Passive: Touch of Fate - Upon reaching 150 Magical Power from Items, Olorun gains 15% Critical Hit Chance and a further 1% per 10 Magical Power from Items. Olorun’s Critical hits only deal 50% increased damage. Additionally Olorun gains 5% extra scaling on his basic attacks.
Cap: 70% crit chance
Skill #1: Focused Light - Olorun charges an orb of pure energy for up to 2s before firing it in front of him. The longer he charges the farther the projectile goes, passing through and damaging Enemy minions but stopping on colliding with Enemy gods. This ability can Critically Hit and can provide stacks of Overflowing Divinity.
Damage: 100/140/180/220/260 (+55% of your magical power) Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Cooldown: 12s
First priority ability for wave clear, and the crit function is helpful. The line attack moves at a somewhat medium speed, so can be harder to hit at distance, but the distance seems pretty far. Likely double a normal basic attack (so 110 units).
Skill #2: Overflowing Divinity - Olorun gains amplified Attack Speed. Every successful attack on an Enemy during the buff provides his inner Sun with energy, to a cap of 20 stacks. During the buff or for 4s after, Olorun can refire this ability to conjure the Sun to damage Enemies in an area. The Sun emits projectiles faster and more randomly with higher ammo. Hitting the same Enemy deals 10% less damage each time, to a minimum of 80% reduction.
Damage: 30/40/50/60/70 (+10% of your magical power) Attack Speed Increase: 40% Duration: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6s Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Cooldown: 14
Optional level 1 skill to build up the sun for distance poke and if you fear they'll block the wave.
You don't have to actually use that Sun ranged AOE can continue storing it up. That's a nice feature. It's also got good range...casting at 70 units maybe?
Skill #3: Consecration - Olorun expends the light within himself knocking back and damaging nearby Enemies as well as slowing them for 2s. Allies bathed in the light gain a heal over time that ticks every second for 5s. For every ally healed, Olorun gains Physical and Magical protections.
Damage: 60/80/100/120/140 (+20% of your magical power) Heal per Tick: 10/15/20/25/30 (+5% of your magical power) Protections: 8/10/12/14/16 per ally god healed Slow: 20% Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Cooldown: 14
The knockback AOE is centered on Olorun, and has larger range than Aphrodite with a larger knockback that takes half a second to complete (rather than the almost instantaneous knockback from Back Off!. This is a fair tradeoff for not having an MS ability, but he'll want to stick close to teammates during teamfights to get that protection boost.
Ultimate: Sanctified Field - Olorun brings forth Olodumare and Olofi who travel outwards, creating a large area of divine energy that distorts the flow of time within. All Enemies caught in the area are negatively affected by the time dilation, attacking, casting and even animating more slowly. Olorun himself benefits from the Sanctified Field in a similar way. The strength of the divine field also impacts the effect of buffs, debuffs, projectiles and deployables.
His 1 when shot inside the ult field throws the projectile a huge range...almost like Thoth's ult...but doesn't pierce walls. The AOE is a rectangle that is pretty damn big, and the duration is pretty long.
The interesting thing HR said is that enemies using Aegis Amulet (or other relics and effects) will actually last longer when activated in this field, due to the time slow. On the flipside, if Olorun activates Beads or Aegis inside, it's going to have a SHORTER duration...which is very interesting and a nice counterbalance. Still, this ult is likely going to be pretty OP. They may have to decrease the duration by a second, or the debuff a bit less.
I'm uh...gonna write a separate post about this guy. Would like others to chime in with thoughts.
Item Changes:
Odysseus' Bow (nerf): Decreased base damage on the passive from 30 to 15. Freaking good. Tired of seeing this as an early-game item. Probably will still see it, to be honest, but at least it won't be quite as effective for wave-clear.
Charged Bow (nerf): Same as O-Bow, base damage reduced from 20 to 15.
Doom Orb (buff): Price decreased from 3,200 to 3,000 gold. I dunno, I just don't really like the item or its passive that much. Might get picked up more, cuz the power is enticing, but...bleh.
Gem of Isolation (nerf): MS slow % decreased from 25% to 20%, duration decreased from 2s to 1s. This is a good way to decrease MS/control altogether, and a way to continue nerfing Merlin without directly affecting his damage or CDs. Obviously also affects other gods that get a lot of use out of Iso, but I think this is a great adjustment overall.
