Last night, duo-queued a regular Conquest game with DV-8. Turned out to be interesting...and boring...but interesting.
Does anyone remember when the
ADC role was one of the first roles claimed? I do. What happened? (And don't tell me it's because
ADCs are's all subjective and I find them just as fun as any other role.)
Well, in 2 of my 3 ranked games (discussed previously), I ended up drawing
ADC because no one else wanted it. Same with
this casual match. Both DV and I called fill. He asked me if I'd played
Hachiman yet, which I hadn't in an actual game...only Jungle Practice. Honestly, I didn't even have him unlocked...was going to wait until his favor price came down. Anyway, DV basically says "you can try him," so under peer pressure, I unlock him and then...lock him. He went
Kuzenbo, which was an interesting Support option (TMNT is not a great
Support but he has pretty good utility). The rest of our team chooses
Bastet (
Chaac (
Solo), and
Janus (
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