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[7.9] Amaterasu Solo Lane Building Guide and Tips

29 3 94,870
by Soululu updated October 9, 2020

Smite God: Amaterasu

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Amaterasu Build

Initial Starter Build

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

After first back

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Ward Ward

Standard build (vs. Physical solo)

Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Standard build (vs. Magical solo)

Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Situational Items

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield

Amaterasu Threats

Tap each threat level to view Amaterasu’s threats



Hello everyone, my name is Soul, and welcome to my first SmiteFire guide. Today, I will be giving information and tips on how to build Amaterasu in the Solo lane role. Let me get started by saying that Amaterasu is nowhere near my most played character, but I do enjoy playing her when I do and think she has a fun building style, which is a hybrid in-between needing cooldown reduction for her abilities, but also building attack speed.

God Stats

Stats (at level 20)
  • Mana: 920 (+35)
  • Damage: 79 (+2) +100%
  • Range: 12 (+0)
  • Attack/sec: 1.24 (+1.2%)
  • Health: 2185 (+85)
  • Physical Prots: 78 (+3)
  • Magical Prots: 48 (+0.9)
  • Hp5: 24 (+0.8)
  • Mp5: 12.8 (+0.4)
  • Speed: 375 ()0)
Note: Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level.

Abilities & Leveling Order

Illuminating Strike (Passive)
Amaterasu illuminates enemies she hits with basic attacks. After 3 hits on the same target the enemy gains an aura, exposing their weaknesses and causing them to take more damage from all sources. Any other enemies that come near the afflicted target are weakened as well.
Her passive is your best friend when boxing in lane. Be sure to use this on the front-most minion when clearing wave, or use it to out-trade the enemy solo laner.

Divine Presence (Ability 1)
Amaterasu harnesses the power of her jewel, healing herself every second for 4 seconds and creating a persistent aura that buffs nearby allied gods. Every time this ability is activated the aura switches between Valor and Benevolence.
You want to level this ability second, although don't put a point into it until level 4, after you have a point in your dash, and two in your mirror. If you are getting poked out super early, you can forgo a second point in mirror at level 3, and get this instead.

Heavenly Reflection (Ability 2)
Amaterasu charges her mirror for 5 seconds. While the mirror is charging she takes decreased damage. By activating the ability again or at the end of 5 seconds she will fire her mirror straight ahead, dealing damage. The mirror can be charged by successfully attacking enemies or from taking damage, and will deal up to double the base damage when fully charged.
This is your main wave-clear, and fight ability. At max rank, it gives 15% damage mitigation, which is a full Spirit Robe passive. Max this ability first.

Glorious Charge (Ability 3)
Amaterasu shines light off of her sacred blade, silencing all enemies in front of her. She then dashes forward while dealing damage, piercing through minions or stopping at the first god hit.
You want to max this ability last, and use this ability aggressively. If you activate your 2, then dash on an enemy god, you can shoot the mirror dealing significant damage.

Dazzling Offensive (Ultimate)
Amaterasu focuses the power of the heavens into an impressive 3 strike combination attack. The 2nd hit will do 20% more base damage and slow enemies. The 3rd hit will do 40% more base damage and stun enemies. She must hit an enemy target with each hit to progress the combo.
Remember that only the last strike of this ability stuns, but you do have to hit all three. You don't have to hit them all on the same god to get the stun. If you hit the first and second strike on Enemy 1, then the third strike on Enemy 2, Enemy 2 will get stunned.

Reasoning Behind the Suggested Items

While I'm not saying my build is perfect, I do think it covers a middle ground of what you should be building on Amaterasu, which is a cross between cooldown reduction and attack speed.

Why do you say that?

Well, Amaterasu has a fantastic teamfight ultimate in Dazzling Offensive, so having it available as quickly as possible is important for any team. With 40% cooldown reduction, you're able to have your ultimate up every 45 seconds, which is ridiculous. Imagine being able to use your ultimate to initiate a teamfight around a late-game Fire Giant brawl, then either disengaging with it after the teamfight, or using it again to chase down a dwindling foe with low health trying to escape.

Warrior's Blessing is considered the best starter item in the game at the moment in Conquest, and for good reason. 3 damage reduction to all damage taken applies to everything, and matters more in the early game then you think. Remember, everything includes every hit from a minion after aggroing the enemy solo laner. It is also important to maximize the value from the Warrior's Blessing heal every 10 seconds for maximum sustainability.

