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Currently, this is one of the standard builds to go now on Cliodhna. You can either choose to go for Bluestone Brooch or Bumba’s Spear but I’d recommend to go with
Bluestone Brooch as it’s one of the strongest starter items for ability junglers like Cliodhna herself. Even though it got nerfed a bit, it’s still one of the better starters to build currently. Bumba’s Spear still sees some usage here and there but Bluestone Brooch in combination with
The Crusher just puts out more damage.
Expect to do lot’s of damage in the mid to late-game due to stacked Transcendence in combination with
Bluestone Brooch,
The Crusher and
Heartseeker bought in mid/late game. With this build you should melt the squishier targets and deal big damage to the tanks. Consider buying Brawler’s Beat Stick if needed, if you’re up against enemies with lots of healing or lifesteal. You can build it after Jottun’s Vigor and finish the build off with
The Crusher and Heartseeker . Also don’t forget that you’ll get extra power with the
Potion of Power and 10% extra cooldown.
This also a good build but with a bit of sustain. Instead of going Transcendence, you go
Soul Eater. I’d recommend building Jottun’s Wrath first and then Soul Eeater since it takes a while to stack and make use of it and with Jottun’s Wrath you have some Power early on combined with 20% cooldown, which will help you get farm and stack quicker. It’s basically the same as the first build with a bit less power in return for lifesteal which on Cliodhna also isn’t really bad considering that her passive
Phantasmal gives you 10% extra lifesteal once you leave a wall and combined with the passive of
Soul Eater, so you’re sustain will be pretty good in (team)fights.
And like with the other builds, if you need anti-heal, get Brawler's Beat Stick.
This is an alternative to the previous two builds. You can use this build if you want to go for more attack speed but not lose a lot of power. Arondight is great for chasing down enemies faster when using with
Flickering Visions and her ultimate
Tearing the Veil. In combination with Arondight’s passive you’ll do a lot of burst damage in a short amount of time.
Bloodforge is also a good option to build as a last item since it will give you a bit of sustain in form of lifesteal and shield, flat penetration and the movement speed will help you chase down enemies even faster in combination with
Arondight and your other abilities.
See chapter "Situational Items" for more information.
See chapter "Relics & Shards" for more information.
Hello, My name is Bazilias. I’m an old veteran Smite player that started playing since the beta days and have played on and off for a couple of seasons. I consider myself a Jungle main since it’s my favorite role which I also play and enjoy the most.
While being a mentor in the official Smite Discord and lurking on SmiteFire for a long time, is it my first time writing a guide here on SmiteFire.
Now that Year 10 (don’t be fooled it’s still called Season 10) has arrived with a new map and other changes that made people excited and return to the game, It’s time for me to actually do something for the community by writing a guide on one of my favorite gods in Smite (and now also for participating in the Season 10 Guide Contest after it got announced :P).
Without any further ado, hope you guys enjoy and find this guide helpful!
Great item for chasing down enemies and dealing extra burst damage to them. Also works well in combination with your ultimate since it slows them down while they’re in it.
The item got some buffs to it. They decreased the cost and added 7% movement speed. The item was already pretty strong and built on certain gods, now that they decreased the cost of it and added movement speed to it, it’s great for chasing down enemies combined with the sustain you get due to the lifesteal and shield, giving you the leeway for potentially multiple kills or to get out of a fight after killing an enemy.
Brawler’s Beat Stick
Pretty straight forward. If the enemy (team) has a lot of healing or lifesteal, and you need anti-heal, you pick this one up. You build it after your first item usually. In some cases you can get it as your third item if you’re building Transcendence first and Jottun’s Wrath second for example.
Serrated Edge
Usually picked up as an alternative to Titan’s Bane. It gives you the same amount of % penetration combined with some sustain in the form of lifesteal. Also gives you the 7% movement speed to chase down enemies or to get away from them. Good in combination with other movement speed items like Bloodforge or Arondight.
Temporal Beads
The most used T3 Beads upgrade. Almost always built on Assassins in the jungle. Item description speaks for itself, great against hard CC’s or if the enemy exists of a heavy CC comp. The T3 passive is also pretty nice since it reduces the cooldowns on your abilities by 3 seconds, which lets you use your dash faster to escape if it’s on cooldown.
Chaotic Beads
The lesser used variant of the T3 Beads upgrade. Same purpose and item description as the T1 Beads, but with a different passive. Relic is great for chasing enemies down and if they’re low health to deal the final blow, since it does damage to them if they’re trying to root you and escape.