Malice (buff): Decreased cost from 3,000 to 2,650 gold. Increased CDR from 2s to 3s. Hmmm...the passive is still the main issue with this item, but, well, that's a huge price drop. Considering that it also provides 25% crit chance and 50 power (both very strong values)'s not going to be picked up by ADCs, but probably has more appeal now to select assassins that could use the CDR.
Guess we're never going to see buffs or adjustments to ****py items like Mail of Renewal, huh?
God Changes:
Achilles (buffs): Gift of the Gods protections per level increased from 1.5 to 2. Shield of Achilles damage outside the initial area increased from 70 to 85%. They liked the nerfs they gave him, but wanted to adjust him in other ways. He still seems strong overall. This just makes him a bit tankier, and helps his damage output when he doesn't actually get to stun.
Ao Kuang (nerfs): Dragon Call ranged slow decreased from 30% to 20%. Wild Storm increased CD from 7s to 9s. Targeted nerfs, seem fine.
Athena (buffs): Shield Wall increased initial damage from 60-200 to 70-230, while decreasing secondary damage from 80-360 to 70-330. Preemptive Strike slow duration increased from 1.25-2.25s to 2.25 straight. It's always easier to hit the first part of the Wall, so keeping the overall damage potential the same while buffing the initial hit is a solid buff (though still somewhat minor in damage overall). The Slow from her dash being at 2.25 at all ranks is a very strong buff.
Cerberus (buffs): Soul Expulsion health of the souls created decreased from 95-235 to 6i0-220, while increasing heal from 30-110 to 40-140, and decreasing CD from 18s to 16s. Stygian Torment decreased CD from 115-95 to 100 at all ranks. Solid buffs all around, continuing the shift to heal meta. Ugh. Easier to kill the souls, making it quicker for him to heal up, and heal more strongly...probably with Solo in mind to help him compete against the shields' sustain functions.
Horus (buff): Updraft CD decreased from 18-14 to 16/16/15/15/14. Early game CD reduction, which should help his Solo presence, and give him slightly more opportunities for CC for initiation/peel as Support.
Khepri (buffs): Rising Dawn increased damage per tick from 10-22 to 10-26. Solar Flare decreased CD from 16s to 14s. Solid buffs for the cricket (where are you, GGF?). Funny, just a bit earlier today I was talking about looking to play him more.
Set (buffs): Relentless duration increased from 4s to 5s. [[Kingslayer decreased prefire time from 0.8s to 0.33s. Solid buffs that are mostly QoL, without directly affecting the damage of his abilities.
Ymir (buff): Frost Breath CD decreased from 18s to 16s. This had a very long CD...but is also a very strong CC ability. It's probably a good buff.
At least we didn't see more buffs to healing overall. Seeing less burst and more control overall, though.
Olorun is very interesting. I'm a bit afraid of his initial tuning, but we'll have to see.
I'm just confused on why HiRez is wasting (probably not the right word, but you understand) their buffs/nerfs attention towards gods who don't need it. In ranked Horus and Set are both working completely fine, if anything they're overbalanced, and yet they both received buffs, Horus getting one that's pretty strong. Achilles is still one of the top P/B gods I see in ranked, so I don't understand the buff behind him, and still would have rather him kept his auto attack range and they fiddled with his ability numbers otherwise. Athena doesn't really need buffs when gods like Cabrakan or Ganesha are being quite outclassed in the support role. Gods like Loki, Bastet, Odin, and Thoth who are all quite outclassed right now.
Edit: I should clarify that I'm glad Horus is getting more solo capability, but it reminds me a lot of Ne Zha where they tried to strengthen his other roles, Solo and Jungle, and ended up making him a great support again. He's a really really strong support right now, and this buff might just make him more oppressive in support rather than viable in solo.
Nerf then buff, what HR have in mind? Achilles didn't need this buff, neither Horus and specially Seth. Cu Chulainn also didn't need it. All these unnecessary changes While necessary changes like King Arthur destroying anyone in lane due Gladiator's Shield don't happen.
Malice needed the stuff. Agreed adcs won't pick it up however it doesn't look aimed at them. Cost reduction is going to do a ton.
While ymir stun is quite punishing it is also his only way. Therefore he could be quite bad in support as other supports are allowed to engage sooner. If hr wants to balance his 3 right CD isn't the full way mana cost would be or early game stun
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