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SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0

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Forum » Theory Crafting » SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0 107 posts - page 8 of 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 27, 2019 7:15am | Report
I think for ranked Apollo can be very annoying due to his splitpush potential. Would probably put him in A.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 27, 2019 7:16am | Report
Vini_sds wrote:

I think Neith, Chiron and Skadi are better mid laners and are better built without AS items (So they should go Heartseeker/Titan's instead of Exe/Qin's).

I think Chiron should just go trans, warrior, asi, exe, qins, o-bow build. I just don't see him building pure ability based like Ullr, Neith or Skadi.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » June 27, 2019 8:00am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

I think for ranked Apollo can be very annoying due to his splitpush potential. Would probably put him in A.

I totally forgot about his ultimate lol. I agree, he should be one tier up.

Kriega1 wrote:

I think Chiron should just go trans, warrior, asi, exe, qins, o-bow build. I just don't see him building pure ability based like Ullr, Neith or Skadi.

If he goes full power + pen + Heartseeker his Masterful Shot can deal a decent amount of damage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 27, 2019 8:13am | Report
Vini_sds wrote:

If he goes full power + pen + Heartseeker his Masterful Shot can deal a decent amount of damage.

Yes, but unless you're in AA-range the only way you typically will apply Masterful Shot is with your 1 which can be easily juked, plus a lot of the time gets saved as a CC cleanse. I mean yeah you can deal well with him pure ability based but he just isn't the best of hunters right now in my opinion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 27, 2019 9:33am | Report
Really happy to see some discussion in this thread! I'm going to post Estidien's opinions on the Jungle tierlist so y'all can discuss it a bit as well.

Estidien wrote:

Ao Kuang to S
Achilles to A
Bellona to B+
Loki to B+
Cabrakan to A
Poseidon to B+
The Morrigan to B+
Athena to A
Chernobog should be removed
Fenrir to B+
He Bo to A
Kuzenbo to B
Thor to A
Awilix to A
Artio to C OR removed
Da Ji to A
Vamana to A (Entry Request)
Ne Zha to A
Nemesis to A+
Ratatoskr to A
Thanatos to B+
Bakasura to A+
Arachne to A+
Osiris to B
Tyr to B+ (Entry Request)
King Arthur to A
Sun Wukong to B (Entry Request)
Chang'e to B (Entry Request)

And here's some of his reasoning for his opinions:

Estidien wrote:

Ao Kuang is by far the strongest in the JG right now first off. His magical damage allows him to bypass many early game protection build orders and his kill potential is practically unrivaled

Idk why Achilles is so high up there with the current meta heavily favoring left click assassins
Not to mention a lot of his stuff is outplayable and I'd easily put him under gods like Arachne and Kali right now

Bellona needs to be dropped down a tier her stuff is too interuptable and avoidable. Other buildpaths make her weaker in the early

Why is Loki D tier? I'd at LEAST put him at B+

Odin's damage can actually be "Caught" by better players and is easy to avoid. He cant maintain that kind of damage late and becomes an ultbot that struggles to confirm kills without defense
Now that I think about it Odin can stay at C for composition purposes

Chernobog needs to not be there if we're leaving out things like Anhur, Ullr and Medusa

Fenrirshould drop to B+ he's good but highly counterable as a pick. niche at best

Kuzenbo should drop a tier or 2(His big kill potential comes from building Tanky and cycling abilities with his reflect CDR reduction. Building him burst takes that away from him

Drop Artio 1 or 2 tiers or frankly just get rid of her

Bump Nemesis up a tier she's great atm

Drop Thanatos a tier he's struggling against current meta picks and build paths

Bakasura and Arachne need to bump a tier they're big right now, Baka's farm ability is unrivaled and the katana tree has really made him shine
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 5, 2019 5:55am | Report
Well, I'm reviving this topic right now
  • Thoth should go to A - I feel he is doing an insane damage if you hit all 3 hits from his 1 (at least B+ if not A).

  • I think Ao Kuang deserves an S tier because it's an Ao kuang, the master yi of smite (press 1 button, hold the auto attack and that's a kill)

  • King Arthur is S right now due the physical anti-heal item.

  • I can't understand why Sobek is A+ (as solo), I mean, unless he throws someone into the tower, I doubt he can win the lane.

  • Skadi is now at least A, but I would put she at A+. All hybrid hunters are A+ for me due Fail-Not, while the pure skill based (except Skadi, maybe Ullr too, as pointed by kriega) are B.

  • I strongly disagree with Geb S, plus Ares should be A right now.

That's it for now, I guess


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 5, 2019 6:02am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Skadi is now at least A, but I would put she at A+. All hybrid hunters are A+ for me due Fail-Not, while the pure skill based (except Skadi) are B.

I hope you don't mean Ullr would be in B.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 5, 2019 6:04am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

I hope you don't mean Ullr would be in B.

He another exception :p
In fact I said it with Neith in my mind


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 5, 2019 9:59am | Report
Okay people! Let's update this! Leave your opinions about recent meta shifts here and DISCUSS THEM for this to be updated! Thanks
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 5, 2019 11:04am | Report

Okay people! Let's update this! Leave your opinions about recent meta shifts here and DISCUSS THEM for this to be updated! Thanks

Most hunters go up by one tier (Skadi by two), Thoth goes up one tier, Baron goes from like C to like, B+, Merlin goes down a tier, Isis goes up like 2 tiers, Freya goes down two tiers, Olorun would be like B tier for Mid, his early clear is ***, Set is like B+ tier for Mid I think.

Apollo, Skadi go up a tier/two, Hou Yi goes up, Freya goes down.

I think this tier list gets the rough idea of it all:


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