Aegis of Acceleration
Rarely used T3 upgrade when picking up Aegis. Passive can help you out when you’re low health and the enemy is bursting you down with damage. It gives you movement speed for 4 seconds and can stack up to 3 times so it gives you plenty of MS to get out fast especially in combination with your second Flickering Visions and third ability
Lurching Claw.
Aegis of Judgement
This T3 upgrade is used both for defensive and offensive purposes at the same time. It’s also great for outboxing the enemy if you’re caught in a 1v1. The passive returns a certain amount of damage back to the enemy which can put you in favor in a fight.
Corrupted Blink Rune
Good T3 upgrade to chase down enemies or to get away from them by slowing them down after using it.
Scorching Blink Rune
Mostly used to be extra offensive. Aside from teleporting to the enemy, you now also leave a trail behind that deals true damage which is nice since you can be extra annoying and eliminate the enemy faster if you time it right.
Claw Shard
Usually picked for an offensive early game. Has good burst damage and sustain. Gives you the leeway for an early pick or when you’re caught in a 1v1, it can give you that extra edge/sustain to kill and- or survive.
Wing Shard
One of the most used Shards for Assassins for both offensive as defensive purposes. It’s great for chasing down an opponent and the extra Attack Speed is also nice if your abilities are on cooldown. On the defensive side it’s great for running away from the enemies, you can always use your third ability afterwards for extra measure.
Horn Shard
Great alternative to Wing Shard as it can also be used for offensive and defensive purposes. Great for finishing off an enemy that is out of range with an ability when you need the extra cooldown. Also really good for getting out of sticky situations where you need your third ability Lurching Claw to be available so you can escape.
Cliodhna’s passive allows her to go into walls and can see enemies in a small area around the wall. She can only do this every 16 seconds, has a 1 second delay while entering and 0.5 second delay while leaving the wall. While she’s in the wall she loses health over time, the intensity of her losing health increases over time. She can’t enter a wall if she’s below 25% health or crippled.
Upon leaving a wall Cliodhna gains 10% lifesteal for 5 seconds. While she’s inside the wall she can use three of her abilities, which are the following.
Her 1 Banshee's Wail
The cone angle is bigger if she uses the ability while inside the wall (180). Silences the enemy hit by it and also deals damage.
Her 3 Lurching Claw
Her dash will travel further if she uses it while inside a wall. The damage output will stay the same.
Her 4 Tearing the Veil (Ultimate)
When her ultimate is being used while she’s inside a wall, It won’t activate immediately. It will instead activate if an enemy get too close and passes the Veil. The Veils that are placed cannot be seen by the enemy. She can use her ultimate up to 3 times while inside a wall and placing more than 3 will remove the oldest one.
Also good to know, you can use potions and shards inside the wall but not relics.
Another note is that if your current health is lower that the health cost, you’ll be immediately ejected out of the wall.
Banshee's Wail
Cliodhna screams at the enemy in a form of a cone dealing damage 3 times with the final hit doing the most damage. The last hit will also silence and deafen the enemies for 1.5 seconds. While channeling this ability Cliodhna is also knockup immune. Like stated earlier in the explanation of her Passive, her cone is wider when used inside a wall.
Scream Damage
30/45/60/75/90 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Final Hit Damage
60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of your Physical Power)
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
12 seconds
Flickering Visions
Her second ability is throwing “a bolt of energy” in a line that explodes when hitting a target. The enemies that are hit by it get a debuff and won’t be able to see you for 4 seconds. While the enemy is debuffed you gain 25% movement speed. Aside from the other 3 abilities, this one cannot be used while inside a wall.
Bolt Damage
70/125/180/235/290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
14 Seconds
Lurching Claw
Cliodhna dashes forward damaging enemies she passes through. While she’s at max range or when cancelling/refiring the ability she will swipe with her claw dealing damage. Cliodhna can also turn freely in any direction during the dash.
Dash Damage
35/60/85/110/135 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Claw Damage
90/140/190/240/290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds
Tearing the Veil
Her ultimate ability tears out a veil that deals damage in a line, upon impact as well as damage over time for a duration of 5 seconds. Some people still don’t know this, but you can destroy the Veil’s by hitting it with 3 basic attacks. Her ult has 2 charges and like stated earlier when explaining her Passive, can be used 3 times while inside a wall. People that are standing inside the Veil also get slowed by 6% and can stack up to 6 times (so a maximum of 36% with both charges).
