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You can grab boots if you want to rush it instead of rushing Warlocks Staff but boots in S5 5.13 are not always the best to choose as your first (built) item Soul Reaver is also a good alternative to Warlocks Staff if you want to build stacks asap
I highly recommend gettings boots as your third item as you will be coming online soon from leveling alone and youll need the movement speed for some of the combos. It's really a matter of preference which boot your complete but Shoes of Focus is cheaper than Shoes of the Magi so you could just replace the shoes of focus with shoes of the magi during late game. If you chose it as your first item after your blessing then start building Warlock's Staff. If you find yourself really needing sustain build Soul Gem it will provide the same magical power as Warlock's Staff but with lifesteal, CDR (Cooldown Reduction)and a passive that will heal you and your allies on every 5th hit on an enemy god. Book of Thoth is another great choice and best picked up early to get the stacks rolling asapSoul Reaver is only here if the enemy has built a health item and its tough to take them down.
For your 4th and/or 5th item you will have to assess what is most needed. Take a look at the enemy team and decide if you need pen or lifesteal for your 4th item. Typically you'll want penetration but sometimes the enemy has an unorthodox composition and doesn't have much protection and that's when you"ll want lifesteal.
I highly recommend getting pen as your 4th or 5th item if not both.
I personally always grab lifesteal to enable myself to continue to fight after one has already transpired if need be. Again though if the enemies have some tankiness to them grab penetration. You and your team will need it.
For your 6th item you've got some options. Probably more than listed here so feel free to experiment.
My standard choice here is Gem of Isolation as it allows me to more reliably chase fleeing opponents down if my Path of Flames is down as it can help reduce it's CD or slow them down enough to finish them off. Hell its come in handy to help teammates escape as well.
Rod of Tahuti another item thats great for finishing off opponents, especially tanky ones.
Spear of the Magus is another great choice if the enemies has a lot of protections.
Chronos' Pendanta good choice if you need more CDR. Highly recommended as your 6th item or to replace your blessing.
For your relics its pretty simple. Purification Beads to get out of crowd control so you can escape, Aegis Amulet to negate all damage and stay in the fight longer or to facilitate your escape. Horrific Emblem to help you chase down targets or make it easier for teammates to reliably gank. Phantom Veil for if there is a player made barrier you cannot otherwise get through like Odin's ring of spears or Ymir's wall. Shield of Thorns because sometimes I like to face damage and ult on top of myself after using a Blink Rune.
And Blink Rune to either set up for a fight or to escape one.
Tap each threat level to view Agni’s threats
Hello, and thank you for taking a look at my guide on Agni. This is my first guide, and I don't consider myself anything other than slightly above average in terms of both my game knowledge and skills. However, since I began playing Smite, the first god I chose to play and learn was Agni. I've read up on a few builds / guides and learned a lot from them, but most don't give you options in case you need to adjust your build to counter the enemy and what not. I will update this guide as need be and I hope that if anyone has suggestions or corrections to please comment them. Make sure to check for these comments too readers as there could be valuable information there!
Thank You!
Agni is a very easy character to understand but hard to learn and master. Part of this is because of how the abilities work and knowing how to use and combo them.
1- Noxious Fumes Your combo starter, initiation, escape prevention, potential escape, or used to bait enemies to use their mobility abilities early. It can even help you escape!
2- Flame Wave This will be the first ability you want to unlock, as its the best and only real wave clear ability Agni has available to him at level 1
3- Path of Flames Your escape, catch up, or potential initiation.
you travel a good distance with this ability and it even can be used to combo as well.
4- Rain Fire Agni's ultimate, the butter on the bread. As the name suggests this ability literally drops a flaming meteor on top of your enemies like a mortar. Combos, DEALS SOME DAMAGE, and finishes off fleeing enemies. An amazing ultimate ability
I've learned that using quick or instant cast on agni is the meta (most effective tactic available) for him. As you get better at aiming your abilities the deadlier you'll become. PRACTICE!
Agni's Noxious Fumes is an aoe (area of effect) ability that ever so slightly damages enemies as long as they are inside of the area. This ability can be ignited however by any of this other abilities to stun any enemies inside of it for a duration of 1 second. This effect can then be followed up by any of his abilites, namely Rain Fire, to deal massive damage in a short amount of time.
Here's my initiation combo for mid to late game:
First, cast Noxious Fumes on or near enemy
Second, cast Path of Flames to get close enough to follow up OR cast Flame Wave at the enemy inside of Noxious Fumes to damage and stun them simultaneously and save Path of Flames to escape.
Third, Aim and fire away with your Rain Fire while they are stunned or fleeing. You get three meteors in total at once and only one fires at a time. So either spam all of them or time them to throw off an enemy or catch one who's trying to dodge your attacks.
If built correctly your cooldowns should be fairly short and you can dish out some serious damage.
Good wave clear
Huge burst damage potential
Synergizes well with other gods with hard CC or Slows
Good mid and Late game
Not the best early game
Very squishy
Hard to master
Skill leveling is really all preference but here's my recommended prioritization from Highest to Lowest:
Flame Wave
Rain Fire
Path of Flames
Noxious Fumes
Highly recommended the first five levels should be followed as shown on the guide but from there you're free to level what you feel is most important to you.
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Level 1 you should have either
Ability level priority after level 5 is fine as discussed under skills but you're levelling for up to level 5 is incorrect.
Onto builds: You shouldn't be building
Your only relic options should be
What you should start instead: Either
Full Build would be:
Alternative build if you want health (from book of dead shield):
Situational items:
As you said your only options should be puri or aegis but i put the others there for situational. and i put the others mainly because i enjoy using them.
For the skill order I have it the way i have because i tend to rotate after i get my nox fumes and my path of flames. And the combo of abilities you describe isn't wrong but Im just giving examples of how his abilities can be combo'd never said there aren't other ways. There are also different situations that give me reason to change the ability combo plus thowing a nox fumes then path of flames is just my way of quickly confusing an enemy and allowing a quick gank. (keep in mind i play on ps4 so i take advantage of the fact that its a bit difficult to react accordingly with a controller. also i have quick cast/ instant cast already. Instant on my 4,1,and 3 but i use quick on my 2 so I can make sure I hit the enemy or hit a full wave. Thank you for your input on the build changes though. very helpful and I'll be adjusting accordingly. but i do want to say that your Full Build and Alt build for health suggestions are exactly how my build almost always ends up. Everything on the guide is just options for different situations. however im pretty sure i changed the start to have book of thoth just after i published the guide but i will add the two unbuilt items and explain the different starts.
Also how do you link items in the chapters/descriptions? do i just drag them and will it show an actual link for the item or will it show like in your comment?
thank you again greatly appreciated!
So either 2 or 3 at level 1, then take 2 or 3, then put a point into your 2, then 1, then ult.
Also there's no way you're getting the T1 down that early unless you're against terrible players.
I'm not saying it happens all the time but it happens also the intro says I don't see myself as anything other than slightly above average and I play console. I don't have any decent people to play with either so matchmaking isn't on my side. I always have my flame wave. It's the first one I grab. My skill order changes from game to game depending on the enemy team anyway. if the enemy mid has escape then i grab path, if they don"t I grab noxious as my second. either way i end up having 1,2,and my 3 at level 3 because I like to be prepared to escape and nox can help me with that