. The last tickets will be reduced soon. You have to be extra careful and stick with your team all the time. You can still take buff camps if you like.

P.S. If you want a way more detailed arena guide you should read the Overarching Arena Guide by Branmuffin17

Jungle Camps Info

Mana Buff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Opposite Sides of the Arena
  • Respawn Time: 4 Minutes

Damage Buff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Opposite Sides of the Arena
  • Respawn Time: 4 Minutes

Attack Speed Buff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Opposite Sides of the Arena
  • Respawn Time: 4 Minutes

  • Killing an enemy god deducts 5 tickets
  • Last hitting an enemy minion deducts 1 ticket
  • Escorting allied minions to the enemy portal deducts 1 ticket per minion
  • Escorting an allied Arena Juggernaut to the enemy portal deducts 15 tickets

Clash Gameplay

Early Game

When the match begins, you have usually have 2 choices:

1. Go to the Mana Camp with some teammates and clear it. Usually the Mage takes it. Afterwards go to the lane which has less players in it. Clear the lane minions. If the enemy team hasn't taken the damage buff get it with some teammates. You can take it if you want.

2. Tell everyone to Group Up! using the VGS and Attack Middle Lane!. This isn't as safe as the first route. Sometimes somebody would die. The enemy team may use high damaging skills in an attempt to steal it. After this, head to lane.

Don't play too aggressively or else you might day and become behind. You'll be mana hungry until later onwards when you get Hydra's Lament.

Mid Game

You can now be more aggressive and should've bought Devourer's Gauntlet by now. This is when Apophis spawns at the center of the map, at 10:00. Don't stand on it, or else you'll receive 1000 damage. Try to push Towers and Phoenixes when nobody's there. You could also group and and do it, it'll be faster and you'll deal more damage. Team fights will break out more often due to teams trying to push lanes. Ward in the center of the map and near the center mana camp to prevent ganks.

Late Game

Be careful. You may be strong now, but gods like Kali are much stronger and can easily kill you. Work together to push objectives. If you get a decide don't go for Apophis, it's not worth it. You should be going for the remaining Phoenixes and the enemy Titan if you can. If at low health retreat.

Jungle Camps Info

Baboon Mages Mana Camps
  • Quantity: 4
  • Location: 2 Outside and 2 in-Between Lanes
  • Respawn Time: 90 Seconds

Hyena Brutes Damage Camps
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Center of the Map
  • Respawn Time: 2 Minutes


  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Center of the Map
  • Respawn Tine: 5 minutes

Joust Gameplay

Early Game

The thing about Joust is that the start is never clear. Follow the lead of your teammates. There are three possible starts:

The Mana Buff Start: The three of you start at the Mana Buff, and afterwards either go to lane or go to the newly added XP camps as of patch 5.13. Going to the XP camps over the lane is a bad choice, as the lane minions give more XP. Susceptible to ganks if the enemy knows whats up.

The Lane Start: You start in lane and clear minions with your team. Very safe. After a wave or so the Mana Buff becomes an option. This start however very often will lead to the risky Damage Buff Start.

The Damage Buff Start: This is the most common start as the two teams contest for the last hit; which either you or the team's mage will take. Try to last hit the minions. However, don't go in without support. After this head back to lane.

Mid Game

This is fairly simplistic. If your Guardian/Warrior isn't warding the Bull Demon King or has wards elsewhere, you need to ward. It's vital due to the fact that if the enemy gets the buff your tower or phoenix will be down and free for them to take. In addition, they'll obtain a regeneration and damage buff which is a large factor in a team fight.

Late Game

Stick together. At this point deicide practically means a victory. Be prepared and keep warding the Bull Demon King. If you do get a deicide, work with your team to push towers. If the enemy gets a deicide there's nothing you can do but get ready to respawn and take action. At this point normal buffs aren't of value.

