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Items and Terms - Questioning

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Forum » New Player Help » Items and Terms - Questioning 59 posts - page 3 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 20, 2019 7:52am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

Bellona's standart build is something like Berserker's Shield, Ninja Tabi, Shogun's Kusari, Breastplate of Valor, Pestilence/ Contagion and Mantle of Discord (Correct me if i'm wrong).

Don't need breastplate on Bellona, Shogun's is situational, also this build lacks some decent health and I can't recommend it. You only really get shogun's if you don't need anti-heal or if you get contagion instead of pestilence. A better generic example build would be something like Berserker's, Ninja, Pesti/Shogun's, Void/Nemean/Contagion (swap the phys/magical around depending on lane opponent), Hide of the Urchin, and last item either Mantle or Spirit Robe. Sell berkerser's for a situational and sell boots for frostbound or a item from the katan tree or witchblade/toxic blade.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 20, 2019 7:58am | Report
FootFetish wrote:

If you had a high DPS assassin as jungler ( Arachne, Bakasura, Mercury, Nemesis, Kali) the problem might be that you, as Bellona, having low CC aside from Eagle's Rally didn't have a lot of CC to peel for them (Which comes to the term you asked earlier; separating an enemy (or a group of enemies, but mostly refered to one only) with your crowd control or displacement to set it up for your teammates).

Bellona counters AA-asassins fairly decently. You're only really in trouble if you're very low in lane.

FootFetish wrote:

As a solo laner, and mostly as Bellona, you lack penetration, since your build should have a strategic order and, of course, defense.

Void Shield and Stone Cutting say hi.

FootFetish wrote:

Yes you can get Brawler's Beat Stick but Contagion is better in any term

Eh, it depends. But Brawler's isn't the best on Bellona, you're better off with toxic blade. You can double down on anti-heal if you need to, but the lone pesti or contagion should suffice.

FootFetish wrote:

> Peeling is locking an enemy with your kit of abilities for your teammates that lack crowd control to kill him. This is mostly done with high CC characters, which can be supports ( Khepri, Ymir, Artio), solo laners with good CC ( Nike, Aphrodite, Hercules), or even high CC mages ( Discordia, Nox). Is the most efficient way to kill an enemy in any stage (laning phase or teamfight).

It's not necessarily only for killing enemies targeting the backline (or other teammates), but is also referred to simply keeping them from touching/killing your teammates, usually with CC.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 8:12am | Report
but i don't really know about the jungler tbh.
if i face 1vs2 .. then it's not a shame to die, but sometimes i even killed the jungler.
it was just as it is, we where so even that every reaction was exactly the same with my opponent.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 20, 2019 8:32am | Report
CafPow wrote:

but i don't really know about the jungler tbh.
if i face 1vs2 .. then it's not a shame to die, but sometimes i even killed the jungler.
it was just as it is, we where so even that every reaction was exactly the same with my opponent.

Another thing you could consider is ask someone like Fineokay or some high level/pro player on youtube/twitch and see if they would be willing to analyse gameplay if you recorded it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 20, 2019 10:12am | Report
No offense, Myst, but when I read your term on Peel, my first thought was also that you were incorrect.

I didn't get too technical either, but I stand by the concept as being more specifically a defensive function (not "setting up enemies to die"). Dev gives good additional's basically anything that disrupts the enemy from sticking to a teammate or pressuring. Can be as simple as body-blocking.

I don't fully agree with Dev's other examples, though. Shields/healing...that's not peeling. Peeling is a verbal term with physical meaning, and refers to a physical action of separating the enemy from your teammate. Shielding, healing, etc. would be generally just a supporting / protecting function. It can LEAD to a type of peeling, if the shield or health convinces the enemy they won't get the kill and so they back off, but it's not quite the same least in my mind.

As for zoning, Foot, it's not just threat of damage. As I said in my original response, it's a threat OR obstacle. Ymir's wall or Odin's ring count as zoning tools.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 20, 2019 10:29am | Report
As I said, I should had given some examples or more details like: "The enemy turn on you and your support uses a root to stop him and then you can fight or run", but the important part is that he understood the meaning ( I guess :p ).

I don't think shields or healing can be "peel" too in most cases. But the mainly part I wanted to correct was the Anti Healing part that stacks. They do not share the "UNIQUE Passive" that Pestilence and Contagion uses.

But I agree that Smite should have a "UNIQUE Passive" system that clearly says which passives do not stack.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 20, 2019 10:31am | Report
CafPow wrote:

well one could say, peel is basically CC.
either you Peel away an Enemy from your friend to protect said friend
or you Peel an Enemy away from his Group so he has no Protection anymore and can be killed.

yes, yes and no.

The act in the last sentence is considered creating a "pick".

This is the exact reason why I disagreed with myst's (and also foot's) explanation. The act of peeling is pure aimed at keeping your teammates (mostly the carries alive). It can happen you help your adc escape and then the enemy assassin gets away as he won't be able to kill you. Even zoning can be considered a form of peeling.
I'm also going to drop this link here for more explanation and includes a video (which has a part 2 that you can find here).

Also Myst like I said before about the anti healing items they changed it. I was just being naive about certain things not changing and using my S1 information about these items. So I'm sorry for saying you were wrong.

On the Chaac problem. Don't be to afraid to roam later in the game. Especially in a stalemate situation. If you are roaming and bringing impact in other lanes while your opponent stays in lane getting that outer tower (as getting second tower is 10x harder) it can be more favorable outcome for your team. Even going as far as to trade your outer tower with an outer mid (the most valuable outer tower) for example.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 20, 2019 11:05am | Report
ahh so a Pick then. Well why not ^^
good to know, and it makes sense to differentiate. It's important for me to know the Terms when they write it in the Chat, since i like to play Support or Warrior every now and then, classes who might bring a lot of those Things with em.

Devampi wrote:

On the Chaac problem. Don't be to afraid to roam later in the game. Especially in a stalemate situation. If you are roaming and bringing impact in other lanes while your opponent stays in lane getting that outer tower (as getting second tower is 10x harder) it can be more favorable outcome for your team. Even going as far as to trade your outer tower with an outer mid (the most valuable outer tower) for example.

Okay next time, i'll consider this a better "Trade" and will ... well ... risk it then.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 20, 2019 12:01pm | Report
@Dev: Myst actually was the one to notify us that BBS and Divine were in fact stacking. Even Inters3ct, who is very knowledgeable, thought they didn't stack, and acknowledged in the comments of his healing video that he was incorrect...HR basically stealth changed this sometime in either S4 or S5 and people just didn't know for a long time.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 20, 2019 12:28pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

@Dev: Myst actually was the one to notify us that BBS and Divine were in fact stacking. Even Inters3ct, who is very knowledgeable, thought they didn't stack, and acknowledged in the comments of his healing video that he was incorrect...HR basically stealth changed this sometime in either S4 or S5 and people just didn't know for a long time.

I guess they did it when they nerfed the healing meta including Rod of Asclepius, Aphrodite and others a long time ago...


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