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SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0

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Forum » Theory Crafting » SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 2.0 107 posts - page 10 of 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 5:04am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

See, you're putting Sol in A tier just next to Terra... and i'd say that's not a good idea.
Sol can be a solo laner, yes. She can build tanky and still do some damage. But has she valuable crowd control? Not really... Also she has poor survivability with a questionable heal and no CC immunity in her kit.

Sol is NOT a Solo laner lol. If you take a mage to solo you have to build like 1 or defensive items just so you can do your just as a mage. The rest of your build is focused on damage - power/pen and perhaps anti-heal. That does not make them a frontliner, or a good solo.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 5:06am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

Then you have Terra, a character that was always meta friendly, and has a lot of damage input along with CC. Great initiation, survivability, peel, crowd control, and oof i can continue saying more things.

"a character that was always meta friendly" Apart from the one time they removed the stun on her 2.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 5:07am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

no CC immunity in her kit.

Slow immunity on her 3, and CC immune when casting her ult. Also invulnerable when in her dissaparate form on her 3.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FootFetish » August 6, 2019 6:35am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Also, Pris is a guy.

I know lol. But we sisters anyway... Its my gay stuff, you wouldn't understand LOL

Kriega1 wrote:

"a character that was always meta friendly" Apart from the one time they removed the stun on her 2.

yes, but you're ignoring my point. Sol can be a solo laner, Skadi can be a solo laner, Janus can be solo laner...
Sol is slightly above the other mages in a solo category, but why? Just play her in mid lane, in ADC, and give your team a good composition by having a warrior/support/healer in solo.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FootFetish » August 6, 2019 6:36am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Slow immunity on her 3, and CC immune when casting her ult. Also invulnerable when in her dissaparate form on her 3.

i did not know that she was CC immune while ulting... I guess all her yellow-ish colors can't show the immunity effect. But hey, she has no CC. just a slow. I agree, she can't be solo. Or she can but she should perform better in other lanes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 6:44am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

I know lol. But we sisters anyway... Its my gay stuff, you wouldn't understand LOL

yes, but you're ignoring my point. Sol can be a solo laner, Skadi can be a solo laner, Janus can be solo laner...
Sol is slightly above the other mages in a solo category, but why? Just play her in mid lane, in ADC, and give your team a good composition by having a warrior/support/healer in solo.

Thats not how it works though. You will lose lane pressure, totem and have to give up blue buff if the enemy solo/jungle plays properly if you pick Sol solo. If you want a non-frontliner in Solo you pick someone like Set who at least has some lane pressure.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 6:45am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

i did not know that she was CC immune while ulting... I guess all her yellow-ish colors can't show the immunity effect. But hey, she has no CC. just a slow. I agree, she can't be solo. Or she can but she should perform better in other lanes.

The first hit on Sol's ult knocks people back.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 6:46am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

yes, but you're ignoring my point. Sol can be a solo laner, Skadi can be a solo laner, Janus can be solo laner...
Sol is slightly above the other mages in a solo category, but why? Just play her in mid lane, in ADC, and give your team a good composition by having a warrior/support/healer in solo.

Thats not how it works though. You will lose lane pressure, totem and have to give up blue buff if the enemy solo/jungle plays properly if you pick Sol solo. If you want a non-frontliner in Solo you pick someone like Set who at least has some lane pressure. But, if you're playing against plebs, then yeah you can pick anyone.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 6, 2019 9:10am | Report
I'm laughting more then I should at the "Pris is a guy" discussion lol. I'm a guy and bi so we sisters all right!!!

Anyway, back to topic:

First off, I want to remember that this is a community tierlist, and while I know it's easier to say "your tierlist" or "prism's tierlist", know that I don't 100% agree with the tierlist anymore. While truly at V0 it was somewhat my tierlist, it has changed since then.


And, regarding Double Hunter Meta Myst, you can't say "All Hunters Should Go Up A Tier" because of it. Specify the hunters and which roles they are and why should they get a new tier.

Now, for changes:

We still have to discuss Estidien's Jungle changes that I've mentioned earlier! In-Page 8 of this discussion thread!






Please review Estidien Jungle list as well before giving your yays or nays to this! Thank you all for your collaboration!
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<Mage Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 6, 2019 9:48am | Report
Sobek B+? Whaaaaat? At least put him A


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