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Explaining the Least Picked Items in SMITE | Season 4 (V.1.4) (W.I.P.)

1 0 10,843
by overld1 updated May 12, 2017

Smite God:

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Hello everybody and welcome to this interesting guide. This guide's purpose to help explain users when and why to use the least picked items in SMITE. You're thinking that why we need a guide on this. The reason why I'm doing this because I want to share the SMITE community how to use these conditional items and how to make the best use out of it. So I hope you like this idea and I'll see you guys later.

Explanations Here We Go!


Chalice of Healing
When to build this item:
You buy this item in early game then sell it off around mid game.

The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want to have "unlimited" health pots.

Why you build this item:
Why this item doesn't get picked up that often is due to the price. For 200 gold you're getting 3 health pots that could regenerate when you recall to the fountain. It'll be cheaper just to buy 3 pots, but for 300 gold you could have "infinite" health pots till you sell the chalice. In CQ this item works best with the Solo Role.
Chalice of Mana
When to build this item:
Buy this item in early game then sell it off in mid game.

The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want "unlimited" mana pots.

Why you build this item:
Why this item doesn't get picked up that often is due to the price. For 200 gold you're getting 3 mana pots that could regenerate when you recall to the fountain. It'll be cheaper just to buy 3 pots, but for 300 gold you could have "infinite" mana pots till you sell the chalice. In CQ this item works best with the Solo and Mid Role.
Chalice of the Oracle
When to build this item:
Buy this item at start of mid game then if your team is about to win sell it off in late game.

The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want "unlimited" wards mid - late game.

Why you build this item:
Why this item doesn't get picked up that often is due to the price. For 200 gold you're getting 2 regular wards that could regenerate when you recall to the fountain. It'll be cheaper just to buy 2 wards, but for 400 gold you could have "infinite" wards till you sell the chalice. In long term you will spend more wards if you at least place 8` or higher in one game. In CQ this item works best with the Support Role.


Emperor's Armor
When to build this item:
Buy this itemin early game then sell it off around mid - late game.

The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want to be aggressive under towers or the enemy laner(s) is really aggressive.

Why you build this item:
The reason why this item is not being picked up as often is due to that it's passive. If affects the attack speed of all the towers/phoenixes, but not the titan. So this protection item is good to helps you to stay in enemy towers much longer and allow you to take enemy minions and gods much quicker. This is item is good in early and mid-game due to there's still towers around to affect, but by late game there would only be phoenixes left and the enemy would just shred it's health with ease. This item is great early then falls off late.


Jade Emperor's Crown
When to build this item:
Build this item around early - mid game if you think this item is becoming invaluable then sell it.

The situation to buy this item:
Build this item if you're facing physical gods in duel, in the solo lane, or physical majority teams.

Why you build this item:
This item is great if you face a physical god in a 1v1 for the entire game or almost the entire game. So that's why you pick it up on solo lane or in a 1v1. It does have really good stats even gives you health as well. This item also goes really well if you build with Void Stone as well so for physical gods they have their power and their protections reduced. Ares could play this item combo really well due to his passive. Buy this item if you plan to do 1v1's or go to the solo lane, and maybe if the enemy is physical majority.


Midgardian Mail
When to build this item:
Build this item around mid game.

The situation to buy this item:
Build this item if the enemy team has more physicals or if the enemy team is AA based.

Why you build this item:
This is item is not picked up that much similarly to Emperor's Armor it's passive. It's passive is simple when a enemy hits you their attack and movement speed gets reduced. The sad thing about it's passive that is only triggers 30%
of all the enemy attacks that is even less than 1/3. Sad thing is when it does proc it only slows them for 2s. The only situations that you might pick this item up if the enemy team physical majority or they're AA based. If those two situations doesn't happpen then this item is pointless to get.


Poisoned Star
When to build this item:
Build this item around mid game.

The situation to buy this item:
Build this item if they enemy relies on power and attack speed.