Jungle Camps Info

Mana Buff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Slightly below the centre of the map
  • Respawn Time: 3 mins

Damage Buff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Far Damage Buff Camp side of the map
  • Respawn Time: 3 mins

Armoured Tigers
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Bull Demon King side of the map
  • Respawn Time: 3 mins (estimation)

Bull Demon King
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Bull Demon King side of the map
  • Respawn Time: 5 mins

Assault Build Reasoning

Qin's Sais Based Build: I started with Heavy Mace (which will build into Jotunn's Wrath) due to the mana Jotunn's Wrath gives, along with the CDR, power, and penetration. Specialist's Blessing is great for the CDR buff. Stacks are easily built. The build overall is based on Qin's Sais due to that being cheaper than a critical chance based build. Tower pushing is key, that's why this build is high in penetration. Brawler's Beat Stick is for anti-heal; and remember that as of recent there will always be a healer unless a re-roll occurs.

Assault Gameplay

Early Game

For your information, there's only a 1.05263158 chance of getting Cupid when playing Assault.

Try to buy your starting items as quickly as possible and head to the battlefield, where your allies may be initiating a fight soon. Use your hearts when allies need healing or when you need more mana. Try not to waste mana too much. Sometimes, there's an early deicide. When this happens try to push the enemy tower.

If your entire team is dead and the enemy is pushing your tower, use Flutter and Fields Of Love on them if it's ready. It'll kill the minions and mesmerise enemy gods so they could maybe take some damage from the towers.

Mid Game

A tower may have been pushed by now, but remember that the game isn't over yet. When enemy gods are dead try to push objectives. Always remember, Objectjves > Kills. Gods with stationary ultimates like Hades and Ares are easy targets as long as you're not in their range.

Late Game

You should have almost full items by now and should be lvl 20. You're a lot stronger now than ever. Be careful though, even just 1 decide is usually enough to get a win. Always participate in team fights. It's best to not do things like fight 4v5s.

Here's a tactic that I've seen people use with gods that have a leap or dash:


  • Stacks aren't allowed
  • You can't return to the fountain by any means, this includes change'e's passive
  • Minions spawn at 1:30
  • There are no buff camps

    If you want a better, detailed guide to ***ualt in general you should check out The Overarching Assault Guide by Branmuffin17

Conquest Build


I chose a high penetration build with the purpose of pushing towers. Unlike other modes, Conquest has 6 Towers and 3 Phoenixs. It's also great against gods with anti-crit passives such as Geb and Hou Yi. transcendance has recently been sort of knocked-out of the meta due to the buff on Devourer's Gauntlet. I've added a build that implements devourer's gantlet rather than transcendance.

Conquest Gameplay

Early Game

You can't afford to be too aggressive. Heart Bomb it weak compared to other Hunter's wave clear and can't even hit the whole wave. Cupid is best paired with a support with good clear like Ymir. As of recent you start in duo lane. The jungler will make his rotations. When he makes it to the void camps clear it with him for the XP and gold. Don't take it, it's for the support. Play cautiously until Mid-Late game. Warding is key.

Mid Game

Heart Bomb can probably kill minions instantly by now; depending if you're fed or not. You can be more aggressive now. Keep warding in-case there are ganks, for they'll set you back. Push the enemy Tower in your lane when he's gone or dead. If you've pushed both the T1 and T2 Tower rotate to other lanes to help. Just remember to watch your own lane as well as enemies will try to do the same. When pushing a Tower or Phoenix you'll be revealed on the minimap. Enemy Gods will come after you so be careful.

Late Game

Teamfights will happen more due to teams trying to push the remaining Objectives. Ward near them if needed. You'll be more powerful than ever and your basic attacks will deal a lot of damage to towers. Remember, the more Towers and Phoenixes that are destroyed, the weaker the Titan becomes.

When making an attempt to destroy the Titan, always travel in groups.

