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Season 8 Starter Items: Solo + Dominance Edition - Bran's Thoughts

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Season 8 Starter Items: Solo + Dominance Edition - Bran's Thoughts 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 13, 2021 12:31pm | Report
Hey everyone,

Next up is the final edition of the new S8 starters, this one for Solo. Also included is a quick look at the one new T3 item Dominance.

You can find my previous writeups here:

Season 8 Starter Items: Carry Edition
Season 8 Starter Items: Support Edition
Season 8 Starter Items: Jungle Edition
Season 8 Starter Items: Mid Edition

Solo Starters

Warrior's Axe
Main Purpose: Sustain & Boxing

Best for: Solos looking for a comfortable starter

Bran's Thoughts: In comparison to the S7 Solo starter Warrior's Blessing, this has similar stats and function, though it doesn't "evolve" into something a bit stronger. Lacking in this one is mana sustain, which means it'll be even more important to secure your Mana Buff.

On a positive note, the base physical protection is a bit higher and you gain a small amount of flat damage reduction, making it a little bit easier to box and bully in the midst of a minion wave. It's also the cheapest Solo starter, allowing for more starting potions.

I expect this to be picked up if you're not looking to grab Bluestone Pendant for more aggressive ability play, as it's a safe pick.

Expected Starts:

There may be more starts or slight variations that I haven't thought of or listed here.

Universal Starts:
Physical Solos:
Magical Solos:
Upgrade Options

Sundering Axe
Hero's Axe

Hero's Axe

Sundering Axe: This is the offensive upgrade, great for Solos that are looking to disrupt and dive the enemy backline in a teamfight. Provides an enhanced health steal every 7s to allow you to maintain pressure. Normal Solo gameplay would expect this to be the popular choice, but as the stats currently stand, I expect the other option to be more appealing right now.

Hero's Axe: This is the defensive upgrade, with a bit more protections and health than Sundering Axe, along with a very significant 30% crowd control reduction.

The biggest draw, IMO, is in the name. If the passive procs, you may in fact be a hero to your teammate. If they're close to you and get hit with hard CC, you give them a shield equal to 15% of your max health. We expect most standard Solos to be fairly tanky with increased health. It's not unreasonable to see 2,500-3,000 health on a Solo. At a modest 2,500 health, you'll provide a 375 health shield, which is very significant. The issue will be that your teammate needs to be close, so it won't be of benefit if you separate from your teammates and dive the enemy backline.

So the function here is significant, but the application is a bit situational. I do expect this to be picked up more often than Sundering Axe as it currently stands.

Bluestone Pendant
Main Purpose: Early aggression via abilities

Best for: Physical gods with good poke abilities and multiple damaging abilities

Bran's Thoughts: This physical-only item comes with no protections or mitigations, instead opting for some power and a bonus to ability damage, so is best for gods that have good distance poke abilities. It will benefit gods that have more damaging abilities, and can definitely help those gods that have weaker early wave clear to force an early stalemate in lane.

This one comes with some mana sustain to support that ability use, along with pretty good HP5, which also supports the get-in-deal-damage-get-out style of play. One major negative is that it costs 800 gold (200 more than Warrior's Axe), limiting the types of starts you can employ.

The upgrades offer some interesting stats.

Expected Starts:

Remember that this is physical only. For aggressive magical gods facing physical enemies (such as Anubis, Hades, etc.) expect to see use of Vampiric Shroud.

Universal Starts:
Upgrade Options

Bluestone Brooch

Corrupted Bluestone

Bluestone Brooch: This is the enhanced version of the starter, boosting all the base stats and significantly increasing the damage potential of the passive. If the starter fit your early needs, this upgrade should be the same.

Corrupted Bluestone: This is by far the more interesting upgrade, but also more niche. Comes with higher power and a passive that adds some physical damage, reduces enemy attack speed by up to 20%, and giving you an attack speed boost of up to 75% (!!!!!!!). You're unlikely to see the full AS boost, likely seeing more like 15-45%, but that is still significant.

The stacks are applied by abilities, but support basic attacks, so you would get the most benefit from hybrid gods. I see this being used potentially by Amaterasu, Bellona, Erlang Shen, Osiris, and Vamana.

