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Season 8 Starter Items: Solo + Dominance Edition - Bran's Thoughts

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Season 8 Starter Items: Solo + Dominance Edition - Bran's Thoughts 14 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » January 22, 2021 6:33am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

I would actually like to have that tested out.

In the sense that it procs once per ability cast, I believe it means that it can block 5 damage per tick or DoT for those 5 seconds, but that continuous ticks from that ability don't refresh the 5s timer. Does that make sense? Do you know for sure how this is working?

I think how it works is the first hit procs the effect on each ability. Let's use Anubis and Warding Sigil as our example:

Say he hits you with Grasping Hands for 20 a hit, the first hit will deal 20 damage and then every tick after that will be 15.

Then before the effect wears off he hits you with Plague of Locusts for 30 a hit, the first hit is 25 following the previous proc, and every hit after that deals 20 a hit.

Then finally if he ults you for 50 a hit, each hit deals 40, because you have your 2 dampening stacks.

This would work in a similar way with the Sigil Of The Old Guard, except it stacks 3 times with percent reduced damage, obviously making you take way less damage.

Big Damage

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 22, 2021 10:27am | Report
Yes, that's what I would expect. So yeah...that goes along with my original prediction. That said, just really not worth in its current state.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » January 22, 2021 12:58pm | Report
I've just been watching DukeSloth play Camazotz into King Arthur, KA with Bluestone and Cama with Warding Sigil, and basically because of how the tick damage works and KA spamming abilities Warding Sigil reduced the Bluestone damage significantly with its passive.

The only issue though is that you don't have any sustain or pressure and it's just survivability against someone like King Arthur who can keep spamming and refreshing the Bluestone passive timer.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » March 4, 2021 1:37am | Report
Dominance for hunters feels weird. It's pretty good for hybrid hunters like Ullr, AMC or Heim. I've been trying to see how to incorporate it into ADCs but really the lack of attack speed makes it hard to choose it over The Executioner which in S8 feels really good. The MP5 is nice but Gilded Arrow can provide enough and for big beefy damage I'd still go with Berserker's Shield given how insanely strong it is right now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't understand the purpose for it on ADCs with kits solely focused on mainly auto attacks. Still see a lot of people building it regardless though.


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