Jumgle Camps Info

Satyr Mana Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Near the T1 Towers on Solo Lane Side, horizontally symmetrical
  • Respawn Time: 2 mins

Manticore Damage Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Slight lower half of the map, vertically symmetrical
  • Respawn Time: 2 mins

Centaur Speed Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Below Manticore Damage Camps, vertically symmetrical
  • Respawn Time: 2 mins

Chimera Aura Debuff Camps
  • Quantity: 2
  • Location: Near the T1 Towers on the Duo Lane side , horizontally symmetrical
  • Respawn Time: 2

Gold Fury Oracles
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Center of the Duo Lane jungle
  • Respawn Time: 3 mins

Gold Fury
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Near Gold Fury Oracles
  • Respawn Time: 5

Pyromancer Camps
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Center of the Solo Lane Jungle
  • Respawn Time: 5

The Fire Giant
  • Quantity: 1
  • Location: Center of the Solo Lane Jungle
  • Respawn Time: 5

Random Facts Relating to Cupid

  • Brina Palencia is the voice actor for Cupid. She's also the voice actor for Artemis

  • The Greek version of Cupid is Eros

  • His parents are Mars and Venus, or Aphrodite and Ares

  • The Greek version of Cupid Eros has a wife named Psyche, the goddess of the soul. Together they had a daughter named Hedone

  • He has the largest head in the game, while Hercules has the smallest

  • His camera view used to unsuprisingly be lower than other gods


[*]Feedback is appreciated

[*]Special thanks to Branmuffin17 for feedback and advice

[*]If you didn't find what you were looking for, check out xmysterionz' guide to Cupid

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Kriega1 (143) | October 25, 2018 8:49am
Re-doing EVERY build:

Arena,clash joust:

Critical Chance Build (Has items that just do not work that well together, soul eater/trans and crit): Devourer's Gauntlet, Ninja Tabi, Rage, The Executioner, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star.(or swap rage for wind demon and rearrange the crit item order to PS/WD/DB)

Qin's build (2 items with NO power + ninja tabi together) - you can go devourers or trans in a qins build but i'll stick to trans in my example: Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, The Executioner, Bloodforge, Qin's Sais, Odysseus' Bow. (can swap o-bow for crusher and get it third instead).

Pure Ability Based Build (Could get a little attack speed since you have none) : Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, The Crusher, Heartseeker, Jotunn's Wrath, Titan's Bane. (if its arena against squishies swap titans bane for bloodforge).

For Arena and clash I would start tier 2 trans. For joust I think attackers blessing and tier 1 trans.


Start (specialists is a waste on cupid, and you only pick up mana pots for some reason): For start either: Bloodforge and pots or : Mage's Blessing/ Hunter's Blessing and Heavy Mace and pots.

Assault build: Build order depends on start but im thinking: Bloodforge, Warrior Tabi, The Crusher, The Executioner , Qin's Sais, Heartseeker. Depending on the game swap warrior/crusher for ninja/beatstick.

Conquest ADC (ok the start is fine but I would MUCH rather get tier 2 trans to save gold, and also change YOUR start to have multi-pots instead of mana pots):

Qins build (At this point you may as well just go an actual ability based build): Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, The Executioner , Jotunn's Wrath, Heartseeker, Bloodforge OR: Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, The Crusher, Heartseeker, Jotunn's Wrath, Titan's Bane.

Crit build (PLEASE DO NOT build O-bow in a crit build): Devourer's Guantlet, Ninja Tabi, Rage, The Executioner, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star. (or swap rage for wind demon and rearrange the crit item order to PS/WD/DB)

You say "Soul Eater is for boxing and staying alive" - yet it isn't for boxing, it's for sustain through ability usage, which Cupid makes **** use of. Without his ult he only procs the ability lifesteal on his 1, making Soul Eater a trash item on Cupid.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | October 26, 2018 5:44am
Thanks a lot!

