June 13, 2019

Bellona Arena Match(come a long way since I first started)

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So, I got in this arena match yesterday, https://smite.guru/match/941913075 , and our nemesis dc'ed very early into the match. Even as early as a month ago I probably wouldn't have countered nearly as effectively as I did this match to compensate from my second item. I am sure a lot of you, if you take the time to look, would have gone different routes. It was also a -sr match, we were -12sr. I know a lot of you don't put a lot of stock in that, but usually when I am in those matches and look back at them, those are most of my more difficult matches.

I made the decision very early to go aura protections to help my team because I figured being a member down we needed the extra group protections more than anything else. We ended up making a big push at the end and only ended up losing by 51 points and had gotten within about 30 at one point. My totals were not sexy 5/5/12 but we had to do a lot of running, pushed a mino or two through, and just kept hanging in there. I did mitigate 87k and took 51k damage and was tanking like crazy for my team. I came sooooooo close on so many other kills, but I had to pull back a lot because they were covering really well for each other.

I was patient and carefully chose spots to engage and support my team and even though it was a loss, it is one of my matches I am most proud of just because I feel like building like I did helped us hang in there until the end and at one point had a slim shot to over take them. Normally in 5-6 we get completely blasted by 200-250 points.

I know it's just arena and a lot of people are like "who cares", but thank you to everyone who has been talking strategy and giving me different suggestions and for just helping me evolve my game to the point where I can successfully counterbuild(although until I learn all the different gods kits it is still sort of hit or miss at times).