Why you build this item:
The main soul purpose of this item to weaken gods that are heavily focused focused on damage and movement speed like Mercury or Susano for example.
One reason that players are not picking this item up is due to 2 reasons. It only has a 15%
crit chance that it a only a 5% difference to it's tier two version. The item also only give 5 extra power from it's tier two version making it the only crit item that is under 30 power. With these bad stats why do people pick it up. Is to punish Assassins and Mages that have insane burst potential and high or low mobility. This item work best against a Mercury, Susano, Thanatos, and Anubis. In CQ this item works best with the Jungle and Carry role.


Rangda's Mask
When to build this item:
Build this item early game to maximize it's potential, if becomes useless sell it of around mid - late game.

The situation to build this item:
Build this item if you are going to be aggressive in the jungle.

Why you build this item:
Main purpose of this item if you are a aggressive bastard in the jungle. Meaning that if you are going to perform a lot of ganks and picking off enemies then pick up this item. The reason why people don't build this that you need 8 kills or 16 assists to get to the item's full potential. Yes the does give off nice stats at the end, but by the time you get to it you probably sell to get a better version of itself that's Hastened Fatalis both items almost give off similar stats, but fatalis has more than Rangda's Mask at the end. If you feel that you are going to get kills quickly then pick up this item.
Relic Dagger
When to build this item:
Build this item mid game about when you get the option to buy your second relic.

The situation to build this item:
Build this item if you want to be supportive with relics or want a alternate of Winged Blade.

Why you build this item:
The main purpose to build this item is you want to pull off more relics constantly. This is a weaker alternate version of Winged Blade it has less but the other stats are similar one has CDR one has CCR. Having relics to have a smaller cooldown is nice allowing to pop those relics more often. If you wonder when to get this item, well if you want CDR get Relic Dagger if you want CCR then get Winged Blade.


Shaman's Ring
When to build this item:
Build this item around early - mid game.

The situation to build this item:
Build this item if want a other source of sustain.

Why you build this item:
The main reason why this item is not being picked up Bancroft's Talon, Pythagorem's Piece. There's better choices that takes dominance over Shaman's Ring. Due to it's passive that only procs to AA is useless for mages due being ability based not AA based expect for Freya being an exception.
The health and mana sustain is nice but if you get Chronos' Pendant and Book of Thoth your mana issue is no longer a issue. Why do you pick this item up, well the reason is if you want a alternate source of sustain that isn't lifesteal or MP5.

Soul Eater
When to build this item:
Build this item around early - mid game.

The situation to build this item:
Build this item if want a other source of sustain.

Why you build this item:
This item when through a lot of changes through out it's course of history. Season 2 being it's prime moment being one of the most over powered lifesteal items in the game. This is not being picked similarly to Shaman's Ring there's better sustain items that give off better stats. This items stats are actually interesting it still's give off 20% lifesteals, then they added mana on the item, and add CCR. So why people don't pick up this item, Bloodforge is the reason. With 75 power and 15% lifesteal with getting a shield for every kill you get for 5s with bonus movement speed sounds a lot better than a lifesteal item with no power. This is still good if you to sustain in lane if you want to win your lane. IF you don't want to pick up blood forge then pick up Soul Eater instead.
Stone of Fal
When to build this item:
Build this item around mid - late game.

The situation to build this item:
Build this item if there's gods that could burst 30% of your health in a single ability.

Why you build this item:
The anti health buster item this items allows the player for not taking over 30% of their health against a burst god. The reason why this item doesn't picked up that often because of it's passive is really situational to gods that could shred that much health. Here's some gods that you will face that you need to buy this item. Scylla, He Bo, Thoth, Ra, Janus, Ymir, Poseidon, Vulcan, Nox, and Anubis. If you build this item against any of these gods you will have a better chance of surviving against them.


When to build this item:
Build this item around mid game.

The situation to buy this item:
Build this item if there's healers or attack speed reliant gods on the enemy team.

Why you build this item:
The only main purpose for this item is to take down healers or take down gods like Kali, or Ah Muzen Cab who are reliant on attack speed.
That's one reason why players don't pick up this item. The other reasons it's base stats, back then it had physical protection and good amount of attack speed, now it only has health, **** attack speed and a small amount of movement speed. If you use this item right and build like Hastened Fatalis with it you will have great results.

