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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 8, 2020 6:42am | Report
S7evin424 wrote:

Smite had it's biggest update and battle pass. Adding a lot of highly requested gods and a full licensing partnership to add Avatar characters. Yet Smite only saw a 7% increase on Steam. Which by the way that spike of new players IMMEDIATELY went back down in just a month. Wonder why?! Sure we don't know the numbers for console and it's safe to assume it's higher than Steam users but judging by how often I run into the same players and see the "not enough people queued right now" message I imagine console numbers aren't really that much better.

Smite is a MOBA and as all MOBAs it has a a giant learning curve. You can't simply be good on Smite because you know how to use a god like you can do on Overwatch for example. You do need learn a lot and a lot of stuffs to be barely good like positioning (5 times, one per role), all gods kits to counter them, all items and builds, etc...

And why am I saying that? Most people DO NOT WANT to learn that OR DO NOT WANT to help people learn.
Just look this match, check the Kukulkan Profile, now check mine. Do you really think we can be paired together? MOST PART OF HIS MATCHES HE IS NEGATIVE AND THOSE THAT HE WINS HE IS CARRIED. DO you know why we lost that match? Because he is that type "I said the enemy missing call so I don't have to do anything else" and Merlin noticed that so he literally become a 2nd Jungler ganking all lanes and invading JG and the Kkk did NOTHING about it, he literally sat on his tower and said "I called the missing call are you deaf?". Ironically he is a higher tier than me, but do I have the chance to climb my elo if the few matches I play there's always a "Kkk" like that?

So, a lot of people "spent" longs and longs hours learning the game and how to play it properly, most of us here, including me, may have all the knowledge to play this game but miss mechanical skills such as fast reactions which make us not professionals, but the point is some people simply DO NOT ACCEPT the fact they spent that time learning and someone else doesn't. So, when the game pairs these two together we have the "toxicity", not because the guy is a bad person, just because he is extremely frustrated due that fact.

Plus when the new guy, who didn't spend that time learning the game, faces the reality and see how the game is complex and that people DO NOT ACCEPT him there as he is, they simply leave and go play game that doesn't need that much knowledge to perform well as Fortnite. They do not want to be bad to become good, people in general right now want games that they can perform well since lvl 1, but a strategy game cannot be that way, you need to learn a lot of stuffs before become good.

Notice that I'm not defending toxicity or any similar stuffs, I'm just pointing that I do know the feeling of being "damned" by your knowledge and whenever you face a guy like that KKK, you lose your mind. Can you imagine yourself having a very stressful day working, then you go to play to relax and simply gets a guy like that who CLEARLY shouldn't be competing with you nor be with you but due a flaw system you now have all your fun is gone? So I can understand why people get mad on MOBAs, I don't agree nor I think we should support it but it is comprehensive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 8, 2020 6:55am | Report
Also, I know some people are just *******s but I just wanna point that not all people that get mad in game is literally toxic they might be just frustrated.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » September 8, 2020 8:23am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Also, I know some people are just *******s but I just wanna point that not all people that get mad in game is literally toxic they might be just frustrated.

Wether you're frustrated or not, that's still toxic behavior if you go off on other players. Maybe you didn't mean to after you've cooled off and realised it, but it's still wrong. It's up to the player to realise they're getting frustrated and take a break from the game rather than immediately going full tilt and attacking other players who might just be trying to have fun.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 8, 2020 9:37am | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

Wether you're frustrated or not, that's still toxic behavior if you go off on other players. Maybe you didn't mean to after you've cooled off and realised it, but it's still wrong. It's up to the player to realise they're getting frustrated and take a break from the game rather than immediately going full tilt and attacking other players who might just be trying to have fun.

The point is that you simply cannot stop. What do you do if you get frustrated and wants to stop? Quit? AFK? You are stuck with this "problem" until the match ends. Oh but you can surrender right? WRONG! People that are used to be carried like the one I mentioned cannot simply noticed the match is reaching unsustainable levels and if he has a friend the sh*t is done, they insistently keep voting no to surrender and the guy who got stressed with it will get even mad and inevitably will say something or commit an act of toxicity.

What I'm trying to say is: Toxicity is usually associated with bad people but that's not true. Sometimes people are just frustrated and they want to stop playing to get cooler but smite system DOES NOT ALLOW IT if the guy "trolling" + anyone else do not want to stop and it colapses when he simply lose his mind with the game. I'm not saying it's wrong or right, I'm saying that is the reality and that is one of the things that keep players stop playing, whether if he is the noob whether he is the frustrated.

