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Branmuffin's ADC Building Tenets

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Branmuffin's ADC Building Tenets 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 21, 2021 4:16pm | Report
When building for Hunters as ADCs, these are the main stats I consider and how I approach my builds. Note that these are not necessarily meta / pro builds, and are not claimed as being best, but there's a method to my madness.

TL;DR for most, sorry. If you're willing to read, I'd love a constructive discussion.

Understand that there are a few points that affect how I build, and definitely not everyone will agree.
  • I don't like too much build inefficiency. If not building into Silverbranch Bow, I would rather brush just below the AS cap of 2.5 - rather than exceed it - by changing an item. While I also don't prefer mixing protection reduction w/ % penetration, sometimes more pen (and adding % pen to the build) is too good to pass up.

  • I hate the concept of benefitting from overcapping (i.e. Silverbranch Bow). I do acknowledge its effectiveness in the current meta, but I don't have to like it.

  • I don't always build for max DPS through the match. I understand concepts of power spiking, but am not always aiming for early-game dominance. In some cases, I'm satisfied with a general stalemate in laning phase, instead looking for efficiency of stats for the end build and focusing on what the ADC should be doing late-game (e.g. objectives).
So here we go. Reference again for my hunter DPS spreadsheet is here.

Starter Items

Crit vs. Qin's / Attack Speed

Building for Power Spikes / Early Pressure

I'm going to provide a few build examples for some of my preferred gods now, and provide explanations for these choices.




Anyway, that's a bit about how I think about builds and build structure. Again, some of this probably doesn't align with the current meta, and I know there are some weaknesses, but I also think there are alternatively some different strengths that have made these build types feel good to me. Preference based on god and kit.

Would enjoy discussion.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 21, 2021 4:26pm | Report
As an FYI, the following are build examples provided by Kriega that should generally be good to use as the meta is shaping up:

Devo’s Cowl Crit Build: Cowl, Devo's, Exe, Wind, Deathbringer, Filler crit (Poison/Shadow/Fail-Not), Hunter's Cowl

Bow Obow Qin’s Build: Cowl, Ichaival, Exe/Atalanta’s, Qin's, Obow, Silverbranch, Hunter's Cowl (if went Atalanta’s early could sell Ichaival late for Exe)

Bow Obow Qin’s Build (low base AS Hunter variant): Cowl, Ichaival, Exe/Atalanta’s, Qin's, Obow, Titan’s, Hunter's Cowl (if went Atalanta’s early could sell Ichaival late for Exe)

(An alternative build path for the bow builds is to get Asi after Ichaival, get Obow or Silverbranch/Titan’s 5th and Sell Cowl for Silverbranch/Titan’s or Obow instead of getting Hunter’s Cowl

Bow Crit Build: Cowl, Ichaival (could sell late for Bloodforge), Exe, Wind Demon, Deathbringer, Filler crit (Poison/Shadow/Fail-Not), Hunter's Cowl

Trans Qin’s Obow Build: Cowl/Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Exe, Qin's, sell BS/Cowl for Obow, Titan's/Silverbranch

Trans Crit Build: Cowl/Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Exe, Wind, sell BS/Cowl for Deathbringer, Poison/Shadowsteel

Trans Power Pen Build: Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Crusher/Brawlers/Jotunn’s, Titan’s, Heartseeker, Sell Bluestone for Obow or upgrade to Brooch

Bumba’s Build: Trans, Jotunn’s, Crusher/Brawlers, Titans, Bumba’s Hammer, Heartseeker

Devo’s Ornate Crit Build: Arrow, Devo's, Exe, Wind, Deathbringer, Ornate, filler (Qin's/Poison/Dom)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 22, 2021 2:31am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

As an FYI, the following are meta build examples provided by Kriega:

Devo’s Cowl Crit Build: Cowl, Devo's, Exe, Wind, Deathbringer, Filler crit (Poison/Shadow/Fail-Not), Hunter's Cowl

Bow Obow Qin’s Build: Cowl, Ichaival, Exe/Atalanta’s, Qin's, Obow, Silverbranch, Hunter's Cowl (if went Atalanta’s early could sell Ichaival late for Exe)

