Not only does it have links to a randomizer for gods/roles/pantheons/relics/classes, but there's a button for "Random Strat." Here are some winners:
CaptainAmerica: The player at the top of the list in the pre-game lobby is deemed Captain America. At any point in the game, Captain America can say ''Avengers Assemble!'' No matter what they're doing or where they are, all his teammates must rush to his side when he says this, and stay by him until he dismisses them. If Captain America dies while the Avengers are assembled, they cannot disband until they either avenge Captain America's death or die trying.
Bite the Pillow: Only penetration items allowed.
Be a Gentlemen: You may never hit a female god with a basic attack, if you do, you must offer your life as a sacrifice to the poor lady you dared lay a finger on.
Opposite Day: Your team must consist only of tanky Assassins and damage Guardians.
You Are My Love: The ADC and Support are now a couple (gay couples are allowed, incest is not). They must stay near each other at all times. If one of them dies, the other must return to base and stay there until their lover respawns. Bonus points if you roleplay it in voice chat.
Shame Fountain: The last person who died on your team is the Dunce. The Dunce must stay in base until someone else becomes the Dunce.
Outcarry Kali: Have someone on your team pick Kali. Her teammates must try to prevent her from killing any of her targets.
(oh and check this out) What is SmiteFire?: Everyone must turn on auto-build.
This was done by iCeCoCaCoLa64, who's been a member of SF since 2015! Well done, iCe!
I would love to do Be a Gentleman and You are my love. Quick question about be a gentleman, what if you are a female god? Can you hit other female gods and not suffer the penalty?
Walking is for Chumps
Everyone's first Relic must be Teleport Glyph. You can only leave base by teleporting; if it's on cooldown, you must wait in your fountain until you can use it.
Stealing Profits
Everyone must vehemently attempt to steal kills. <~~ This one would be fun hahah
No-Scopes Only
Everyone must turn all their abilities on instant cast.
Everyone must switch hands for their mouse and keyboard.
I Hope This Isn't on Cooldown...
Everyone must go into their HUD editor and hide the player bar.
Everyone must roleplay as their God in voice chat throughout the entire game.
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