Don't forget the small pool of players our friend mentioned right above and it's done, this cycle of toxicity will always be repeated.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 8, 2020 2:57pm | Report
If a brand new player jumps into ranked conquest the second they hit 30 and they aren't trying to learn or do some teamwork, you're more then welcome to get frustrated with a noob ruining your game. But if you run into a new player on Arena, Assault or some other normal mode game then you're running into new players in a place where they should be learning. Arena and Assault, especially Assault because you can use gods you don't own, are places where new players should be allowed to learn the mechanics of a game free from toxicity. Even on conquest normal mode, let's say they spent the time learning all the characters and now they want to learn conquest. They're going to have to learn the game from experience. If it's not ranked then I don't see why people will get so upset to the point of attacking someone.

Yeah there's some videos out there explaining roles but none of the go into full details on what to do. I remember my first conquest game, I had no idea that I was supposed to start the game at blue buff on solo and wait for my jungle to rotate there. Or exactly when you should stop laning. These are just things you learn by playing. Luckily in my first conquest game our jungle wasn't a douche and was super helpful telling me what to do. I don't know what twlight zone I stepped into where my teammates were sorta nice to me on Smite but that's not what happens to other noobs.

No one is going to be like "oh hey welcome to Smite, btw you should start off at speed buff camp if you're mid laning then rotate over to red buff with jungle and" ect. ect. Telling them what to do so they can learn the game.

Instead most new players are met with "****ing scrub *** player gtfo off this game, F6 at 10" or something like that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 8, 2020 5:13pm | Report
S7, agreed in general. Even in Ranked, I would agree in general, because for the 99% of us that aren't pros getting paid to play the game, it's a GAME. And especially in Arena, Assault, etc., there should be extra leeway for less skilled players or people just looking to have fun.

The only cases where I have issues are people that rage quit or intentionally look to ruin the match for their team.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 8, 2020 5:43pm | Report
I can understand your points and I agree with most of them. Whenever I'm playing anything that is not Conquest rather casual or ranked I simply don't care enough to rage, sometimes not even to type anything because, whatever, but when playing conquest, especially by my level and knowledge I do expect a minimum of the match and I also do think most people also do. We are not talking specific cases where a smurf meets a true newbie level 30, we are talking about 2 100+ ACCOUNTS meets each other and one of them plays as if he has no clue of what to do in the game even though he is almost the same level. That's the point.

And of course these situations bring an unhealthy place 'cause someone is mad raging and attacking other person, the other one is probably most part of the times feeling unmotivated to play anymore so he is now forcing bad plays and throwing the game due the attacks which leads not only to them literally corrupting himself but also reinforcing the attacks and making the other guy even more angry. Remember that if you answer toxicity with toxicity you are as toxic as the other guy. If you kill a murder them the number of murders in the world remains the same.

My conclusion is basically: Most part of smite community are not toxic, they are just frustrated people (toxic people are toxic rather the match is good or not, see DM) and that's not what happens with the community in general. We also have a small pool of players + a questionable matchmaking system and everything together leads to what we have today. I also agree nobody will hold your hand and tell what you need to do every game and people will be nice with you all the time because not even the real world works that way, however I do think that some people could improve themselves learning a bit more of how to play or at least getting aware of which modes are more competitive and even what a MOBA is and how it works.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 9, 2020 4:22am | Report
Right I get that, I get frustrated too at times it happens especially when you got all your teammates working together and trying really hard but there's one person that's just doing their own thing, not helping and just not contributing to anything. But players like that I find usually aren't noobs. Those are people who know the game but they just want their KDA to look sexy and that's all their care about.

But being frustrated and being toxic are different. The incident I was pointing out was a situation where someone was literally verbally abusing someone over chat using words I don't think are allowed here.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 9, 2020 1:25pm | Report
That's why the report system is help with toxicity.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 11, 2020 12:46pm | Report
As long as competitive team games exist this will stay a thing. damn even in casual sports you will see this, however in most cases, it will be the referee's fault. people tend to search for scapegoats and some are very vocal about it. I can even notice I sometimes do this myself even on friends (although I am less negative I do point out mistakes to help them learn to not repeat the mistake), although I also am getting used to the 40/40/20 mentality. AKA 80% of the games you won't impact the outcome even if you try your hardest


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