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Essence Drinker
A passive that leaves pools of essence that regenerates health and mana. One of the sustain abilities for Camazotz. This ability drops a pool of essence where a ally or a enemy dies. You are the only person in the game that could see this pools. These pools also show up on the minimap as purple dots. These pools heal you for 10 ticks of health and mana, these ticks go faster if you are out of combat. If there is a other
Camazotz on the enemy team then you both have to fight for the pools.
A line ability that damages enemies. This is camaztoz's lane clear this ability damages all enemies in a line, but it stops on the first enemy god hit. If this ability hits a gods it reveals them on the map and bounce back soundwaves. If camaztoz picks one up he gets a power buff for a duration of time. This ability is great for initiation for your standard ability combo.
Vampire Bats
A line ability that deals DoT damage and heals. The most stupid and annoying ability on this guy. With a power scaling of 130% some has to smoking something while doing this ability. This ability is the only ability that has CC in his kit. If you build this ability right you could do half health in Early and Late game. This ability also heals you for a set amount after the DoT or when the person dies. A other trick about this ability is you hit the jungle buff creep you get a stack of vampirism that gives you bonus lifesteal and healing for 3 min. You have to kill the creep though if you want to mark that creep again.
A leap that deals damage and applies healing. Camazotz's main sustain ability, and one of the strongest self heals in the game. If you are in critical condition or your health bar is red if you jump on a full wave of minions this ability almost fully heals you. This is how stupid it is. There are two ways you could use this ability, one for initiation, or two for escaping. Also the healing is also be increased by your physical power.
Bat Out of Hell
A airborne ability that deals damage in a line. A other interesting ability in SMITE. So there are lot of things that comes in this ability. So you deal damage in a line if you hit more than one enemy the next person's damage receives 10% more damage. So if the enemy in the right time when they're grouped up in a bunch then this is where the ability is most effective. This ability also makes untargetable by towers, titans, and jungle camps. This ability doesn't go through permanent walls, but can go through player made walls like Odin's
Ring of Spears.
Camazotz is a assassin that that could do insane burst damage with the insane amount of sustain in his kit. I think of
Camazotz as different version of
Thanatos. A immobile version of
Thanatos that's
Camazotz. The one thing about
Camazotz need to perform on him is early game aggression if you could bully the enemy team early game that where his strong then it helps a lot when he gets off balanced Mid game. So still need to think gambling that
Camazotz can't jump through walls he's one of the very few Assassins that can't leap or teleport through walls. Main goal with
Camazotz is aggression if you succeed at least doing this with any Lane or the jungle this helps your team conquering that lane. So have fun with these builds and I hope making
Camazotz easier to understand. See Ya!
10/13/16 - Published guide for season 3. Updated the item explanation and ability section of the guide.
10/14/16 - Updated the jungle and solo builds.
10/17/16 - Added a new ability combo and also fix some grammatical errors.
10/25/16 - Updated the ability section for his current version and also fixed some grammatical errors.
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Never really thought about
It IS nice and cheap, which is good for the mobility. I'm assuming if you are fed, your preferred choice would be
Can't really complain about the rest of the jungle build.
As for Solo...
Thanks for the advice and I'll try to fix any grammatical errors I made thx.