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Site Improvement Thread - Post Any / All Suggestions Here!

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Forum » Support » Site Improvement Thread - Post Any / All Suggestions Here! 77 posts - page 8 of 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » May 29, 2020 4:43pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Add the system smiteguru has where you can see some top Masters+ common conquest builds for that god, somewhere on the god page where it lists the builds.

Then what's the point of this being a site about guides if everyone would just be looking at a auto-generated build?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 29, 2020 5:42pm | Report
Stuke99 wrote:

Then what's the point of this being a site about guides if everyone would just be looking at a auto-generated build?

Mobafire has it though? Kind of. It's more win rate related but still.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 30, 2020 1:15am | Report
Atm this will kinda be kinda wonky after a big patch as smite servers are being wonky. Smiteguru can only update the matches at a certain interval once a day or couple of days (good example of this is that from my matches yesterday only 1 of the 3/4 is in my history atm. The others probably updating in 6 hours).

On top of that LoL has tons of sites/tools that can import/show the highest win rate or pick rate builds straight in the game. The game even has a market of tools that can identify games helping you with picks & bans. Even learning on the way to include personal performance picks. So to keep up with all the others basic things like it are needed. Also why mobafire sees so many more updates.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 10, 2020 10:47am | Report
As an FYI, guides now have a notes section in the Skill Sequence tab. This can be helpful for quick reference to why you choose a specific priority for skill leveling, especially for unique leveling situations, such as point-skipping with Scylla.


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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 13, 2020 10:09am | Report
FYI, a check box in the guide editor has now been added. If you're writing a guide and would appreciate feedback / constructive criticism for improvement, check this box. It looks like this:

For people reading the guide, this happy comment face will pop up next to the "discussion" tab, indicating your request. It looks like this:

Note that even if you don't check the box, you may still receive comments. Checking it just means you're specifically requesting feedback, which means reviewers may take more time to go into detail about their feedback.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » June 13, 2020 6:47pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
FYI, a check box in the guide editor has now been added.
Nice job on the implementation! I like it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 15, 2021 9:33am | Report
So with the build/purchase reorder function added, the majority of site improvement requests we've asked for have been completed. There's been an overall look improvement (though semi-minor), added synergies tab, the new build/purchase order adjustment, mobile-friendly support, notifications fixed (though not sent to e-mails), notes section added to the skill leveling, search bar improvements, voting clarity (see up and down votes), etc.

I'm currently trying to push for a better, more obvious build tab, but other than that, are there other ideas you currently have? If so, please post them here.

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Mythical (401)
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