Opening Damage
150/225/300/375/450 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Rift Damage
60/95/130/165/200 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Slow 6%
Slow Stacks 6
30/35/40/45/50 Mana
60 seconds
Phantasmal (Passive)
Her passive can be used for multiple purposes. These are the following:
- Lurking inside a wall in the jungle
- Engagements (ganking a lane for example)
- Escaping (getting away from an Ares ult for example)
By lurking inside a wall in the jungle you can either surprise the enemy and engage in a fight. Most of the time the enemy won’t be expecting you and it also creates a great opportunity for objective steals like the Pyromancer, Gold Fury or Fire Giant.
Compared to other gods that usually walk and Blink onto an enemy in the lane, or others that make use of their jump or stealth abilities, you have the privilege to go into a wall and gank unnoticeably. Especially now in in Season 10 where the wards already cut off the ganking paths, and with the amount of walls in the game it’s a really good way to gank.
Once you decide to gank by using Cliodhna’s passive you can choose how you want to engage. You can use your first ability Banshee's Wail if the enemy is hugging the wall to silence them and do damage at the same time before you leave the wall. You can use your ultimate
Tearing the Veil as a trap to block their pathway before you leave the wall. And last but not least, you can engage with your third ability
Lurching Claw which can travel a longer distance if the enemy decides to run and can be used in combinations with her first or second ability
Flickering Visions.
Most people use her passive for offensive purposes, but it’s also great for disengagement capabilities. While you can’t enter a wall if you’re below 25% health, you can decide if you want to leave a fight if you’re assumptions are that you’re going to lose that fight.
You can also use your Beads in combination with your passive to get out of a cripple and to escape by entering a wall.
Another great usage of her passive is to avoid enemy ultimates. She can also avoid or negate other abilities besides the enemy ultimate’s of course, but to not clutter this guide with all the abilities or enemy passives she can avoid, I’m going to keep it short and only include the ultimate’s.
Ah Puch ultimate
Agni ultimate
Anhur ultimate
Anubis ultimate
Ares ultimate
Artemis ultimate
Atlas ultimate
Baron Samedi’s ultimate
Chiron’s ultimate
Cliodhna’s ultimate
Da Ji ultimate
Janus ultimate
Jing Wei’s ultimate
Kukulkan’s ultimate
Maui’s ultimate (if timed correctly)
Morgan le Fay’s ultimate
Neith’s ultimate
Nu Wa ultimate
Olorun’s ultimate
Ra’s ultimate
Raijin’s ultimate
Ratatoskr’s ultimate
Susano’s ultimate
Thanatos ultimate
Thoth’s ultimate
Tsukuyomi’s ultimate
ulcan’s ultimate
Yu Huang’s ultimate
Zeus ultimate
Nu Wa ultimate
Odin’s ultimate (if his cage doesn’t block your way of entering a wall)
Yemoja’s ultimate (If the water wave doesn’t block your way of entering a wall)
Banshee's Wail
Her first ability Banshee's Wail is often leveled first by most players. It’s a great way for clearing jungle camps, or the minion wave if you’re playing solo/mid. While she’s channeling the ability she’s knockup immune. So if you can anticipate when the enemy is trying to use their knockup ability, you can channel use Banshee’s Wail to gain immunity, dealing damage and silencing them at the same time. Even though you’re knockup immune, your channeling is still interruptible by other silences and stuns.
You can use Banshee’s Wail in combination with either Flickering Visions or
Lurching Claw depending on the situation and playstyle. I like leveling
Lurching Claw first since it does more damage compared to Banshee’s Wail but you have to keep in mind that the cooldown of
Lurching Claw is 14 seconds at the start (but gets down to 12 seconds once it’s maxed out) compared to Banshee’s Wail which is set to 12 seconds at all levels. At the end it comes down to your playstyle and preferences on what ability you want to level out first.
Flickering Visions
As earlier explained, when hitting an enemy with this ability they won’t be able to see you and you gain 25% movement speed. Knowing this, you can use it to your advantage in different situations. One of them is to use it for engagement. You can decide to use It in a 1v1 which makes it harder for the enemy to hit you with their abilities or auto attacks. The other form of engagement you can use it for is to chase down an enemy. Flickering Visions combined with items that give you movement speed like
Bloodforge and
Serrated Edge and the Movement Speed buff, will make your chase-downs much easier.
The ability is also used for disengagements. If your passive Phantasmal and third ability
Lurching Claw are down, you can use
Flickering Visions to be invisible combined with the extra movement speed you gain from it gives you the opportunity to get out of a fight or sticky situation.
Lurching Claw
Cliodhna can use her third ability Lurching Claw for engagements and disengagements. Like stated earlier, she dashes forward and deals damage to enemies she passes through. At the end of the dash she swipes with her claw dealing even more damage. It’s great for closing the distance on enemies and dealing great damage while doing it. The ability can also be cancelled earlier, but the slash at the end will still happen. You can also move freely while dashing which gives you the opportunity to still secure a kill even though you passed through the enemy by doing a 180 degree turn for example.
