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Let's talk about Asi and Ichaival on ADCs!

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Let's talk about Asi and Ichaival on ADCs! 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 11, 2019 9:42am | Report
What are your opinions my frieds about the new (old) tier 3 items Asi and Ichaival?

Here are some of my questions:
  • When they should be built and when not?
  • Which part of the build this items fits better?
  • Asi can replace Devourer's Gauntlet?

I've seen people rushing Asi instead Devourer's Gauntlet, does that worth? Also I've seen people starting with Ichaival (And I also tried and won the lane easy easy), does that worth?
I'm build both as 3rd/4th items usually but not sure if this is good or they are better early/late.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » April 11, 2019 10:00am | Report
Dev's gives you more power, which crit really, really wants, but Asi gives you more attack speed, which Qin's Sais really wants. I guess it depends on what type of build you're going for: is it crit or AA based?

Ich's pretty good when going against an AA attacker like Cupid, but it's expensive. Personally I'd build it later in the build, say after qin's, instead of rushing it unless I'm winning lane. You can build it early provided you stack its passive on the minions before you attack the enemy ADC.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 11, 2019 11:30am | Report
I'm firstly gonna put this here:

That said, I'll summarize thoughts.
  • Asi now has very well-rounded stats. You want to consider how it's going to fit into a build. If you're going Devourer's Gauntlet early because you value that early sustain and power, this does NOT exclude it from being a late-game pickup for double-lifesteal, but you're also not going to get it as a mid-game item, because other items will then need to be prioritized.

    I feel it can fit into BOTH Qin's AND crit builds. Qin's obviously makes sense, due to the good attack speed. However, with the added power (albeit a bit on the low side), it CAN fit into a crit build.

    Asi fits best with its old partner, Transcendence, IMO. And a Trans/Tabi/Asi combo usually goes with Exe, Qin's, and a situational item. However, Trans-Crit can work as well...Exe + either Wind Demon or Rage, and Deathbringer. With the option to replace Tabi late with Elixir of Speed, this can allow you to still build 3x crit with a replacement item.

    In that crit consideration, normally crits go with Devo's rather than Trans. But Devo's as a lifesteal item doesn't provide AS. With Asi providing AS, this can allow you to build into Rage if you prefer, and I think that's functional for gods who want a lot of quicker burst earlier (due to higher crit chance), rather than a bit longer boxing match. Medusa's quick Viper Shot steroid, Chernobog's 1-2 ability combo locking enemies down for a short time, things like that.

    And of course, when you go crits, there is some threat of damage reflection from items like Hide of the Nemean Lion, Shield of Thorns, etc. Asi's situationally higher lifesteal can overcome that damage reflection to a degree, making it potentially better than Devo's in those cases.

    So... Asi mid-game in a Trans build, or late-game situational in a Devo's build. Possible mid OR late-game in a non-stacking build as well.

  • Ichaival isn't a jack of all trades like Asi is. It's now only high power, AS, and an AS slow against targets. That doesn't mean it's weaker. Right now it's incredibly strong. It gives hunters an option to counter or slow down ganks from stupid Bakasura, Kali, or Ao Kuang, and also gives them a potential advantage against enemy hunters and specific Warriors like Osiris, Erlang Shen, etc.

    I personally feel it's best mid to late-game, similar to Asi. I know you can rush this item, and that might work in some situations, but early in Duo lane Conquest, for example, I feel all hunters rely a bit more on abilities to deal some damage / poke against enemies. It takes a while for their basics to really come online, especially when they need to put early points into a wave-clear ability.

    Due to the power and AS, works great in both Qin's and crit builds, and might find some situational use in very aggressive bruiser builds. Should be built on hunters and some assassins. I don't necessarily consider it core if for example the enemy team doesn't really have any major basic attackers. There are many other item options out there that can also reasonably boost your DPS if you don't need that passive. But IS strong.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 12, 2019 7:50am | Report
So on Asi bran pretty much said what i wanted to say it will go back to how it was in S1 with trans/non devo builds picking it up early and devos picking it up later.

I don't expect it to get nerfed quickly considering all the antiheal that's in the game now.

Ichiaval never been an item i had experience with. However looking at it looks as broken as old The Executioner. It gives yourself a huge leg up during trades. Especially if you already get the power by just "succesfully" hitting minions. 75 power is pretty huge. And adc with a steriod like Viper Shot could even stack it real quickly start fight. I don't see a reason not to pick it up. The only thing is were in what build as i want it early. I honestly think there is a big chance in a trans build it will go after boots and then delay or skip the lifesteal to 5th. With devos and crit just go double crit with ichiaval on the same spot.

Honestly I expect this item to get nerfed quickly as it feels like a must have. Just looking at the passive it's a lane winner whoever gets it first will be winning until the other finishes it


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » April 12, 2019 7:59am | Report
Im on my phone so short answer for now. Just get ready to see the return of boxing builds and the old power pen builds.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 12, 2019 8:12am | Report
Indeed they pretty much resetted stuff to season 2. Only now the unicorn build may be viable instead of fully nerfed like it was in beginning S2 before I left


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » April 12, 2019 8:15am | Report
Unicorn has been viable for a while on ability based hunters

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » April 12, 2019 9:27am | Report

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