Update Log

4/18/17 - Published the guide for season 4.

4/20/17 - Reorganized the chapters and added Witchblade to the guide.

4/28/17 - Added Emperor's Armor, Jade Emperor's Crown, Midgardian Mail, Rangda's Mask, and Shaman's Ring to the guide.

5/8/17 - Updated the format of the information to allow players to understand the guide bit more, and updated Shaman's Ring Why you build this item explanation.

5/10/17 - Added Relic Dagger, Stone of Fal, and Soul Eater to the guide.

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overld1 (18) | August 22, 2017 9:54am
So I need help with this guide so I've not been playing SMITE recently so I don't know that much of item choices. So if you guys would be grateful enough to give a synopsis of some current items in SMITE are not being used that much right now. That would help a lot for this guide's future. Thank you all for the support for this guide.
Bernardozomer (33) | August 22, 2017 1:13pm
Jade Emperor's Crown is no longer an unpopular item. It's actually SPL meta to rush it now.
Gulfwulf (81) | August 23, 2017 2:15am
Oh yeah. Jade is definitely better than Sovereignty right now because of the later's nerfs. Also, Poisoned Star got its crit chance bumped up 5% to 20%.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 22, 2017 11:37am
If we're just going by that standard "least-picked" grouping overall, here's what I'd consider the weaker/less-chosen items.
  • Ancile: Just not used all that much. It's not a bad item, but the passive is a bit underwhelming (even though it's a fairly short CD of 30 seconds).

  • Atalanta's Bow: Just ****py overall. Very niche use for maybe a combo w/ Hastened Katana or something, but there are still better choices.

  • Dynasty Plate Helm: Just got a nerf, and is less appealing overall. Still has its function as a bridge item, but...underwhelming.

  • Emperor's Armor: Not sure on actual usage stats, but just has very niche function.

  • Oni Hunter's Garb: Just don't see this picked up all that much. General stats aren't bad, but the passive has a slightly long CD, and requires 2 things to trigger...3 enemy gods need to be close, and you have to deal damage. If you want that damage mitigation, might as well just get Spirit Robe (my opinion).

  • Soul Eater: still sucks. Fine niche use for Erlang Shen and that's about it.

  • Swift Wing: it's sort of used, especially with the nerf to Teleport Glyph. Also used heavily by a 100% movespeed Technotoad troll.

  • Void Shield: Just don't see it much anymore...for the stats, it's way too expensive.

  • War Flag: can work for teamfight modes like Arena, but other than that...not.
That's about what I've got.
Technotoad64 (46) | August 22, 2017 5:57pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:
  • Swift Wing: it's sort of used, especially with the nerf to Teleport Glyph. Also used heavily by a 100% movespeed Technotoad troll.
You know it!
Honestly, I think it's the best starter item you can get in solo lane right now. I like to think of it as the true starter item for solo, and treat all the other starter items like bridge items, getting them right after boots.
Lopix69 (8) | August 22, 2017 12:11pm
I see Emperor's Armor quite often recently, I think it's not a least used item.

Oni Hunter's Garb can be a good pick on blink reliant gods like geb, ymir, maybe tyr, but yeah it's not used much.
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CirclesAreRound (14) | May 11, 2017 8:32am
I don't think Stone of Fal's passive works with Anubis since all of his abilities are DoT. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 11, 2017 7:39am
Hello everybody and welcome to this interesting guide. This guide's purpose to help explain users when and why to use the least picked items in SMITE. You're thinking that why we need a guide on this. The reason why I'm doing this because I want to share the SMITE community how to use these conditional items and how to make the best use out of it. So I hope you like this idea and I'll see you guys later.
*everybody, and
*explain to users
*You're probably thinking, "Why do we need a guide on this?"
*this is because
*share with the
*out of them.
*idea, and

(repeated text)
(Don't forget to correct mistakes that are repeated because of reused text.)
When to build this item:
You buy this item in early game then sell it off around mid game.
The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want to have "unlimited" health pots.
Why you build this item:
Why this item doesn't get picked up that often is due to the price. For 200 gold you're getting 3 health pots that could regenerate when you recall to the fountain. It'll be cheaper just to buy 3 pots, but for 300 gold you could have "infinite" health pots till you sell the chalice. In CQ this item works best with the Solo Role.
*game, then
*The reason why this
*that will regenerate ("could" implies there's RNG involved.)
*cheaper to just
*pots until you
In CQ this item works best with the Solo and Mid Role.