Warding Sigil
Main Purpose: Supposedly anti-magical XD

Best for: If you find yourself in a situation where you're facing a magical Solo AND a magical Jungler, or are facing a heavily magical-oriented team

Bran's Thoughts: I honestly don't see a whole lot of appeal in this starter or the upgrades. While the base stats are okay for a defensive early game, you'll get only situational use out of the passive. It also doesn't come with any sustain whatsoever. (I expect to see some buffs to this item)

The case where you'll get actual function from the passive is in facing a god that deals tick or DoT damage, such as Anubis or Cerberus, as you'll apply multiple instances of the damage mitigation. I just don't see this being picked up in its current form, so we'll revisit this as we hear of any changes.

Expected Starts:
Upgrade Options

Sigil of the Old Guard

Infused Sigil

Sigil of the Old Guard: Has similar base stats to Pestilence. The passive only applies when you're hit with an ability, but has damage mitigation of 4%, stacking up to 3 times. In a teamfight, you'll expect to build up stacks pretty easily, but this may not apply well against full basic attackers, and the stats in general just seem pretty mediocre.

Infused Sigil: This is such a weird, situational item. Although it has great health, the dual protections are pretty weak, so it seems like it's expecting you to play aggressively. And while the passive has the potential to deal some nice magical burst damage in an AOE, it requires you to soak up 5 ability hits first. I can see this working if you have enough protections in the rest of your kit, but I just don't know how effective it's going to be.

Tainted Steel
Main Purpose: Anti-Heal

Best for: When you really, really want anti-heal.

Bran's Thoughts: The base stats aren't bad in a general sense, as it has both power AND protections, none of which the other "Solo" starters provide. But like the Sigil line, it has no inherent sustain of any kind. You'll need to build HP5 / MP5 through other items, and likely pretty early in the match.

It doesn't help that the starting cost is one of the most expensive, at 750 gold, limiting the starts you can do. That said, with enough self-healing (e.g. Aphrodite), you could maybe make more starts work.

While anti-heal can be helpful, don't expect it to have a huge impact on your early game. If you're building this item, it's with the late-game in mind. And while other starters may see use in multiple roles, this one will probably only be workable in the Solo lane, as the other roles can't sacrifice the stats other starters will provide.

Expected Starts:
Upgrade Options

Tainted Breastplate

Tainted Amulet

Tainted Breastplate: The power and protections on this item aren't fact, the physical protection this provides is one of the highest in the game.

This is where the anti-heal potential of the tree shines, as it offers the highest anti-heal amount of all standard items (and equivalent to the relic Cursed Ankh). If you don't have anti-heal in your kit, then adding in another anti-heal item somewhere else in the build can almost fully shut down the enemy's sustain.

Tainted Amulet: Slightly less power and a shift in protection balance, being much more strongly emphasized on the magical side. This item seems to have been created with the purpose to counter magical healers.

Looking at the math, think of it this way. As long as you've hit the enemy in question, you'll basically soak up 20% of their healing potential. This might seem like a lot, and against enemy healing abilities, or very high lifesteal, the actual healing you get might be fairly significant. But is it enough to invest in this tree over other starters? Probably not.

The entire Sigil tree is underwhelming. The Tainted tree is very situational. I expect to see roughly equal use of Warrior's Axe and Bluestone Pendant at the start of matches, but don't be surprised if you see non-"Solo" starter items used commonly, such as Manikin Scepter, Vampiric Shroud, and maybe Sands of Time.

Alright, finally, let's take a peek at the new T3 item.

New T3 Item

Main Purpose: Basic Attack Damage & Enhanced Penetration

Best for: Hybrid, basic-attack, or attack-canceling gods looking for more % penetration

Bran's Thoughts: I admit, in my first glance, I didn't think this was that great of an item. Then I realized that this provides 20% penetration for basic attacks. Given enough attack speed (which this lacks for a basic attacker), and given the fact that Atalanta's Bow was nerfed, this now represents the highest potential % pen for basic attack function.

Gods that rely at least partly on basic attacks will find good function out of this item. It can also work for ability-based gods that use a lot of attack canceling, especially if they don't build into Transcendence...the item provides ability function due to the mana and MP5.

I expect this to be a fairly popular item.

Whew! We're done. I'll revisit and revise these if/when we get word of changes in PTS.


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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » January 13, 2021 8:05pm | Report
The Executioner is getting buffed if I recall correctly, so I think that item is likely to be picked up more than Dominance will be for most gods that rely purely on basic attacks (mostly hunters). I think Dominance will really shine more with gods that rely on both ability usage as well as AAs, rather than one or the other solely.

