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lets make patch notes: warriors

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Poll Question:

who do we balence after nemesis?
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » February 24, 2014 1:47pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

clears throat*.
(in oprha voice)


slightly uneccecary but i wanted to do that.

right now HIREZ is focusing on warriors and how they work in the solo lane as well as to make adc's less snowbally.

so we are going to need to rush trough all the warriors.

i want to ask if some one can help me summerise the change's for chaac.

not having immumity on his ult will be part of it. no discussion.

how ever i still think he should not get a better herc heal and needs to have a flat amount and no pysical % scaling on it.

next up is one of my favorite gods


personnally i think he needs some simple change's.

first up his passive.

i want to make it less hurt full for vamana's to build magical protection. as well as making him less of a bain to everything pysical.

balancing his passive to 10% power of his pysical protection
and 10% power for his magical protections.

he will still be decently focused on pysical protection because of ank of bear.

i want to nerf his clear a tini but as much as it pains me.
at level 4 vamana can clear the full wave with armored umbrella and umbrellarang which is sort of imbalenced.

so nerf some of armored umbrella early damage would be a good option while buffing its late game damage a bit, (seriously late it hits like a wet noodle)

his ult. i would like to have a target inticater for his ult aoe basic attacks. it it is very hard to say what your range is and is still very hard to use unless you are on top of the enemy.

vamana in my opinion does not need many difficult or crazy balence change's.

let the discussion flow. in 10 hours we will go one with the next god on the list. hercules

A small note. I've not read the previous discussions, so I'm sorry if that was already said or anyone made a point about ''why this shouldn't work'', etc.

First, Chaac. He needs to get Damage Reduction on Ultimate, or completely remove the damage reduction. Crowd Control Immunity? Yes, it's a must, since everyone has it.

Reduce the heal, yes. I was thinking about the AoE Heal: It could be also a small heal for the team, increasing his Supportive skills. But for that, he could sacrifice his Slow. So, basically two options:

1# Reduce Heal, remove slow, make the AoE Heal affect allies as well.

2# Reduce Heal( not as much as the suggestion above), keep slow.

Yes. It shouldn't be as good as Herc. Herc is all about ''The Undying Warrior'', and shouldn't lose this title to Chaac.

Now Vamana. I dislike your passive suggestion. Why? Vamana should keep the same passive, or receive a buff to it, but not such a change. Giving him more power based on his Magical AND Physical protections would make him basically a Strong Tank, while dealing lots of damage. That's trully concerning. Let's take for instance Rammus from League of Legends. He basically has the same passive as Vamana, and is a strong situational pick. I think this should be Vamana's case: A good situational pick. Let's not change the passive like you suggested, but buff it or keep it the same.

Agreed on the Umbrella point. It does hit like as a underleveled Ao Kuang without items( puns of damage).

On his ult, I propose a big change. Why not make him able to cast abilities during this form? But he could lose his CC immunity, maybe. He could get a bigger range on this form, while also dealing AoE damage around him( or maybe a slow). I'm taking this example from League of Legends' Renekton and Nasus' ultimates, that are pretty similar to Vamana's.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 24, 2014 3:08pm | Report
Passive idea sounds good, but I think they should be reduced to 8%, as items like Hide of the Urchin would be one hell of a power boost otherwise. But I'm also fine with his passive the way it is now.

His Clear The Path seems fine, if obnoxious.

Armored Umbrella definitely needs some kind of rework. I suggest making the damage scale partly from Vamana's protections, since the description says the umbrella is infused with his armor. I don't want to tinker with buffs or debuffs.

Umbrellarang could probably use a slight reduction in base damage, but I don't think it needs a damage buff. Yeah, it slaps like a wet fish late game, but a lot of abilities like that fall off, and are used for the CC instead. For example, Broodlings, Suppress The Insolent, Poison Darts, Slice and Dice, etc.

There is also a small problem with his ultimate. Listen up.

Vamana, for years, has been considered to have one of the worst ultimates in the game. It couldn't chase, was slow, etc. But then came Hastened Fatalis.

Now, Vamana has insane chase potential while being able to deal massive damage. This is where it gets complicated.

The superfast baby assassin is in no way the original intention of his ultimate. The ultimate is meant to be a zoning tool, where the enemy stays the **** away or dies, like Lurking In The Waters or Shards of Ice. It's a relic, from when Vamana was considered a tank, back in the early days.

