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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 4 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
Subzero008's Blog
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January 04, 2014

Updates, Progress Report

Views: 2128 Subzero008
+Rep | Report
Athena  |  Guan Yu  |  Guides  |  Insane  |  Jungling  |  Nu Wa  |  Update
I missed this last time, but I updated the Nu Wa guide with an expanded counterjungling section (added dueling), and a heavily reworked and expanded (both content-wise and visually) teamfights section.

The Handbook has now included an Invasion section, although it refers to post-level 1-2 invasion, as well as a Contesting Camps section.

I also explained the pros and cons of the example builds in the Athena guide, added initiation to the teamfight section, the rest of the actives, and added a little tidbit about what buffs are best.
Boring Guide Maker Thing

As for the Prog Report, the Guan Yu guide is coming along fine. I've got a build, got the framework for the guide, found a cool image*. …
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December 31, 2013
+Rep | Report
Guides  |  GuideScouts  |  Scout  |  Smite
Hello, fellows!

I'd like to present to y'all a pretty good guide that needs some love. dacoqrs's Vamana? Of Course!

The guide has it's flaws, mainly its lack of focus and role, as well as a lack of guiding. But it really shines in what it does it explain. The skills explanation is really well-done, and the bit on combos is brilliant.

If you want to see a Vamana guide that is better than the current top Vamana guide (Axres' Vamana Guide, FYI), give this guide a look and a vote. You will not be disappointing.

Subzero, signing off.

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December 30, 2013


Views: 1974 Subzero008
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Athena  |  Guide  |  Insanity  |  Jungle  |  Promise  |  Update  |  YEAH!!!  |  youisrockstar
I finished my Athena jungle guide. It was awesome, very nostalgic, much ***kicking. It lacks a matchups section and a counterjungling section, but those will come in time.

Of course, I edited the Insane Jungler's Guide. I'd appreciate it if people could take a look at both. (And maybe tell me if I did something wrong, because I know that typing anything past 1 AM is likely to produce mistake.)

This will sound rash, but I'm making a promise here: Each and every one of my jungle guides would be viable in League play. That's a promise. I will have played them in league, used them in league, and won matches with them in league. And I'm not talking about League of Legends.

So, what jungler guide shall I make next? I wish I could put a poll or something here. (I'm going to try to alternate between making new guides and revamping old ones.)

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December 24, 2013


Views: 1405 Subzero008
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Format  |  Guide  |  Hercules  |  HERCULESOP  |  Insanity  |  Jungle  |  Nu Wa  |  Rant  |  Smite  |  Update  |  Video
Nu Wa: Added a counter-jungling section, expanded playstyles, and finally began matchups (Agni and Thanatos). I honestly think she's better in the jungle than in the lane.

I also finally began revising my Insane Jungler's Guide to Jungling. It now has a general overview of each entry, and a link to the bigger guide. Currently, Nu Wa is the only guide like this, but more are planned. I'd like some feedback on the new style of the guide, if you please.

As a general note, any time my guides pops up in the Updated section, just ignore it. I'll post updates of any import like this.

I've been thinking that all of this guide making is a bit too much for one person. I was wondering if anyone would be interesting in a collaborative guide.

Also, this:

Hercules OP, HiRez plz nerf thx

Now for the rant.

Look, I don't care if you're a big shot platinum player. I don't care if you're Allied or DMBrandon or whatever. Your reputation is no excuse for a ****py guide.

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December 20, 2013

Should I Split My Guides?

Views: 1540 Subzero008
+Rep | Report
guides  |  insane  |  jungle  |  jungling  |  torn
After making my Nu Wa guide, I have come to realize that I cannot put a decent amount of information in the Insane Jungler's Guide to Jungling sections.

I also wish that people would judge a section by its own merits rather than the guide as a whole. As a guide maker, nothing makes me happier than a player who tried out the guide and build and gave feedback.

Long story short, I'm considering archiving it and making them a bunch of separate guides.

Should I? Or is it more convenient to have a big resource in one guide?

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