*Solo and Mid roles. (OR) *Solo or Mid role.
When to build this item:
Buy this item at start of mid game then if your team is about to win sell it off in late game.
The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want "unlimited" wards mid - late game.
Why you build this item:
Why this item doesn't get picked up that often is due to the price. For 200 gold you're getting 2 regular wards that could regenerate when you recall to the fountain. It'll be cheaper just to buy 2 wards, but for 400 gold you could have "infinite" wards till you sell the chalice. In long term you will spend more wards if you at least place 8` or higher in one game. In CQ this item works best with the Support Role.
*game, then, if
*win, sell
*gold, you're
*wards until you
*Long term, you would
*more on wards
*place at least 8 or more in

When to build this item:
Buy this itemin early game then sell it off around mid - late game.

The situation to buy this item:
Buy this item if you want to be aggressive under towers or the enemy laner(s) is really aggressive.

Why you build this item:
The reason why this item is not being picked up as often is due to that it's passive. If affects the attack speed of all the towers/phoenixes, but not the titan. So this protection item is good to helps you to stay in enemy towers much longer and allow you to take enemy minions and gods much quicker. This is item is good in early and mid-game due to there's still towers around to affect, but by late game there would only be phoenixes left and the enemy would just shred it's health with ease. This item is great early then falls off late.
*item in
*towers, or the
*due to its passive. It
*titan, so
*at helping you stay (OR) *to help you stay
*longer, and
*This item
*due to the fact that there's (OR) *because there's
*left, and
*early, then

When to build this item:
Build this item around early - mid game if you think this item is becoming invaluable then sell it.

The situation to buy this item:
Build this item if you're facing physical gods in duel, in the solo lane, or physical majority teams.

Why you build this item:
This item is great if you face a physical god in a 1v1 for the entire game or almost the entire game. So that's why you pick it up on solo lane or in a 1v1. It does have really good stats even gives you health as well. This item also goes really well if you build with Void Stone as well so for physical gods they have their power and their protections reduced. Ares could play this item combo really well due to his passive. Buy this item if you plan to do 1v1's or go to the solo lane, and maybe if the enemy is physical majority.
*game, if
*losing its value, then sell ("Invaluable" means "beyond calculable or appraisable value; of inestimable worth; priceless", not that it has no value. Misleading, I know.)
*game, or
*That's why
*stats, it even
*also goes really well with Void Stone, so that (OR) *also works really well if you build it with Void Stone, so that
*gods have
*the majority of the enemy is physical

This is item is not picked up that much similarly to Emperor's Armor it's passive. It's passive is simple when a enemy hits you their attack and movement speed gets reduced. The sad thing about it's passive that is only triggers 30%
of all the enemy attacks that is even less than 1/3. Sad thing is when it does proc it only slows them for 2s. The only situations that you might pick this item up if the enemy team physical majority or they're AA based. If those two situations doesn't happpen then this item is pointless to get.
*The reason this item
*much, similarly
*Emperor's Armor, is its passive. Its
*simple, when an enemy
*you, their
*its passive is that it only triggers on 30%
*enemies' attacks; that is slightly less than 1/3. Another sad thing is that when
*proc, it
*up are if
*majority of the enemy team is physical
*don't happen,