So, what should we do about this? Leave it as is? Change it to be less item dependent, and keeping the assassin playstyle? Or make it more like the original intention?

If we are keeping it as is, I have no problems with that. As screwed us as it is, it is in some alien form of balance right now.

If we are making it more assassin-like, I suggest giving him a 15-20% speed buff during the ultimate, but reducing the power bonus.

If we are making it more tank like, then again, reduce the power bonus, and have him knock up enemies with each attack. Not a huge knock up, but a significant one, like Shock Wave.

As a specific rebuttal to your suggestion, DJ, I don't think allowing him to cast while giant is a good idea, not only because of his ridiculous +>150 physical power boost, but because he will be impossible to run from, like Nemesis' Swift Vengeance + Divine Judgement if it gave a power boost as well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » February 24, 2014 3:15pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

As a specific rebuttal to your suggestion, DJ, I don't think allowing him to cast while giant is a good idea, not only because of his ridiculous +>150 physical power boost, but because he will be impossible to run from, like Nemesis' Swift Vengeance + Divine Judgement if it gave a power boost as well.

I see. I forgot about the power boost of his ultimate, I'm not a Vamana player at all. I really wanted him to be able to cast abilities during this form, could give him more zoning like you said, something that he lacks on his ult.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » February 24, 2014 4:49pm | Report
can someone dredge up my old ideas for vamana for me? I can do so myself but it may take some time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 24, 2014 4:58pm | Report
Where are they?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » February 24, 2014 5:22pm | Report
in the original patchnotes thread.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » February 25, 2014 5:49am | Report
I defently don't want vamana to become an assassin in his ult. I do want to keep him item dependend so he remains to be a warrior (seriously we don't need more warriors going assassin }_} fenrir, thor and nemesis... Looking at you)

Hasted only made it a better zoning tool. A pure mana ult gets you smashed twice. That is about 400 late game at fire giant. You run past him still reletively unscathed and he can't get to you quick to do more damage.

I like the idea of his 2 scaling with protections.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 25, 2014 12:47pm | Report
No, Hastened Fatalis is what made him an assassin. Remember how no one used to pick Vamana, but now he's very common? Someone discovered that giving him Hstalis made him into an insane chaser who can tower dive you for days.

The problem is, how do we prevent people from buying Hastalis? I buy Hastalis when attack speed is needed, like for self-buffs like Ring of Spears and Butcher Blades. To reduce the viability of Hastened Fatalis, there needs to either be a reduction in damage or something that's an incentive to build power or protections over attack speed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 25, 2014 12:49pm | Report
Swampmist, I got your post.

Vamana: Vamana has problems with being too focused on physical defense and too vague in his actual point. I move that he should become more of a support, Team-fight oriented bruiser since he's KINDA on the way there already, mostly through his passive.

Sleeping Giant: Sleeping giant is the main reason why I want to move him to a more tanky, team-fighter-y bruiser, as it makes his ult come up faster, and subsequently last longer, when he's in a fight taking damage. What I propose is that we change the 20% physical prot conversion to 10-15% physical, whatever is preferred, and 5 to MAYBE 7.5% magical prot. this will give him more counter-play potential, and will not be over-powered with the base 30 magic prot. with 10 and 5 as the numbers, and his base stats staying the same, he will have a bonus 3.3 physical damage form level 1, which I think is fair considering. this will push him to be tankier and to be more fluid in build for said tankyness.

Clear The Path: This ability isn't very good. It's too long and the new Baby isn't made to be getting out of fights, which is pretty much it's only use. I don't have much idea as to how to change it, as he still needs an initiate, but we may add that to his kit later. Anyone elses thoguhts?

Armored Umbrella: To match the babies "Be pat bruiser\part tank" thing, this ability will have a new scaling of 65/115/165/215/250 (+60% of your physical power) scaling, BUT it will also deal bonus damage based on how much more defense you have than the target in that target's own damage area (Mages ned magic prot, assasins physical prot, ect.) this will give Vamana good damage against mages and ADCs, who will be the one's who he should be near\ taking damage from in a fight, and less against tanks because he shoudln't be a tank buster.
Umbrellarang Umbrellarang: This ability SEEMS fine. It might need a bit more CC, and maybe it could be his new initiation tool, but otherwise I got nothing.

Colossal Fury: Again, pretty much fine, but with his passive changes lower the bonus damage and raise the bonus defence a bit.

So, what do you guys think?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » February 25, 2014 1:36pm | Report
cool, thanks, Your reactions to it?


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