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Branmuffin17's Blog
Blog Posts: 84     Views: 304666     Comments: 1127
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December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Views: 1446 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
Christmas  |  Thankful
Hi everyone,

Just a quick Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm thankful for the community and the individuals I've befriended, and for the hard work people put in on their guides and comments.

Also special thanks to the MOBAFire Network crew for their work on improving the site and giving us a place to share our thoughts as a community.

Hope your year has been great, and that the next one will be even better!

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December 22, 2018

Smite and Alcohol: Synergy or...?

Views: 3052 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
Alcohol  |  Smite
Do they mix?
boogiebass wrote:
Join us next time gulf. Bran was pretty drunk and made bad plays.

There's a trend I spot. It was a fun night...mix of old and new crew, with TaƧo, GameGeekFan, boogiebass, and DV-8 at different times.

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December 16, 2018

Item Comments

Views: 6024 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
I'm gonna start a little on-site project...going to offer a summary of each T3 item on the item page. Might also do relics and blessings, but for now, starting with T3.

Will cover Strengths, Weaknesses, and Best Use or something like that. Mean for this to be relatively objective, so am willing to adjust certain parts if I've missed something or got something wrong.

Starting with Ancile.

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December 07, 2018

Fasting & Smash Bros

Views: 2240 Branmuffin17
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Fasting  |  SmashBros
Two completely unrelated subjects.

Today is my 5th day of 5 of a customized and clinically studied fasting-mimicking diet, with a very tailored and severely reduced caloric intake. The purpose of fasting isn't for weight loss (though I could definitely afford to shed a few pounds, or kilos for the rest of you non-Americans). Instead, at around the 3rd day, it puts your body into a different state, where it's now realized standard nutrition isn't incoming. It forces your body into a protective state, and allows for cellular regeneration, refreshes stress resistance, removes damaged cells and/or increases repair of cells. Basically, it's rejuvenation for the body's organs.

In any case, I'm definitely hungry, and a bit on the weak side, but feeling pretty good today. The 2nd day was amazingly the worst, where I felt foggy, lethargic, and had a headache. I'm definitely ready to have some normal food though.

As for ALSO everyone knows, Smash Bros Ultimate has been released. I …
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November 28, 2018
+Rep | Report
Builds  |  Guides  |  Voting
To all users, just want to clarify that you are welcome to ask me questions (here or in PM), or request a review of your build/guide.

As for when I do check builds/guides, I plan to continue commenting and voting. For a bit of transparency here, my voting will be as follows:
  • If things look generally peachy, it'll be an upvote.

  • In cases where I feel the build is generally solid but could use a bit of improvement or provide other considerations, I'll reserve a vote for if/when the creator responds, and how they respond.

  • If the build is overall okay but has a major flaw, I'll comment and downvote. Creators, let me know your thoughts in a reply, and depending on that comment or if you make appropriate adjustments, I'll switch my vote.

  • If the build is terrible, it'll be considered for archive, but I will comment on that first and give a chance for a response, and it will also get an immediate downvote.

  • If a build is true troll, it'll be immediately archived.
I'll try to check ou…
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