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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Forum » General Discussion » The QQ Thread of Gods! 552 posts - page 53 of 56
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 25, 2017 8:07pm | Report
So I finished all my ranked qualifier games yesterday (6/4).
And guess what?! Im back in Silver 2 after climbing all the way from silver 2 to gold 1 last split..
I am soon to be promoted though and hopefully I will be able to skip a few ranks this time.

IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » September 1, 2018 2:14am | Report
I just waited 40 minutes for a ranked conquest queue. Jfc


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » September 1, 2018 4:33am | Report
Is marki still alive?

<World Serpent>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » September 1, 2018 4:40am | Report
boogiebass wrote:

Is marki still alive?

I'm assuming, but he hasn't been on for months sadly


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Supportable » April 13, 2019 9:33pm | Report
Just played a Duel as Tyr vs. a Diamond AMC and he played exactly like I expected him to. Continuously ran away, ulted me whenever I went on him, and built beads/sprint just in case I ever got on him.

I won.. but to do so I had to get BDK thrice (hard to confirm vs an AMC while he's whacking you) frontdoor his objectives while he wailed on me with 100% antiheal (toxic blade + brawlers) and then literally kill him three times in a row as he continued to run back to fountain and heal in order to win.

Off topic.. Tyr duel build that's pretty good for anyone wondering: Mage's Blessing --> Blackthorn Hammer --> Warrior Tabi/ Talaria Boots --> Hide of the Nemean Lion --> Winged Blade --> Jotunn's Wrath --> Titan's Bane --> Brawler's Beat Stick

I actually feel like that was a loss in my books even though I won that because it crushed my soul so hard.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » April 14, 2019 7:25am | Report
BDK? Backdoor?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » April 14, 2019 8:02am | Report
Tlaloc1050 wrote:

BDK? Backdoor?

Bull Demon King.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 14, 2019 8:06am | Report
Supportable wrote:

Just played a Duel as Tyr vs. a Diamond AMC and he played exactly like I expected him to play.

I'm sorry for you. I got an AMC on duel and I know how annoying and ******ed this god is/the players who play with him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by singhharry12 » September 1, 2020 11:39am | Report
I just played some ranked games today (played mostly adc) and was laneing with a Bacchus (and against him in some of the games). So I basically went either against him or with him on my team (he played Bacchus all day). 9apps cartoon hd


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 8, 2020 4:29am | Report
I'm so sick of toxic disgusting people. In a game of Assault. Clearly a new person was on our team. Izanami had a weird build like Deathbringer first item, boots and Jutaan. Still though was 1 and 3 so not doing terribly for a new player and our team stood no chance against the enemy team. Persephone, Artemis, Cthulhu, Hercules and Zeus. Their two mages are literally what I'd consider god tier for Assault. A small one lane map where Perseph can litter the entire lane with seeds and Zeus absolutely bullies people on Assault. (Side note... So balanced how these OP *** mages can still go their full normal builds without any problem but us Hunter mains have SO MANY important items banned... No Trans or Devo Gauntlet? Just take out Hunters why don't you! Hell I roll Ullr and in Assault you'd think I'd be happy but no Trans I might as well re-roll cause his mana will be gone after a few abilities yet Perseph and Zeus can get her full power CDR build with infinite mana)

So we stood no chance with our team of junglers and warriors with ONE ranged carry. Our Erlang who was 2 and 2 apparently that score made him the greatest Smite player who ever lived cause he started trash talking nearly the entire team except for who I assumed was his friend, as if Izanami was entirely the reason we were losing despite Erlang diving a team with a million burst damage and good range. So I called him a toxic POS which he started going off on me. Sure enough Izanami quits and him and his buddy start to rally the team to report the player. I said, the one who should be reported was our Erlang for being a massive douchebag.

This was Assault... if new players want to learn how to play characters in the normal modes away from conquest that's a GOOD thing. But no they get bullied off the game. Smite's player base is already disgustingly low and seeing these toxic douchebags who consider themselves "vets", who really are just mediocre players most of the time, gatekeep this game as if we want our player base to stay as low as it is. I'm getting matches with same people over and over throughout a day. Yes every game trashes on noobs but League or DotA2 at least have a steady player base. Where the hell do these toxic douchebags get the idea we're in the position to scare off new players constantly with toxicity and BM when Smite could very well be heading down the same path of Heroes of Newerth where the player base drops down so low they cut off support and watch the game slowly die.

Smite had it's biggest update and battle pass. Adding a lot of highly requested gods and a full licensing partnership to add Avatar characters. Yet Smite only saw a 7% increase on Steam. Which by the way that spike of new players IMMEDIATELY went back down in just a month. Wonder why?! Sure we don't know the numbers for console and it's safe to assume it's higher than Steam users but judging by how often I run into the same players and see the "not enough people queued right now" message I imagine console numbers aren't really that much better.

So I go to report the guy for genuinely saying really disgusting things towards that new player and harassment. No surprise the guy has the same symbol I see next to A LOT of Smite players on Xbox with the !Alert! Reputation - Avoid Me warning under him.

Let players learn the game in Assault/Arena and normal modes. You lose Assault oh no! Big F-ing deal, suck it up and queue again. It's Assault! Don't go and add to the already horrendous reputation of how toxic this community is and make players actually WANT to stop playing cause I went to message the Izanami to give some tips for early builds but saw that they started playing Borderlands 3 instead. I didn't bother messaging him/her cause they probably made the right choice by playing something else. Don't blame them.

Ugh... that feels better. Sorta


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