I'll change/update the guide when I have the time
xmysterionz (72) | October 25, 2018 9:39am
I would recommend start with Jotunn's Wrath in assault. The cooldown provided in assault is great and I think it's better than the power from Bloodforge in almost all cases except if you have a healer on your team ( Hel, Chang'e, Aphrodite...).

Remember Cupid is not a healer for smite, so have you heal more often could be nice, since healing your teammates regen your mana plus gives a nice advantage to your team. Also the ultimate and heart bomb sooner are welcome too.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | October 26, 2018 5:45am
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 25, 2018 10:22am
I'll offer my feedback as well. Of course, Kriega's builds are all fine, I just have some variations based on preference.

Firstly, as I always say, build order is important, and a lot of others list builds as you have. I know that you're listing your last item in the 1st slot based on replacement of a blessing...but that's confusing. If you're showing a build, just show it in order of item purchase, not how it shows up end-game.

For the Arena/Clash/Joust Qin's build, if you're committing to Qin's, you're committing to basic attacks. So one of your options is to completely drop Transcendence, and make that full commitment (though you can keep Trans if you really want). I also feel that Ninja Tabi is almost always a better choice. Only 20 less power for an additional 20% AS is a great trade-off (20 power is worth way less than 20% AS for Qin's procs). I would even use Ninja for the pure ability build...a bit more AS to make you a bit more functional in-between ability use is worthwhile.

For Assault, I'm in agreement with Myst. I always, always start Jotunn's on Cupid. The healing isn't huge but is always helpful, even with a healer teammate (especially if they're dead), and the CDR = more hearts, more mana (due to teammates picking up hearts), and more Heart Bomb poke...and more huge AOE ults.

For Conquest ADC...again, Ninja Tabi over Warrior Tabi. And if you do want to maintain a Qin's build for Conq rather than the full conversion to ability as Kriega suggests, then I would stick with Transcendence, Ninja Tabi, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Bloodforge, situational.
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Gulfwulf (81) | October 25, 2018 8:59am
Have an upvote.
Kriega1 (143) | October 25, 2018 9:02am
They should just copy and paste the comment upvote/downvote system to the builds. Can't be any excuses as it already exists, but then again Smitefire is ignored due to the supposedly low traffic - yet that is only in comparison to ther other Mobafire sites.
xmysterionz (72) | October 25, 2018 8:29am
I didn't notice Tlaloc mentioned my guide at the end, thank you <3
I hope you find some free time to update this amazing guide!!!
boogiebass (46) | October 25, 2018 8:05am
Hey T. How ya doing? Everything ok?
Tlaloc1050 (17) | October 26, 2018 5:42am
Just been quite busy, haven't had time to update this in a long time
Kriega1 (143) | October 25, 2018 7:39am
Something went very wrong with the builds.
Gulfwulf (81) | October 25, 2018 7:57am
I'm not sure about the arena crit build, but the others look pretty solid. You should elaborate, Kriega. Tlaloc isn't one of our clueless authors; he'll actually listen to feedback and adjust accordingly.
boogiebass (46) | October 25, 2018 8:08am
The cobquest crit build also has Odysseus bow in it. You topically gwt that in qins builds
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Tlaloc1050 (17) | August 15, 2018 5:38am
Finally completed all 14 chapters. Ugh
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 15, 2018 2:21pm
Dun dun have so much info in this guide. Glad to see you maintaining it.

Feedback incoming.


On to the writeup sections:

guide sections
Tlaloc1050 (17) | August 15, 2018 7:12pm


Thanks for the feedback! Also, I feel like there is always something "off" about this guide
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xmysterionz (72) | April 24, 2018 1:11pm
I'm happy to see the return of this guide, the guide that inspired me to play with Cupid, my main nowadays and also that inspired me in creating my own guide to him.