Ninja Tabi is important for a few reasons. Her passive, Illuminating Strike, applies a 10% more damage taken in an aura around an enemy. Building attack speed is crucial for getting the most value out of her passive, and with the recent buff to Ninja Tabi, it got even better.

Berserker's Shield is all-around a good item for Ama. More attack speed helps her apply her passive quicker, as well as giving Physical defense and Penetration.

The Sledge is by far my favorite item on any Solo laner. Essentially it is the perfect bruiser item; with protections, power, health, mana, and CCR.

Shogun's Kusari is not only good for giving yourself attack speed for your passive, but it's also good for mana sustain, and giving your allies attack speed. This is essential in late game phoenix fights, and for shredding objectives.

Toxic Blade as covered in the next section. It is the best form of anti-heal to buy on Amaterasu, helping her with Attack Speed, as well as bonus health, flat penetration for use against carries, and bonus movement speed.

Situational Items In-Depth

Gauntlet of Thebes. Even though you're the solo laner and not the support, Gauntlet is still an insanely strong item, giving the same amount of protections as Mantle of Discord, plus 10 more because of the self-applied aura. Even if your support has a Gauntlet, consider building it last item if you feel like you aren't tanky enough.

Midgardian Mail. Use this item if the enemy team is packed with auto attackers. This item counters melee auto attackers such as Bakasura and Kali the most, as they need to stick to you in order to hit you.

Oni Hunter's Garb. Percent mitigation is very strong in Smite. If you are diving the enemy team and getting surrounded a lot, then consider buying this item to stay alive.

Spirit Robe. As with Oni Hunter's, Spirit Robe gives percent mitigation, on a 15 second cooldown, definitely one of the most underrated items in the game. When should you buy this item? If the enemy team is Crowd Control heavy, or initiating with CC such as No Escape, Stygian Torment, or Confound, you will be much harder to kill. This item is also great against abilities such as Whirlwind of Rage and Steel, Paolao, 9 Turns Blessing, or anyone that relies on CC such as Ganesha or Horus.

Frostbound Hammer. If you feel like you have enough defense when selling your boots, and want more damage, consider getting Frostbound Hammer. This item gives base health, and allows you and your teammates to stick to enemy gods much easier.

Emperor's Armor. Are you sieging the enemy phoenixes a lot? Are your phoenixes under constant pressure? Emperor's Armor is amazing for attacking the enemy base and your own base defense.

Spectral Armor. Spectral is the new best item to go against pesky Hunters or Assassins, or Olorun that are relying on Critical Strikes. It literally halves the damage of their crits on you.

shield of regrowth
Shield of Regrowth is a fun item to have on Amaterasu. With cooldown reduction, you can gain a massive movement speed increase when activating your first ability, Divine Presence.

Stone Cutting Sword is a very greedy item to buy on a solo laner, but if you are far enough ahead and the enemies are already having trouble dealing with you, then buying this item will just boost your chance to win any 1v1 against a physical carry.

Void Shield is a very popular item for solo laners. However, I am having a hard time trying to fit it in an Amaterasu build. If you have a physical-heavy comp, such as a team with four physicals, then this can be a great item to pick up for your team.

Buying Anti-heal

Buying anti-healing items is a very important part of the current meta, as well as realizing that the vast majority of viable solo laners rely on self-sustain to bully the enemy out of lane. Amaterasu is a case of a solo laner who has two different building options for denying healing, one is Toxic Blade, and the other, are the more common Pestilence and Contagion.

When should you get Toxic Blade?

Let's say you're facing an enemy solo laner who either doesn't rely on healing, such as Odin or Nike. Or you're laning against a character with minimal healing, such as Osiris or Cu Chulainn after they obtain Gladiator's Shield. In this case, they're healing isn't enough to warrant an early antiheal item over a mana sustain and cooldown reduction item such as Breastplate of Valor, so build Breastplate after boots and purchase a Toxic Blade later in the build.

When should you get Contagion?

If you are facing a Physical solo laner that heavily or even moderately relies on healing and self-sustain, then Contagion is the correct purchase after boots. Below I've included a list of Warriors and Assassins that I would prioritize antiheal against, keep in mind that this may not include all.
Erlang Shen
Guan Yu
King Arthur

When should you get Pestilence?

