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September 02, 2012

Favorite Gods So Far

Views: 2477 [deleted]
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This kitty can really land some kills! Whenever I play with her, I usually end up doing the best on my team!

Ao Kuang

This is my favorite caster so far! He has a ton of AoE damage and can push lanes like crazy! His ult is also intense!

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September 01, 2012

New Bastet Guide Published!

Views: 1946 [deleted]
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Yes, yes. I just started playing Smite and I already had the effrontery to create a guide. Although it's not as flashy as my published works on Mobafire, it should be somewhat informative and useful for beginners to Bastet! Here's the link!

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August 29, 2012

2nd blog

Views: 1358 Minho
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First is the worst.
Second is the best.

I got the second :)

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August 29, 2012
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Hey, was on MobaFire and just noticed SmiteFire was up, didn't see anywhere else to say hi so... uh... hi.

Having trouble with the third person control mechanics, granted I've only played one game so IDK, it would take some practice to get some used to it.

Anyway thats all I got so Happy Smiting

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