There just some points I suggest you update:
  • You say as a con: "Attack speed buff is in his escape", but now Flutter's attack speed is a passive, so just by upgrading it you gain the attack speed, there isn't necessity to cast the skill
  • The Crusher no longer works with cooldowns, his passive cause additional damage in a skill based in your physical power. Remember that when you use Fields Of Love with this item, the mesmerize effect is immediately broken.
  • The numbers in your Share The Love description about how much it heals made me confused. I can reach easily fully stacked 195/heal per heart with a less powerful build.
  • You mention to replace certain items changing Hydra's Lament but there are no Hydra's Lament in the builds.
  • In my opinion you should also offer a critic build to conquest (but that's my opinion)

Finally, nice to see a Cupid man too, and the rest of the Guide is pretty good. Keep your excellent work man!
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 24, 2018 6:06pm
Will do, and thanks! I forgot about the abilities lol
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 24, 2018 3:16pm
You're right on the numbers being off.

At max rank, 110 base heal per heart + 25% scaling. 56.25 from power from items from the main build (25% of 225 power). 166.25 per heart, 498.75 from all 3 hearts.

You say though that you can reach 195 heal per heart with a less powerful build, and that's mathematically impossible. This would mean you'd need 85 contribution...that means you'd need 340 power, so it would have to be a MORE powerful build, and I don't know how you'd hit 340 power. Maybe with a significantly off-meta build...Warrior + Trans + Shifter's + Bloodforge + Malice + Deathbringer = 363 power, but holy **** stinky build.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 24, 2018 6:07pm
My maths suck ohkay
xmysterionz (72) | April 24, 2018 5:01pm
Yes, you're right Bran (I don't know if I can call you this way, but for me you are a friend, so I hope you accept it :v) but you are forgetting something, his passive Lovestruck. As said in the build he get these numbers fully stacked but if you see my guide in the section skill there's a video showing Share The Love working and there as you can see it's fully stacked (the passive) and with just a little more power (It's 264 physical power on my build) and on the video is healing 201 per heart due his passive, with no passive it should heal 176 per heart.

Check here what I say

Maybe I was too high about 195 but it's something around this with some less powerful build BUT, as I said, this number is only possible fully stacked (With fulluy stacked I was talking about the Cupid's passive)

Furthermore, the numbers with Lovestruck FULLY STACKED is 110 (+16%) + 25% (+16%). Without the stacks of Lovestruck I must agree with the numbers.
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Walkerofskies | December 9, 2017 3:37pm
It was my first time using Cupid and I used this guide and it was amazing got 10 kills! Thanks!
overld1 (18) | September 1, 2017 10:05am
I get your current situation that your machine is slow and doesn't work that well with this site. So far it looks interesting there's one important thing that I always say about people's guide specifically the item section. When you're doing a item section make sure that you explain why and when should you pick up that item goes same thing with relics. One section I know you could add more info into is your ability combos I know that Cupid should have a combo that you Flutter ==> Heart Bomb ==> Fields Of Love is a great combo to do massive amounts of damage against one enemy and if there is a bunched up group then it's even better.

So I hope my thoughts and ideas help so keep working on this guide and keep giving it love and dedication this could become a nice Cupid guide.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 1, 2017 9:22pm
Thanks overlord!
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 20, 2017 10:59am
Hey Tlaloc,

Alrighty, I think you added to this guide with multiple I correct? Anyway, with 4.13, going to see if I have different feedback for the various builds as you currently have them.

Build 1: Arena and Clash

Build 2: Assault

Build 3: Conquest

Anyway, thoughts?
Tlaloc1050 (17) | July 20, 2017 7:59pm
The first thing I'd like to say is I still haven't written anything for Comquest and very little for ***ualt, which I'll probably do today.

In arena, should I be stacking at all due to the lack of minions?

Jotunns sounds good, I'll add that.

How do you add another skill sequence chart?? Or do you mean just writing I'd down?

For Share The Love… I've never thought of that! Qins instead of crit seems good. Do you think crit is too expensive?

For defence against a team with 4 of the same type would Shogun's Kusari for magical gods be a good idea? I'm not really sure what to get for physical

Does The Executioner's passive work on towers? If it doesn't, I'm most likely replacing it with titans.