You can use Lurching Claw in combination with your first or second ability
Flickering Visions depending on the situation. If the enemy is running away, you can use your
Flickering Visions first to deal damage and gain movement speed, use your dash to close the distance and deal damage and last but not least, you can use your Banshee’s Wail to deal even more damage and silence them. If the enemy still survived somehow, you can always use your ultimate
Tearing the Veil for the secure if u can predict their movement.
I’d recommend using your Auto Attacks in between your abilities to deal even more damage. So in this case it would look something like this: 2 > Auto Attack > 3 > Auto Attack > 1 > Auto Attack
Tearing the Veil
Knowing what her ultimate does, we can also use that for different purposes. Like some of the other abilities, you can use for offensive as well as defensive purposes.
Burst Damage
Her ultimate is mostly used to burst down or to kill the enemy with the opening damage of the Veil. This can be difficult at times since there is a small delay when using her ultimate. This can give the enemy just enough time to avoid the first hit and still escape. But if you can predict where the enemy is going, it can do devastating damage or even kill them in an instant.
You can use her ultimate when you’re in a 1v1 fight. You can take precautions and ult in the direction you think the enemy will run towards if they want to escape. This gives you leverage and keeps the enemy where you want them to be. They have no other choice but to fight you if they have no escape abilities left to use, and if you’re already winning the fight, it’s a secured kill.
You can use her ultimate in combination with her passive Phantasmal to lay down traps for the enemies to pass by or to block off a certain pathway. This is great for zoning when doing an objective like Gold Fury or Fire Giant but also good for blocking out pathways if they try to escape. Also here, depending on how fast the enemy is moving or if they use a dash/jump, the opening damage will not hit them.
Stealing objectives
Another way u can utilize her ultimate is to steal objectives. You can use her ultimate normally and try to get the final blow on an objective, or hide inside a wall and place up to 3 Veils. When the enemy is doing Fire Giant for example and they pass by the Veils, it will set them off and gives you the chance to steal the Fire Giant buff.
Combo’s with teammates
Her ultimate is also great when used in teamfights. By using your ultimate in a teamfight, you can be really annoying and make it difficult for the enemies to fight your team by creating a bad space for them to fight in. This gives your team the leverage and can turn the fight in a positive outcome.
Her ultimate can also be really good and useful in combination with the abilities/ultimates of your teammates. You can use your ultimate on the enemy when
Ares pulls them in using his ultimate
Searing Flesh for example. Or when
Fenrir grabs someone with his Ultimate
Ragnarok. There are also other combinations like stuns and cripples which you can make use of and deal massive amounts of damage in a short time using your ult and abilities.
If the enemy is trying to escape, you can use your ultimate to deal damage and slow them down. Depending on how many slowing stacks there are on the enemy, you might not even have to use your third ability Lurching Claw. You can do this in combination with your second ability
Flickering Visions as well to deal extra damage and to get the movement speed proc to chase them down faster. And if that doesn’t let you get any closer, you can always use her third ability
Lurching Claw to close the distance even further.
Minion wave clear
Her ultimate is also great for clearing minion waves. This is also often used when playing her in the Solo/Mid lane. Once you hit level 5 and have your ultimate up. You can use it to clear the wave and get some farm elsewhere by getting jungle camps or rotating to other lanes to help out your teammates and even get a kill off of it if possible.
Besides using your passive, Flickering Visions and
Lurching Claw to escape a fight, you can also use your ultimate towards the way your running. By doing this you can stop the enemy from chasing you any further since it can damage as well as slow them down. This is not used very often as an escape tool but can be handy in times when all of your escape capabilities are down.
Besides using the traps as an offensive tool, it can also be useful for defending objectives aside from Gold Fury and Fire Giant. It’s great for zoning around your towers and phoenixes and can be a big threat for the enemy team if they decide to push them anyway which then again can turn the fight in your teams favor.
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Cliodhna honestly reminds me of The Morrigan with how massive the skill disparities can be between players, not sure if that is a view others may share though. I can FEEL the insane potential she has, it just comes down to knowing how best to utilize it all, which is where I seem to struggle.
If you still need help with Cliodhna, I'm also down to go over your gameplay together albeit live or a recording, and to give you some tips and tricks along the way. After that you can then try to implement the tips & tricks and we can go over the gameplay footage again to see how much you've improved (live or a recording).
If you have any other questions, you can reach me through Discord at Bazilias#7676