Build this item if they enemy relies on power and attack speed.
Why you build this item:
The main soul purpose of this item to weaken gods that are heavily focused focused on damage and movement speed like Mercury or Susano for example.
One reason that players are not picking this item up is due to 2 reasons. It only has a 15%
crit chance that it a only a 5% difference to it's tier two version. The item also only give 5 extra power from it's tier two version making it the only crit item that is under 30 power. With these bad stats why do people pick it up. Is to punish Assassins and Mages that have insane burst potential and high or low mobility. This item work best against a Mercury, Susano, Thanatos, and Anubis. In CQ this item works best with the Jungle and Carry role.
*if the enemy relies (OR) *if they rely
*main purpose (OR) *sole purpose ("Sole" means "only; single", so "main sole" is redundant.)
*item is to
*heavily focused
*speed, like
*Players are not picking this item up due to 2 reasons.
*chance, that is only a
*difference from its
*only gives 5
*from its tier
*stats, why
*up? This item's purpose is to
*works best
*Thanatos, or Anubis
*Jungler or Carry

Build this item early game to maximize it's potential, if becomes useless sell it of around mid - late game.
The situation to build this item:
Build this item if you are going to be aggressive in the jungle.
Why you build this item:
Main purpose of this item if you are a aggressive bastard in the jungle. Meaning that if you are going to perform a lot of ganks and picking off enemies then pick up this item. The reason why people don't build this that you need 8 kills or 16 assists to get to the item's full potential. Yes the does give off nice stats at the end, but by the time you get to it you probably sell to get a better version of itself that's Hastened Fatalis both items almost give off similar stats, but fatalis has more than Rangda's Mask at the end. If you feel that you are going to get kills quickly then pick up this item.
*if it becomes
*The main purpose of this item is if you are going to be an aggressive bastard in the jungle, meaning that you are going to perform a lot of ganks and pick off enemies. (OR) *The main purpose of this item is to be an aggressive bastard in the jungle. If you are going to perform a lot of ganks, and will be picking off enemies, pick up this item.
*this is that
*Yes, it does give you
*sold it to
*it; that's Hastened Fatalis. Both
*give you similar (OR) *give you almost identical
*quickly, then

Build this item mid game about when you get the option to buy your second relic.
The situation to build this item:
Build this item if you want to be supportive with relics or want a alternate of Winged Blade.
Why you build this item:
The main purpose to build this item is you want to pull off more relics constantly. This is a weaker alternate version of Winged Blade it has less but the other stats are similar one has CDR one has CCR.
*game, about
*relics, or
*an alternate version of (OR) *an alternative to
*purpose of building (OR) *reason to build
*is if you
*use relics more often (OR) *use relics constantly ("Pull off" implies a difficult undertaking.)
*Winged Blade, it
*less, but (Also, it has less of what?)
*similar, except one has CDR and the other one has CCR.
Having relics to have a smaller cooldown is nice allowing to pop
*Having relics have a smaller cooldown is nice, allowing you to pop (Which is technically correct, I think. HOWEVER, I would phrase it as:) *Having your relics on a smaller cooldown is nice, because it allows you to pop
If you wonder when to get this item, well if you want CDR get Relic Dagger if you want CCR then get Winged Blade.
*If you want CDR, get Relic Dagger. If you want CCR, get Winged Blade. (I would remove "If you wonder when to get this item, well" entirely. The rest is just missing punctuation and an unnecessary "then".)
Emeralack | May 10, 2017 10:48am
So I've been finding success using Jade Emperor's Crown in my Aphrodite build, should I change it? Or just switch it out when I'm not going against AA opponents? Been playing her in Ranked Joust, seems like everyone either has a hunter or hypercarry mage.
overld1 (18) | May 10, 2017 11:00am
You could keep it in your build just don't use it when your facing magical majority team. The main purpose of the item is to reduce their power for early game then sell it off if you feel the passive is not working effectively.
overld1 (18) | May 10, 2017 9:20am
Updated the guide added Stone of Fal, Soul Eater, and Relic Dagger to the guide.
overld1 (18) | May 8, 2017 1:04pm
Updated the guide to help users understand the item pick a bit more this was suggested by Bran.

