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Site Improvement Thread - Post Any / All Suggestions Here!

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Forum » Support » Site Improvement Thread - Post Any / All Suggestions Here! 77 posts - page 6 of 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 23, 2019 4:21am | Report

About 1st topic, maybe do what Steam does and do a Recent Votes / Overall Votes. Problem would be that we don't have enough activity and this would mainly affect older guides (e.g. my athena support guide).

Or, like Steam, show something like e.g. "Voting Feedback: Mostly Negative" if the guide/build has majority downvotes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » July 23, 2019 7:35pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Guide Build Tab: This.

For some reason, people seem to forget this is here. Personally feel this is user error more than anything, but can agree higher emphasis (or relocation?) could be made to make it pop out a bit more.

Additional request from me would be to add a notes section (like was done with the build sequence section) to the skill leveling section.

When I was setting up DukeSloth's guide I noticed this and I agree a lot of people are bound to miss it. I'd certainly be in favor of something clearer, preferably showing at least a few of the builds names on the same page without having to resort to a dropdown.

Notes section for skill sequences makes sense to me. This is something we have on MOBAFire so it seems like an easy sell.

FootFetish wrote:
I have no idea if i can comment here or if somebody already mentioned this but this site needs a notification tab. I need to know when someone up/downvotes my guide, when someones reply to my comments, or whatever.

We do have plans to implement a notification system on SMITEFire but I don't have an ETA on when that'll happen. I'll check on the current priority list for site changes this week and see where some of the changes you guys have suggested fall, and whether we need to reprioritize a few things.

As to the discussion about voting, it always helps to get feedback and ideas, but I wouldn't count on any large changes to the system unless there's more conclusive evidence that this is a problem. We use the same voting system on the other network sites and it seems to work well enough. I've already pitched a second vote bar in the past (though it wasn't for guest votes) and the staff weren't a fan of having multiple rating systems at the same time. It makes things even more confusing.

A subtler change like making the bar color go to yellow and then red the lower the score is sounds more doable, though there are obviously some drawbacks in that it feels worse for the author to have a non-green score. In terms of dev work, it'd be easier to implement and a simpler change for the community to adjust to than a complete overhaul of the voting displays.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 24, 2019 4:02am | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

For some reason, people seem to forget this is here. Personally feel this is user error more than anything, but can agree higher emphasis (or relocation?) could be made to make it pop out a bit more.

Even with the old build pages tabs, which showed all the build pages as different tabs, some people didn't realise you could click on the tab to go to a different page. With the current one it's even more vague because of the dropdown list.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » July 24, 2019 7:39pm | Report
Ideally we'd come up with something to increase visibility for alternate builds without hard capping the number of builds that authors can display. Maybe we could show a few by default and have a dropdown for addition builds that wouldn't fit otherwise?

The system we have on MOBAFire shows each build separately as different tabs, but people still sometimes miss the option to click on the alternate builds. It's not a perfect system but I think it's probably a bit better than what we have on SF at the moment.

If anyone has suggestions for a better implementation that would make it easier for readers to notice non-primary builds, feel free to share your thoughts.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 25, 2019 7:30am | Report
Honstly the drop down menu itself is not the problem, the visibility of it is. The only good thing about it is that it's at the top of the page. However people read from left to right an you get greeted by the items first. Moving it above the purchase order would probably make already a difference.

Even changing the look to something standing out more a bit.
Another idea would be actually putting the text: "select build" (or something similar. Assuming you move it to the left) would make people more aware.

And if you really want to get bonkers make only the build selector show up and have people to click the build they want to see before loading the item page (however this requires more coding changes probably). This does bring the disadvantage of needing to make more clicks before people see the build though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 27, 2020 1:11am | Report
Hey everyone, looking to get a current list of suggested improvements you'd like to see on the site. Can be anything from aesthetics to new/different features, etc. (Please don't request a change to the voting system, kthanks.)

Will be looking to maintain an internal list with the devs, so I'll include any ideas that sound good. Appreciate it!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 27, 2020 1:26am | Report
A voting system change :P

One thing is probably the change for the recent activity being able to disinclude the spam from the weekly challenges

anther one would be the search bar. Good it's there, but if you're guide searching for like duel you will mostly see old outdated builds same goes if you type a god name.
Partly great it searches for relevance, however google does it better by providing the god page of smitefire before giving the outdated build/guide. Should include more updated examples.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » May 27, 2020 5:12am | Report
A few things I feel can help:
  • Making the site mobile friendly.
  • A change to the site's color scheme to be more aesthetically pleasing. Gray, dark gray, yellow, and white is alright but feels a bit bland for me.
  • A basic attacks icon for both physical and magical damage (mostly so I don't have to use the god's icon in my guides to represent their basic).
While the last two are entirely optional, making the site mobile friendly can help since that's one of the things holding this site back.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 27, 2020 9:39am | Report
Thanks for those suggestions.

Stuke, I don't think there's an official "basic attack" icon out there...when HR references basic attacks (or any other general, non-skill stat), they use this:

You might just consider using that yourself, unless you have a better idea.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » May 27, 2020 10:47am | Report
Lol voting system change already got shot down

<World Serpent>

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