Between the Exe buff and Dominance, where do you feel Atalanta's will be with its nerfs? Will it still see play? It could be a fun combo together with Dominance, come to think of it.

Do you think Tainted Steel could work as a start for Supports? It's pricey, as you said, but might make a big difference in the duo lane with an enemy healer. Providing some protections as well as power and antiheal could help win a lane versus gods like Olorun as an ADC or Supports like Aphrodite.

Tainted Breastplate seems really strong. I expect to see this toned down a little bit not too long after S8 begins. Same with Tainted Amulet, but I would love to see this in action against an Anubis.

Bran is not impressed by the Sigil tree. I agree. I can see Infused Sigil working well on very aggressive supports or warriors that require to get in between the enemy team, for example Tyr in an attempt to single out an opponent. He could ult in, soak up an ability or two, heal, switch stance and Fearless out. Could be fun and deadly to squishy opponents but, as you mentioned, very situational. Would be a good pick against a team comp that has a lot of fairly low damage abilities? For example if the enemy team has an Artemis, her 1 and 3 could already provide 2 stacks for relatively little damage taken. I wonder if it'd stack on purely CC (no damage) abilities?

Had a man happily scream "Bluestone Pendant coming back bois" in chat one game. Didn't believe it at first but there it is. It seems different from how I remember it. Which is to say, I don't remember what its stats were at all. Both upgrades of this starter seem viable, wonder what the players' favourite choice will be out of the two.

Warrior's Axe seems like the defence oriented cousin of Death's Toll. Its first upgrade looks fantastic. I expect to see a lot of sweet plays with that 10% health recovery when an unsuspecting squishy and their support come happily strolling after you while you're at half HP before you 180 on them and steal 400 HP from the support, kill the ADC and book it! Or perhaps this is just a sweet illusion of mine, but it does sound cool as hell.

Hero's Axe also looks fantastic, I do think this might get a little overwhelming with a shield every 8 seconds. Maybe the cooldown on this should be increased up to 10. Because imagine hitting an ADC close the their warrior with CC, they get a shield, now the Warrior CCs you, maybe the ADC has some CC as well. You run away, turn around to apply some more CC to make your escape, and boom, another shield! It doesn't say anything about shield duration though. I wonder if that's just an oversight on the description, or if you could potentially keep that shield for as long as you don't take damage equal to its health. And, if so, could shields be stacked? Imagine an Assassin with 2k worth of shield running at you. My guess is that they won't stack, but the description is a bit lacking here.

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » January 14, 2021 6:25am | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

Do you think Tainted Steel could work as a start for Supports? It's pricey, as you said, but might make a big difference in the duo lane with an enemy healer. Providing some protections as well as power and antiheal could help win a lane versus gods like Olorun as an ADC or Supports like Aphrodite.

Tainted Breastplate seems really strong. I expect to see this toned down a little bit not too long after S8 begins. Same with Tainted Amulet, but I would love to see this in action against an Anubis.

In theory it is meant to work into any role. There are 3 starters made for each role, making 15 and the Tainted tree they said is just a utility option for anyone.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » January 14, 2021 6:36am | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

The Executioner is getting buffed if I recall correctly, so I think that item is likely to be picked up more than Dominance will be for most gods that rely purely on basic attacks (mostly hunters). I think Dominance will really shine more with gods that rely on both ability usage as well as AAs, rather than one or the other solely.

It's more likely you'll see them getting both.

xZeroStrike wrote:

Betweenthe Exe buff and Dominance, where do you feel Atalanta's will be with its nerfs? Will it still see play? It could be a fun combo together with Dominance, come to think of it.

Atalanta's is garbage with the nerf. And Berserkers also got buffs.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 14, 2021 8:56am | Report
Good to see you Zero.

With Dom coming in, and the expectation for Trans and Devo's to still be popular, there are less slots for AS items. I think we'll see some high AS steroid gods still going into Silver here and there, but overall we'll see less overcapping and more investment into power.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » January 14, 2021 10:17am | Report
Big Damage wrote:

In theory it is meant to work into any role. There are 3 starters made for each role, making 15 and the Tainted tree they said is just a utility option for anyone.

while true I don't think supports will get it over how good Sentinel's Boon (the aura one) is looking. also as tainted does not provide any additional gold income it is immediately low on the list for supports.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » January 14, 2021 10:59am | Report
I think solo lane is going to be interesting regarding stats. mostly how the costs of the starters are going to influence build speed and early sustain via pots as I still feel sustain meta left its mark on the lane.

warior's axe
I assume this to become a default starter when you already know you're at a big disadvantage early. this item as it will help you stay in lane slightly longer. other reasons to grab it is late game.consideration.