Witchblade has lifesteal?? I've gotta try this. I'll add the relics too.

Thanks for the feedback!
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 21, 2017 12:49am
So, I have a TL;DR to share if you're interested in reading/watching.

The Long Version

Anyway, to answer some of your questions...Stacking is fine in long as you have good wave-clear, and as long as you don't have 3 other people trying to build stacks at the same time, you should be okay.

When you change to a different build tab, you have the same option to suggest the skill leveling order. Check it out carefully, you'll see what I mean.

My whole thing with crit is that it takes 2 items. Qin's only takes one to be the main DPS focus of the build. W/ Trans, you need 2 crit, at least 1 strong pen, and boots. That's 5 of 6 item slots. So do you get lifesteal? Or pass on it to get something else?

I guess that's why I like Devo's. It's the initial focus of the build...early stacking...and then there's my lifesteal that I feel so dependent on (or maybe it's just like a security blanket). So now, if I want to go crit, I don't have to decide between lifesteal and something else...Boots, Devo's, Pen, 2x crit, and any utility I want without having to potentially sacrifice lifesteal (like getting Fatalis prior to this).

For Arena, crit can be a bit expensive, but Rage has a great DPS spike. So it can be worth it. Trans + WD + DB in Arena is pretty damn expensive, not considering other items.

Shogun's Kusari is an option for magical protection, but at that point, Shifter's Shield might still be a better option...get some protection but also help your least situationally. The CDR is nice for ability use in Assault =P

Protection reduction (e.g. The Executioner and Demonic Grip, for example) does NOT work on towers. Has to be either flat or % pen.

Anyway, sorry this was so long. Felt like rambling.
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Kriega1 (143) | July 8, 2017 4:03am
What do you think of this Ability based Cupid build: Warrior Tabi, Shifter's Shield, The Crusher, Qin's Sais, Titan's Bane, Situational (e.g. Winged Blade if I dont want to be bursted/slowed lategame) I use this build for Cernunnos as well but I would get Hastened Fatalis for my situational on him.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | July 8, 2017 5:13pm
Looks good. You'll probably rip through objectives
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 8, 2017 10:19am
I like it.
theprinceogames | June 16, 2017 1:13pm
No offense but cupid makes more use of warrior tabi then ninja tabi because of he extra power, same with Titans Bane because he is an ability based hunter
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 16, 2017 1:38pm
As I sort of got into in my other comment, this is a yes and a no thing. Fact of the matter is, since his attack speed steroid adjustment (prior to current iteration, his attack speed buff was only active when he used Flutter), he is now a viable basic attacker. There are reasons:
  • Only his Heart Bomb and his Fields Of Love deal direct damage. Granted, they have great scaling, and this is a solid reason to build high power, but 1 regular ability and 1 ult by themselves don't just make him ability-based.

  • In other teamfight modes, I'd consider CDR from items like Jotunn's Wrath. In Conquest, not so much.

  • His Share The Love heal does scale with power, but it's sort of a secondary thing, and at least late-game, 20 power difference (between Warrior & Ninja) only translates to 5 health per heart...pretty much nothing. Granted, we probably shouldn't be talking about just Warrior and Ninja...we should perhaps be discussing the larger picture of the build as a he a Trans god or is he a crit god?
In the end, it really depends on mode. Going with Conquest with an early emphasis on the need for wave-clear, I would absolutely start with Warrior Tabi for the extra damage it will provide to Heart Bomb.

His Flutter shouldn't be leveled first, and so he'll be relying on his abilities more than his basics. However, as the game progresses and Flutter gets leveled, I think he'll get a lot more damage out of his basics. If he can get past the early game, I'd say he's a solid basic attacker with added utility out of his abilities beyond that of most standard hunters, and he'd appreciate a late-game conversion from Warrior Tabi to Ninja Tabi.

