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December 22, 2022
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I just can't believe I've been here for 5 years.
December 15, 2017 was the date I joined SF and I would never think that since that I've been through a lot.

I finished my law graduation, I had 2 generations of Xbox, I almost died, I made a lot of new friends here and it's been a wonderful experience with you guys.

Today on my birthday I come here to thank you guys for everything, all the support and awesome people you are <3

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December 22, 2022
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August 30, 2022
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Now you can see mine concept of Fury, winged women of Greek mythology.

Soon more gods...

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August 25, 2022
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Tell me what build you want me to do for!

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June 10, 2022
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May 14, 2022
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First i would like to thank Branmuffin17 for his input, as we seem to think similarly.

The Jade Dragon 1.0 Build Update:

-Fixed some bugs that got rid of skill trees
-Added 2 Gem Of Focus Builds with the help of BranMuffin17 (The Great Jade Staff! & Great Rod Of Jade!)
-Added new alternate Mid build (Daoist Loner!)
-Added solo & Joust Build.

Complete List of all builds that's part of The Jade Dragon Build: (*Key:* SF:Smite-Fire SG:Smite-Guru SS: Smite Source; Note: (SS) does not have Joust build conquest only.)

(SF) Jade Dragon 1.0!

(SG) Jade Dragon 1.0!

(SS) Jade Dragon Mid 40% Crit!

(SS) Jade Dragon Solo Build!

(SS) The Great Jade Staff! (BranMuffin17)

(SS) The Great Rod Of Jade! (Branmuffin17)

(SS) Daoist Loner! (Alt Mid)

These are the builds i made so far, with Patch 9.5 coming up i'm sure i will have lots of editing to do. If you enjoy any of these Builds or they help you, Please leave
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May 09, 2022
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As most who play smite semi serious know, the state of the game has not been great for awhile now, and the last couple patches have been pretty disappointing. With that being said I am going to be taking a step back from keeping up with the META, and will not be updating my builds for the foreseeable future. Truly its a Smite break.

Its been super awesome to be able to meet a fair few of you over the last year or so, and maybe if Smite ever takes steps in the right direction I will be back to keep up to date guides.

I will still be around as a mod for the Official Smite Discord if anyone ever needs to reach me!

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April 20, 2022
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I'm a American Indian U.S. Army Veteran, I've played just about every game, and right now I'm focusing on Xbox, I am a Xbox Ambassador. Well I'm usualy one to get straight to the point, my pc is still down but I've been using xbox. During the builds being down during the beginning of the "league" when all the builds where down I decided to make some but some things happened and by the time I went to release them it was pretty much not worth the effort. After all if I'm not doing something new than why add to what's already there? So Now The Jade Emperor is released and i made a build while everyone was doing whatever, I plan to add to it in multiple directions but so far, i only got 2 Mid crit, and joust both ranked. The links will be below on both smite fire and guru. :

I don't only stream smite although i have been playing since the alpha phase and honestly knew it would change mo…
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April 12, 2022
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For whoever it concerns, I've updated my contact info in my profile as I no longer use my playstation account. I'm for the most part not on SF, but I do read messages on the Discord server.

I'll post any big updates here occasionally. On another note, I've mostly switched to playing dota and don't starve together. plus I also recently started moderating in a group of servers for the game

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February 13, 2022
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On February 11, 2022. I have found a guide site, Zathong, that posts guides similar to Smitefire which also included Smite as one of the games this site has guides for. When I clicked on one of the guides and read through it, it was very similar to our guides, quite literally word for word from our guides.
Zathong has been plagiarizing guides from users on SmiteFire for probably as long, if not longer than a year now. I, as well as others, are victims of this plagiarism. I’ve alerted the admins about this and people higher-up are now aware.
I am asking you don’t go to their site, harass Zathong, or look to see if your guide was plagiarized since the site is running multiple ads so they are making a profit off our stolen work. I am writing this to let everyone know what has been happening and to get the word out about what Zathong is doing.

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