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April 12, 2022
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For whoever it concerns, I've updated my contact info in my profile as I no longer use my playstation account. I'm for the most part not on SF, but I do read messages on the Discord server.

I'll post any big updates here occasionally. On another note, I've mostly switched to playing dota and don't starve together. plus I also recently started moderating in a group of servers for the game

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February 13, 2022
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On February 11, 2022. I have found a guide site, Zathong, that posts guides similar to Smitefire which also included Smite as one of the games this site has guides for. When I clicked on one of the guides and read through it, it was very similar to our guides, quite literally word for word from our guides.
Zathong has been plagiarizing guides from users on SmiteFire for probably as long, if not longer than a year now. I, as well as others, are victims of this plagiarism. I’ve alerted the admins about this and people higher-up are now aware.
I am asking you don’t go to their site, harass Zathong, or look to see if your guide was plagiarized since the site is running multiple ads so they are making a profit off our stolen work. I am writing this to let everyone know what has been happening and to get the word out about what Zathong is doing.

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December 20, 2021
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Happy Holidays Everyone

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December 17, 2021
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New susano guide on my channel check it out

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September 27, 2021
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Hello everyone,

A member of our site since April 2017, Gulf was enthusiastic in his commenting as well as guide-writing, creating his first and longest-maintained guide, "Kuzenbo, King of the Kappas!" less than a month after joining. That guide eventually won in our Season 8 Guide Contest. He was also of great help in providing a solid combo of a keen eye and strong game knowledge as a judge in some of our other contests over the years.

While he was always keeping an eye on builds and comments on the main site and contributing with his thoughts here and there, you could find him participating more often on our Discord server, where he was known as our resident Pepe emoji spammer and is still #3 on our leaderboard.

Outside of SMITEFire, Gulf was an avid gamer of many genres, with some favorite games (from my recollection) including but not limited to Warhammer: Vermintide 2, Divinity: Original Sin 2, the Civilization series, Mass Effect, the Borderlands series, and Warfra…
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September 20, 2021
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July 18, 2021

Going on Hiatus

Views: 2899 Stuke99
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I’m not going to be updating my guides or posting art for awhile. I’m not in a good place mentally to keep going as things are right now. I don’t know how long but it won’t be for a long while. I’m sorry.

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July 09, 2021
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Alright, here's a quick vid going over my new toy, the Azeron Classic. Tried to make it brief and cover its features, adjustability, and customization, along with a quick look at the software.

Previously I was using the Razer Orbweaver keypad. Reason I wanted to get this is because the Razer keypads have had fairly short lives. I've already gone through 1 Orbweaver (~1.5 years) and a Tartarus V2 (6 months)...thumbpads broke...and I was hoping to get something that might last longer once my second Orbweaver dies (thumbpad already starting to go and it's been about a year).

As an FYI, the way I have this set up, I can use this and my mouse (Corsair MMO w/ 12 thumb buttons) to handle all general VGS requirements in SMITE.

My key setup:

2 high buttons (middle and index): Esc, T (skill level up ult)

4 buttons above: 1, 2, 3, 4

In the finger rest section:

Push forward: Q, W, E, R (W, E, and R are skill level up for skill level 1-3)

Push down: A, S, D, F (A =…
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June 15, 2021


Views: 2102 Nett3y
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Hey there! New to the forums and guides, but not new to Smite. I played with someone earlier who used Morgan Le Fay and I took a screen shot of their build. I don't know if they found it somewhere else or made it themselves, so if I make a guide, I will give them full credit. I'm new here, so feel free to message me. I've been looking for updated guides for Arena, as it is all I really play. Gods that I am working on are the followin: Discordia, Izanami, Zeus, and I would like to try and level up Tiamat. If anyone can point me in the right direction for a Zeus guide that gives off a lot of damage, let me know! Also, out of curiosity, not all mages, hunters, assassins, warriors, and guardians have the same build, right? Like building Izanami and building Neith are two totally different builds, right? Anyways, thanks for reading, and I look forward to reading some awesome guides, and any help is appreciated!

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May 08, 2021
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