@Tlaloc1050: Things I would consider at this least for Conq or standard ADC build...
  1. Start Warrior Tabi, switch late-game to Ninja Tabi.
  2. Consider Bluestone Pendant as an early starter just to help wave-clear.
  3. Depending on need to box, consider Ichaival / Silverbranch Bow as a bridge item immediately after Devourer's Gauntlet.
  4. With his Flutter, along with the CC from his ult and the stun from his Heart Bomb, I would consider Hastened Fatalis as a 6th item rather than 4th.
  5. Consider Rage instead of Wind Demon... Rage is actually quite nice for DPS right now, and you get plenty of attack speed and move speed from Hastened Fatalis when it's built.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 20, 2017 7:02pm
Thanks! Sounds good. I'll update it when I have the time!
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 24, 2017 4:26pm
Hey Tlaloc,

I'm down with the crit Cupid. With his steroid change to a steady, passive effect when leveling his Flutter, he can definitely work well that way. Another thing pointing him away from the Power/Pen Transcendence build is that only 2 of his 4 abilities deal damage (and one of those is his ultimate, with a long CD), so he WILL need to rely on his basic attacks a good deal.

That said...combining Qin's Sais with crit items is not optimal. You're losing out on damage in doing this. Usually, you'll choose one OR the other build path. With Qin's Sais, you'd get it in the middle of the build (like you do), with the rest of the build focusing on attack speed and penetration, specifically to get more hits of the passive (attack speed), and deal more actual damage per hit (pen). It's not really the best on hunters's best on some assassins and warriors with quick attack chains that can take advantage of the passive proc more often.

Your build, as the main example, is severely lacking in enough penetration. The answer to that? Probably not Titan's Bane, which you do have as a "replacement for tanky gods." Really, you're going to want The Executioner, which is absent from mention in this guide.

And in actuality, The Executioner is the item of choice when dealing with your penetration requirement. It can work well with both Qin's AND crit builds.

Other points...I think you're building Hastened Fatalis too early. He needs more power early, if we're talking ADC in duo, to help his Heart Bomb clear the wave. Fatalis is functional, but it should be built later.

Also, you're building him've added Jotunn's Wrath. I get it, he's got a lot of utility and you're probably looking to take advantage of that...healing, huge AOE ult stun, etc. But this isn't optimal, and cuts into his effectiveness in his basic attacks, which this build is focused on. Only time I'd build Jotunn's Wrath would probably be in Assault, and exactly in the 1st position you build it in your Assault build...the healing WILL be helpful, albeit somewhat small, and the mana regen from it will keep you sustained since you can't go back to base in that mode...and the AOE ult will be helpful in teamfight modes such as that.

In any case, my suggestion is to drop Qin's Sais and Jotunn's Wrath. I'd really model this mostly after a standard crit build. You should focus on power and sustain in the early going to help with wave clear, meaning Death's Toll, Warrior Tabi + Devourer's Gauntlet, then moving into attack speed... Ichaival or Silverbranch Bow if preferred, consider The Executioner at that point unless people aren't building much protections or just move straight into Wind Demon + The Executioner. Depending on how things are going, you can slot in Hastened Fatalis mid-build (perhaps main item #4), or better, after you've completed all other items.

And just to clarify, why not Fatalis 2nd? It provides 0 power...the 10 flat pen is okay, and the attack speed is nice, but the increased price ($2600) means it'll take longer to build, and until you've got the added attack speed from your Flutter's passive portion, you're not getting all that much from it. You can box better, sure, but you're going to be shooting Nerf darts at that point. Not too effective.

Hope this helps!
Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 6, 2017 1:36am
Thanks for the advice! This guide really needs an update. And about the Fatalis, I just like the passive, no particular reason. I'll definitely make some changes. Thanks again!
Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 6, 2017 2:13am
Also, apologies for the late reply. And as you may have noticed, this guide is a lot messier than my He Bo guide
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