Sundering Axe
looking quite good. taking the other upgrade in consideration I think most backline diving solos starting axe will grab this one and I fear it will make them quite difficult to deal with. one thing is sure they will do a ton more damage over there than they do now in S7 if they grab this.

hero's axe
Where sundering is for the divers this one for me looks like it will get more use when you're peeling. Also I am going to assume the shield won't proc on you if it does it makes it slightly weaker. the proc time doesn't seem like a too big issue as most CC will be used during those 7 seconds. Also damn the amount of ccr on this. stat wise definitely great.

Bluestone Pendant
Easily said the bully pickup. expecting safe bulliers like SWK to pick it up and if you can or expect to be able to bully your opponent I also expect to see this item a lot. The only thing ruin it might be the cost providing you with a too big slowdown in build or lack of sustain.

Bluestone Brooch
like the axe upgrade more focussed on the backline divers, the difference being that this is more burst reliant.

Corrupted Bluestone
also for out back line divers the difference being that this one will see more pickup by the basic attackers or if an adc has to be countered as they won;t be bursted by brooch.

Warding Sigil
He HR missed their mark with this one, the lack of stats and the weak passive make it only useful against DoT magical solos. you know [[hades]? he doesn;t really care. probably better to pick the axe might give slightly less magic prot but will help with wave and sustain.

Sigil Of The Old Guard
if this sees play in its current state I will be flabbergasted as it means you sit through the game with a bad starter and then upgrade it into a weaker Oni Hunter's Garb with slightly weaker Pestilence stats. probably better to sell the starter and grab either of those.

Infused Sigil
honestly I think this item while better is going to be too unreliable to use effectively. not really worth to pick this tree over the other 2.

Tainted Steel
honestly, I do not expect to see this item much unless people plan on one of the 2 upgrades. if you grab it just for the early 20% anti heal I think you can better sit through the early game. Also requiring to hit them does not work for all the healers that can heal. I think the global anti heal aura would be better to use for most of them if possible.

Tainted Breastplate
if we see the starter I expect this to be the cause of it. This item will apply the highest anti heal, the only problem being that you need to be hit them so I expect big AoE gods to be great with it.

taineted amulet
a cerb passive for everyone. I expect to see it less as the only good thing is that you steal their healing but the reduction is terrible and anti heal items will probably also mess you healing up.

I already dropped my thoughts on dominance in the adc thread.

All in all I expect this lane to be super experimental and It might also become the scariest lane like in early seasons as I think solos might have gained more kill potential items again


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » January 14, 2021 12:12pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Good to see you Zero.

With Dom coming in, and the expectation for Trans and Devo's to still be popular, there are less slots for AS items. I think we'll see some high AS steroid gods still going into Silver here and there, but overall we'll see less overcapping and more investment into power.

I suppose so, I'm curious to see how well an Exe & Dom combo will work, if Exe alone will be viable again like in S6 and before that, and where Atalanta's will end up in builds anymore, if at all. Kriega is convinced it'll be a bad item with its first upcoming nerf, but perhaps it'll recieve some new buffs or changed afterwards.

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » January 21, 2021 8:47am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Bran's Thoughts: I honestly don't see a whole lot of appeal in this starter or the upgrades. While the base stats are okay for a defensive early game, you'll get only situational use out of the passive. It also doesn't come with any sustain whatsoever. (I expect to see some buffs to this item)

The case where you'll get actual function from the passive is in facing a god that deals tick or DoT damage, such as Anubis or Cerberus, as you'll apply multiple instances of the damage mitigation. I just don't see this being picked up in its current form, so we'll revisit this as we hear of any changes.

A bit late to this as well but noticed as I've been using your starter item pages as a reference in my guide updating; Warding Sigil and its upgrades doesn't work against DoT's as mentioned because it says in the description it procs one time per ability cast, therefore this small niche that it could work in is useless. Not a single god that I would pick this up on in any situation.

Big Damage

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 22, 2021 12:11am | Report
I would actually like to have that tested out.

In the sense that it procs once per ability cast, I believe it means that it can block 5 damage per tick or DoT for those 5 seconds, but that continuous ticks from that ability don't refresh the 5s timer. Does that make sense? Do you know for sure how this is working?

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