EDIT*: I also updated Shaman's Ring why you build this item section this was a suggestion from Bran as well.
overld1 (18) | April 28, 2017 11:15am
Updated the guide added five new items with detailed explanations why they're situational.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 28, 2017 1:00pm
With regard to Emperor's Armor, you really should indicate that this is EXTREMELY situational. It's almost never picked up, because the stats are fairly terrible for the cost. Given that it's a protection/health item, it usually wouldn't be picked up by pure damage dealers like mages or hunters. Assassins might make some offensive use of it if they're good mid-game split-pushers, but otherwise they won't use it defensively much as they want to roam. It's just difficult for me to see exactly how this can be a meaningful item for almost anyone...and if you're going to talk about it, you need to sell it on true, appropriate times to pick it up.

As for Jade Emperor's Crown, although it's obvious by stats, you should also clearly mention that it's a magical god's item. It's cheap which is nice, but the physical power reduction is only really functional in the early game. Late game, it's fairly weak, so you should talk about it being more of an early-game bridge item.

Actually, I see a bit of a trend with descriptions. You might consider really breaking each item down by are some other things you should probably consider discussing each time.
  • Who is it good for? (Magical/Physical, Class, Role)
  • When is it good to pick up? (Early/Mid/Late) - Right now your "when to build" refers to situation, but not specifically time.
  • When should you NOT pick it up? - With these niche items, advising not only when to get it,
    but also examples of when NOT to get it can help one better understand both its strengths and weaknesses.
For Poisoned Star, "when to build" should be expanded...I understand you want a quick summary for that, but at least describe situations in the main body. You say pick up 2nd or 3rd, but don't advise how. In most situations with normal players, Deathbringer is almost always suggested as the 2nd item...and the newer players to which this guide is targeted might not understand the appropriate situations where this may deviate. With someone like Artemis, with her inherent crit chance, Deathbringer can be (situationally) a viable 1st crit item. As such, this would be a case where Poisoned Star would be a functional 2nd crit item. Otherwise, going triple crit with this as a 3rd item might be a great idea if you're in a duel match. See what I mean?

Skipping over Rangda's to go into Shaman's Ring. There's no real explanation of why you'd get it (not just attack speed, but boxing potential from its healing, which you don't mention at all). And for an item like this, it's important to discuss why you would choose this over an alternate sustain item (standard lifesteal like Pythagorem's Piece or Bancroft's Talon). Also, really need to correct you on Freya...she's situationally ranged, based on the function of Pulse. And honestly, this is a terrible item for Ao Kuang, and I don't think it's good to even suggest...he's a much better god built for CDR than attack speed to get more ults off, and the healing effect he would get off of this item would only work on basics, meaning when he uses his Dragon Call...he'll get nothing from his 1 or 3. Lifesteal thus would be the better choice for him, and Polynomicon at that.

Hope some of this helps. Keep up the work!
overld1 (18) | April 27, 2017 1:02pm
SO I was looking at the front page of this site and I saw this guide on hot guides for some reason. Also expect a update on this guide tomorrow.
Technotoad64 (46) | April 21, 2017 5:51am
if you want to be more risky buy it as you third crit item.
*risky, buy
*as your third

The main soul purpose of this item to weaken gods
*main purpose
(I'm guessing "soul" was supposed to be "sole". "main sole" is redundant.)
*item is to
overld1 (18) | April 21, 2017 6:05am
Thx you gramur lurd lul.
Technotoad64 (46) | April 21, 2017 6:13am
I can do the whole thing, if you want. I could correct chapters as you add them.
overld1 (18) | April 20, 2017 12:43pm
reorganized the chapters added a update log and added Witchblade to the guide.
overld1 (18) | April 20, 2017 11:28am
So I have a idea how to format this guide I will put it in all under one chapter and I'm going to separate the items alphabetically.
Technotoad64 (46) | April 19, 2017 6:13am
Great concept, but the headers are throwing me off. Do you mind using [size] instead of h1?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author overld1
Explaining the Least Picked Items in SMITE | Season 4 (V.1.4) (W.I.P.)
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