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SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0

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Forum » Theory Crafting » SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0 107 posts - page 11 of 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 6, 2019 10:41am | Report

yOu CaN'T sAy AlL HuNtErS ShOuLd gO Up A TiEr


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 6, 2019 10:54am | Report
  • First of all, there are no B ADCs anymore. All of them are at least A due the recent buffs on ADC items as Ninja Tabi and of course Fail-Not.

  • Skadi ulti and new addition to passive makes her a (even more) pain in the as* to deal with (A+)

  • Artemis same always get a good use of crits and having the ulti ready sooner is also good for teamfighting (A)

  • AMC should be A+ having your ulti ready often due the CDR reduction provided when you pick it allied with a constant poke due honey and passive compensate his lack of escape and make him a very good pick right now.

  • Xbal can't stay at S without the stun in ulti + all the nerfs he received. He is strong, but not as an S god.

  • Freya lost as her insane early pressure so she should be A (She is a Freya anyway at late game)

  • Sol is probably A now because physical hunters are pretty strong with Fail-Not as 3rd item.

  • I would put Cupid as A+ too. Fail-Not providing crit and specially CDR, I felt he became a portable nuke bomb with his ulti almost flawless since he has a high sustain with Share The Love, but I'm okay with him at A too.

  • I would drop Neith to B+ if you don't build Fail-Not on her, but if you do she should remains at A.

Are you happy now @ThePerfectPrism?

Also I'm with Kriega and Sobek solo should be A not B+


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 7, 2019 10:06am | Report
Remember everyone! Ayes or Nays!
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WolfWitch » August 10, 2019 5:46pm | Report
Hi cookies! I see ya'll are fancy up here with your own tierlist huh? That sounds like a lot to maintain if I can be honest!

Regarding your proposed changes, here's what I have to say:

Thoth should be A. He's not the best mid mage, but you don't need to be a master Thoth to do well with him! He doesn't bring enough to the table, but he's safe and deals a lot of damage!

Eset should go to S! She's a freakin powerhouse, and the shield she gives to herself AND TO HER ALLIES is complete bull! She's the opposite of Thoth, she bring waaaaay too much to the table!

Sobek should really just to go A not B+, I agree with these fine gentleman

Skadi should go to S on the ADC tierlist! She's another powerhouse with her new ultimate mechanic and with Fail-Not!

As for the other changes, all Ayes to them! Keep this up darling!! xoxo


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 10, 2019 6:07pm | Report
Thoth is definitely not an A. He got a nice buff on the 1 sure, and Staff of Myrddin gives him safety with double dash potential, but otherwise heā€™s easy to kill (especially since his stun got changed to a root) and not great in an early game focused meta. Iā€™d say heā€™s B+. Thoth is a great poke god, but not great for burst. Better to just play Agni who has a stronger early game presence.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 10, 2019 6:12pm | Report
Also I think Isis can go S and Merlin can go back to S.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karisma » September 21, 2019 12:12am | Report
Can we get an update on this?
Currently playing Classic WoW.

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aficionado & expert in off-meta specs: Melee Hunter, Smite Priest, Priest Tank Guide, Rogue Tank and more...


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