Bow Obow Qin’s Build (low base AS Hunter variant): Cowl, Ichaival, Exe/Atalanta’s, Qin's, Obow, Titan’s, Hunter's Cowl (if went Atalanta’s early could sell Ichaival late for Exe)

(An alternative build path for the bow builds is to get Asi after Ichaival, get Obow or Silverbranch/Titan’s 5th and Sell Cowl for Silverbranch/Titan’s or Obow instead of getting Hunter’s Cowl

Bow Crit Build: Cowl, Ichaival (could sell late for Bloodforge), Exe, Wind Demon, Deathbringer, Filler crit (Poison/Shadow/Fail-Not), Hunter's Cowl

Trans Qin’s Obow Build: Cowl/Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Exe, Qin's, sell BS/Cowl for Obow, Titan's/Silverbranch

Trans Crit Build: Cowl/Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Exe, Wind, sell BS/Cowl for Deathbringer, Poison/Shadowsteel

Trans Power Pen Build: Bluestone, Trans, Asi, Crusher/Brawlers/Jotunn’s, Titan’s, Heartseeker, Sell Bluestone for Obow or upgrade to Brooch

Bumba’s Build: Trans, Jotunn’s, Crusher/Brawlers, Titans, Bumba’s Hammer, Heartseeker

Devo’s Ornate Crit Build: Arrow, Devo's, Exe, Wind, Deathbringer, Ornate, filler (Qin's/Poison/Dom)

I didn't say they were all meta, I just said they were all the main possibilities until we know for sure what the meta will shape up to be / what builds will be possible, post mid season patch. Also the Bumba's build there is a Ullr only build.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 22, 2021 8:12am | Report
Ahhh my bad, will clarify.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » August 9, 2022 9:30pm | Report
Hey Bran, Just Came Back to the game after a long break.

I'm Curious on what build gives more damage to Heimdallr, Qin's or full crit, since he has higher basic attack damage, but can't deal full crit damage,

Additionally, I wonder how much dps Charybdis does with a silverbranch AS build compared to a crit/Qin's build, since she has very fast AS at max stacks of her passive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 10, 2022 1:31pm | Report
Silverbranch is built in every ADC build right now

I'd probably avoid crit on Heim lately cause the crit part of his passive has been nerfed enough by now you should not bother with it on him, unless there's 0 spectrals on enemy team then you could potentially consider it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 10, 2022 5:56pm | Report
Hey Rev, welcome back!

Past what Kriega said (he's likely the most knowledgeable on meta builds for all hunters), I think you're also good in experimenting and seeing what actually feels best.

That said, your common build direction on him will probably be either Temper or Cowl, Trans, Asi or Exe (Ferocious Glyph), Qin's, Silver and O-Bow. If you plan to go Temper, grab Asi for your lifesteal. If you go Cowl and you're willing to have lower lifesteal, switch out Asi for Exe...the late-game combo of Exe + Silver is very strong overall pen effect, even if there are some inefficiencies with how prot reduction and % pen work. If you don't go/want Trans, you can consider Dom.

As for Charybdis, her AS at level 20 and full tide is very strong. You say Silver / AS build vs Qin's/crit...but you'd go Qin's in the Silver / AS build (I assume you know this). To give you an idea, if you have a base/core of Qin's Sais, Silverbranch Bow, Odysseus' Bow and Asi, at max tide you're already at 2.49 AS (right at the border of max). You have a variety of combinations you can actually do with her and get great function.
I always encourage to experiment some. I've always had a lot of fun w/ Embrace, O-Bow and Ichaival due to her attack chain. Otherwise, you can always go with the crit build, which also works fine.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » August 10, 2022 6:21pm | Report
Thank You for the advice, Heimdallr is one of my most favorite hunters due to his unique attack chain and high damage abilities, so I been tinkering my build for him a lot.

Recently i have been running Death's Embrace, Transcendance, Alantia bow, Qin's, and finally Wind Demon and Deathbringer (poison glyph) for balanced ability and basic attack damage

As for Charybis, I have been looking for a good build that works on her.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 11, 2022 4:05pm | Report
So, if you're looking for a build beginning to end for Charybdis:
You could try subbing out Trans and getting Ichaival. No stacking issues early, you gain early boxing potential, and it's a tad cheaper with more early AS. If you do that, then you probably should go with the Temper upgrade as with the rest of the items, you'll overcap AS by a lot.

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