If you are against a Mage or Guardian solo laner that relies on large amounts of healing, then consider buying Pestilence first instead of Runic Shield in the provided build. Below is a list of Magicals that need anti-healing in lane, and when it needs to be prioritized early.
Baron Samedi
Zhong Kui

Second Relic Options

At level 12, you are able to purchase a second relic for you and your team. This is an important decision and can have a major impact on your playstyle, and the outcome of the game.

Blink Rune is fantastic on Amaterasu and if your jungler and/or support are lacking initiation tools, blink into Dazzling Offensive is a great initiation tool.

Cursed Ankh is fantastic against a healing-heavy comp. Upgrade it as soon as you can since the upgraded version take 20% more damage after healing, and can win a teamfight alone.

Heavenly Wings is fantastic for running teams down and granting slow immunity. If the enemy team has a lot of slows such as an Osiris, or a Horrific Emblem, an upgraded Heavenly Wings is a fantastic offensive and defense tool.

Magic Shell is great for a defensive option if you find your team is on the back foot a lot. When upgraded, it grants two block stacks which can save a carry from an auto attacker such as Kali or Bakasura.

Phantom Veil is a great counter for Ring of Spears and River's Rebuke. Upgrading it also gives affected allies 10% damage mitigation.

Belt of Frenzy is best for shredding objectives or structures quickly.

Tips & Tricks

1. How to clear wave as Amaterasu

Video Example for clearing wave

To efficiently clear the wave as Amaterasu, you want to activate Heavenly Reflection, auto the front minion three times to activate the Illuminating Strike aura, then use Glorious Charge to dash through the wave. After dashing, turn around and shoot the fully charged mirror through the wave from the back.

2. Ultimate + Heavenly Reflection

Video Example for Ultimate combo

To output maximum damage in a fight as Amaterasu, you want to use the following combo. Activate your Heavenly Reflection, auto the target 3 times to get Illuminating Strike, then use Dazzling Offensive on your target. Your mirror will gain charge from the damage of your ultimate, and if you keep it lined up on your target while using your ultimate, you will unleash a fully charged mirror and your ult damage.

3. Understanding your Ultimate

Video Example for Dazzling Offensive

The ultimate can be a bit complex to understand for a newer player, as the description for the ability doesn't list every feature. Apart from the ultimate gaining damage on the same target and slowing, it's worth noting that only enemy gods hit on the third and final strike will be stunned, I've included a video example of this.

4. Amaterasu's Passive Meter

Images for Passive Meter

Amaterasu's "Passive Meter" is not actually for her passive, it's actually a display for the current charge on her Heavenly Reflection. The first image in the spoiler is what you'll normally see, which is when your mirror has no charge, but after you activate your 2, then take or deal damage, you'll notice the meter begins to grow. The second image in the spoiler indicates a fully charged mirror, and when you should detonate it.


Amaterasu is a wonderful pick in the solo lane for Season 7. In previous seasons, she was known as a pick to stall lane and just hope you make it to late game to be useful. However, with patch 6.10 a few months ago, they gave her much more base damage on Heavenly Reflection with the initial damage, and the full charge damage. They also made her dash, Glorious Charge, no longer root herself in place before dashing. Ever since then, she's gone from a low pressure solo laner to a high pressure solo laner who's been picked more and more at all levels of play.

Amaterasu also can flex well into the Support and Jungle roles. With the power of her debuff aura, power/speed aura to allies, silence, and amazing teamfight ultimate, she can be a monster in any teamfight from the Support role. With her fast jungle clear, movement speed, and damage output, she can also be a fantastic jungler with the right items.

I hope you've enjoyed my first guide, please leave any feedback <3

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Dxrz0 | May 19, 2020 12:45am
Is there any reason you don't want to build into berserker's shield early? I feel like it give you a ton of early game pressure and sustain, as well as letting you trade pretty easily with most matchups.
Oswald_Fan69 | April 24, 2020 1:39pm
I just feel like Oswald (smite pro player and sex symbol) could have made a better guide.
Kriega1 (143) | March 28, 2020 12:56pm
I still think you should get Runic Shield over Pestilence Against the mage solos you listed. Pestilence will Lower their healing but gives you no offensive stats and doesen’t help to deal with poke like Runic Shield would. Plus the power reduction will slightly lower the healing they receive from their power scaling anyway. Instead I would consider going boots > Runic > Toxic Blade
MimiiQ | March 28, 2020 1:25pm
Thank you for the response! I had part of the build category dedicated to building against a Magical solo with Runic Shield directly after boots, turns out I forgot to label it.
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