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Branmuffin17's Blog
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March 07, 2018
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Conquest  |  iSux  |  Ranked
With all the talk of Ranked play from Wayne and Marki, I knew I had to get my *** in gear. Marki even offered to queue ranked with me earlier in the week, but I was already in a full group =(

Here's the funny'd think, since I maintain the Conquest guide, that I'd be extremely comfortable with the mode and the various roles. But nope...I generally only play Conquest when I've got some friends with me (and they are okay playing it)...when Solo queuing, I usually just do Assault / Arena / Clash.

So I teamed up with Duotem last night and got through 3 ranked games. I'll break them down from my point of view below, and maybe Duo can offer some additional feedback. Going to keep it a bit simpler than my last blog series.

Qualifier #1: LOSS

Game stats are HERE.

Our team:
Enemy team:
I will tell …
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February 01, 2018

Season 5 - Who's With Me?

Views: 6549 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
So........Season 5 hit 2 days ago and I have yet to play an actual game. Been busy working on my guides and hotfixing some things.

Conquest, Arena, Freya, Medusa, Loki, Bacchus, Daelinn's Anubis, Guan Yu are now updated for S5. Still need to work on Odin, along with my Assault guide (ughhhh).

In any case, I need to actually play some games. Plan to get on tonight for a while (not sure how long) starting around 9ish PM PST.

Who's with me?

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January 18, 2018
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Conquest  |  Discordia  |  Love  |  Mid  |  PTS  |  S5  |  Season5

First time playing on the new S5 map in PTS (night of PTS release). Can't remember the last time I played mid. Fun though, even though I suck.

Super excited. The map feels great. The map looks great. The map IS great.

Love the new minion look (even though I don't pay too much attention to them, it's still different). Love the floor look between Chaos and Order. Love the look of the buffs when they drop. Love the simpler concept of the starter items (Blessings). Love the twists and turns of the jungle. Love the fog. Makes the lane feel scarier.

Hate that I consistently forget to buy wards. Oracle is going to be my friend due to forgetfulness.

The end game Titan area (more attacking it than being on my own side) feels brand new. Titan DOES feel a bit close to the middle wall.

Going to want to play Conquest a lot more. HR, you're doing good things, and you're headed in the right direction, no matter what everyone else says about you =)

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January 10, 2018

Personal(ish) Question

Views: 7304 Branmuffin17
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JustRight?  |  TooMuch?
Hey people,

Sort of curious / looking for some feedback.

Specifically, for those of you who are regulars here, or have had discussions with me, or gotten feedback on builds / guides, do I do too much? Am I overbearing?

Sometimes I look at the "recent discussion" section and it's just filled with my comments.

If you can't tell (of course you can), I love the game and I love discussing the various aspects of items, gods, gameplay, etc. I want to drum up more conversations, but don't want to scare people away.

Anyway, thanks for honest feedback.

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October 07, 2017

Arena Match Against Jigz

Views: 2331 Branmuffin17
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Arena  |  Jigz
So I played Chiron a couple of times in my quest to get all gods to at least Mastery I...the following vid of MOST of the match was my 2nd game in a row against Jigz (captain of competitive team SSG). For those who don't know, he's a Support main, so he was just fooling around here as Mercury.

That said, here's the link to the previous game. He was the Anhur, and you can tell he's a pro just by the massive amount of damage he did (56k!). Finally got Thoth to Mastery I w/ that game, even though my score sort of sucked.

That ALSO said...he was sort of cheating. He had a shadow on him for BOTH games...The Aphrodite, Vinerak, was attached to him the whole time. Seriously. Allowed him to go in really aggressively, but man if having Aphro only be with Jigz didn't really handicap his team. Aphro did a lot of healing, sure, but it was almost like we were facing 4.5 gods, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, for this game, was just working on getting Chiron to Mastery I (which I got too…
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