This here's a candidate
for "too long, didn't read,"
but if you've got the time,
some quality stuff, indeed.
Despite the total number of SMITE matches I've played over the past couple of years (approaching 2,000, and 521 hours
according to SmiteGuru), I'm a Conquest newbie.
I've written guides, you say? Even
one for Conquest? That's called a talent for gathering info, combined with the willingness to spend lots of time writing / honing / correcting / BBcoding. My actual skill in the game? That's another story. Actually, that's THIS story.
Depending on how often I attempt Conquest matches, and as I feel or see any progress in my level of play, I'll share my experiences in this type of format.

A History Of Me & SMITE
SMITE was (and continues to be) my first and only MOBA. I'd dabbled a couple of hours in some previous games, but that was about it.
Most of my early days, other than maybe 10-20 conquest matches where I had absolutely no clue what was going on,
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