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SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0

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Forum » Theory Crafting » SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0 107 posts - page 1 of 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » May 23, 2019 11:37am | Report

Welcome to the Unofficial SMITEFire Viability Rankings topic, revived!

In this thread, we as a community will rank every single usable God into "tiers." In this thread, you're encouraged to post your thoughts and opinions on the various Gods and what tier they should fall under. Posts in this thread will be taken into account when deciding rank changes.

The general idea of the topic is to rank each God under "rankings" that go in descending order. There's a total of 5 tier list, one of each role of the game, and the characters sorted into them are in accordance with Branmuffin17's Conquest Guide. If you feel a character is missing in a specific role, please point it out!

Below are the definitions of each rank, and they should be read by anyone that wants to participate in the discussion of God's ranks in this thread:

S+ Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are not only the pinnacle of the current metagame, but also Gods who we feel are overpowered, and deserve a nerf. They have a very low risk and a high reward return value for their pick, and will almost always win the game by themselves if need be. These Gods not only define the metagame but mold it as well.

S Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are the pinnacle of the current metagame, but we feel, as a community, that they aren't "broken" and they don't need a big nerf/readjustment. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Gods in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits. They are also the ideal first pick/first ban scenario characters. These Gods define the metagame.

A Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are fantastic in the current metagame, and can carry, support, or wall against significant portions of the metagame. These Gods require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be compensated for when compared to their positive traits. These Gods exert a strong presence in the metagame (A+) or maybe an above average presence in the metagame (A).

B Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are mediocre in the current metagame. These Gods have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits can outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential. These Gods exert an average presence in the metagame (B+) or maybe a below average presence in the metagame (B).

C Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are bad in the current metagame, have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Gods in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Gods from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Gods. These Gods have little presence in the metagame.

D Rank

: Reserved for Gods that are 100% outclassed in every single way, shape, and form imaginable. There is literally no reason to use Gods in this tier in any serious match. These Gods exert no presence in the metagame.

Gods to discuss at the moment

SMITEFire Gods Ranking Tierlist (Patch 6.6 - Neo Olynpia)







  • Post intelligently. One-liners and Posts like "I think God X should be in this tier" will not be tolerated.

  • No flaming.

  • Usage statistics may be used to support an argument or a claim, but don't base your ENTIRE argument around them. For example, you can't just say "God X shouldn't be this tier because they aren't used that often!"

  • Just because you're good at a god doesn't mean that the god is good itself; it only proves YOUR skill at playing it, not the GOD's ability to function. Ex: If I decided to no-life Loki until I knew literally every single possible little nook and cranny, went into Platinum League, and get 30 kills every single game for 50 games, my statement that Loki should be in B+ would still be false.

  • Please, don't forget to mention which tier list you're talking about since there are multiple characters that are in more than one tier list!

Current version of the Viability Ranking: 1.0

This thread follows Talenhiem's format and original SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread, both as a sign of respect to his legacy and a continuation of his enthusiasm and work.

Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 23, 2019 11:52am | Report
I'd argue that Zhong Kui is A and not B. He has a good survivability, strong early pressure in lane with Bancroft's Talon with high damage and heal, decent teamfight presence late game with a decent tanky capacity.

The cons that keeps him in A is: lack of scape (kill of be killed), bruiser (+ damage means less tankinnes and + defenses means low damage), anti heals really hurts him (they remove the only sustain he has, needed to keep in the fight).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » May 23, 2019 11:55am | Report
I'd argue Odin is C (supp/solo/jg). Doesn't bring much to the table. Mediocre damage, low base stats, needs a comp built around him, etc.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » May 23, 2019 12:02pm | Report
@xmyst you're talking about which role? Mid or Solo?

@boogie Good points, let's wait till there's more discussion so I can make the "Y'all have to vote now" post
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 23, 2019 12:03pm | Report
I forgot he can be a mid too, I was talking about solo. Mid lane...yeah...B or A both looks decent to me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 23, 2019 12:22pm | Report
There’s a lot I disagree with, but in particular, why is mah boi Raijin in C tier for Mid? That’s a ridiculous placement if I’ve seen one. Also Ao Kuang isn’t a mid laner lol


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 23, 2019 12:31pm | Report

This thread follows Talenhiem's format and original SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread, both as a sign of respect to his legacy and a continuation of his enthusiasm and work.

Sneaky prism. It doesn't you made role categories.

also as sub said in one of his comments that was the right thing to do.

now to only lose the + and - tiers


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » May 23, 2019 12:31pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

There’s a lot I disagree with, but in particular, why is mah boi Raijin in C tier for Mid? That’s a ridiculous placement if I’ve seen one.

Oh yeah he's better, lmao my mistake. I had the "Good for actually nothing" Raijin in my mind. Care to elaborate which position do you think he deserves, and what else you disagree with?

Kriega1 wrote:

Also Ao Kuang isn’t a mid laner lol

Fight @Bran, he included Ao Kuang as a mid laner in his CQ guide.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » May 23, 2019 12:33pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

Sneaky prism. It doesn't you made role categories.

also as sub said in one of his comments that was the right thing to do.

now to only lose the + and - tiers

I actually asked some other members (like bran) for their opinion on this and, while most people didn't say like "Ah you should keep his format" or something alike, I do believe that, since Talenhiem created that format thinking about a Community Tier list, I think it's only fair we keep it. I made some slight adjustments but I'd say 87% of it is his.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 23, 2019 1:02pm | Report

Oh yeah he's better, lmao my mistake. I had the "Good for actually nothing" Raijin in my mind. Care to elaborate which position do you think he deserves,

Probably A+.

and what else you disagree with?

Lots. I'll make a tier list and link it.


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