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Subzero008's Blog
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January 29, 2014

These Servers

Views: 1836 Subzero008
I just entered a match, and I had 18-5 ****ing FPS. Ping? 32. I left, because I was sick of being blamed by the entire ****ing team (I played support).

Why the **** do I even play this game when HiRez does not give a single **** about anyone on the west coast.

Literally all but one match out of the five I played after this patch have been bugged and/or laggy enough to make Lucifer cry. It is completely impossible for me to work on my guides or do anything but theorycraft as long as this game is this messed up.

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January 21, 2014

Guan Yu Jungling Guide Published!!!

Views: 1405 Subzero008
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guan yu  |  guides  |  jungling  |  procrastination  |  smite  |  sorryboutthe
After a combination of procrastination and distractions, I have finally published my Guan Yu jungling guide! (Sorry, UnknownPandr)

To people who will hopefully review, I made some rather...eccentric choices in guide formatting, and I would appreciate feedback.

And always, my Insane Jungling guide has been updated to reflect these changes.

I have two questions to ask:

1. Is there anything in my guides at all that could use improvement? Even the tiniest thing? Or even something you disagree with?

2. Anubis, Anhur, or Ao Kuang. Which of these gods shall I make a jungling guide on next?

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January 20, 2014

I'm Done

Views: 3413 Subzero008
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guides  |  league  |  problemswiththisgame  |  rant  |  therearesomany
I'm done.

I will stop grinding league. I won't be trying for Gold.

A few months ago, I had the entertaining delusion that if I were a gold or higher player, people would take my jungling guides seriously. So I started to climb.

After passing bronze and entering silver, then playing a LOT of games, I realized something. These games aren't about skill. They're about who has the worse team.

Still, I kept grinding like an idiot. Now I realized something else.

It isn't going to get better.

It is never going to get better.

I could be in ****ing platinum, and it won't get better.

I know I'm a good player. I've had some incredible matches and carried through some really insane ****. But I keep losing because someone on our team is an utter idiot. And what made it worse, was that most of the time, I won because someone on the enemy team was also an idiot.

I can't play like this anymore.

I will still be playing league, just not competitively. I'll be playing to test my guides and build…
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January 11, 2014


Views: 2468 Subzero008
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confession  |  guan yu  |  ifeelbad  |  league  |  solo  |  tyr
I have a confession to make: I took trolling too far.

I have a friend, sorta, goes by Megustabro. He's a incredibly skilled solo laner.

I happened to meet him in a match, and my team decided to fool the enemy team by going Ymir solo and Guan support. I don't know if he was fooled from the beginning and if my own contribution had no effect, but I whispered to him that I (Guan) was solo, and I'd be facing him.

He wished me good luck, and I could see he bought mystical mark. Then he died to Ymir in a few minutes. I felt really, really bad.

We won, but I felt kind of hollow. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

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January 08, 2014

I Need Advice - League

Views: 1130 Subzero008
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Advice  |  Conquest  |  Imsofucked  |  League  |  Ranked
I've played 18 league games this season. Won 6, lost 12.

The first few games went great.

Then, for some reason, about a few days ago, every single match became laggy as ***. Rubberbanding, teleporting enemies, etc. As a jungler, which is an important role, I can't play like this. Every time I play Thanatos, I can't hit with any skillshots, and I've accidentally walked into towers way too often for my liking. Same for every other god.

I don't know what to do. My internet is fine. I've had good matches before. I'm sick of losing because I walk into walls or end up wasting time because I've been basic attacking a patch of air to the right of the mid furies.

I think I have enough experience with this game to say that if I weren't laggy, I could win. At the very least, I wouldn't lose 10 games in a row.

If I play more games, I'll inevitably get into laggy matches and continue my loss streak. Currently, my next win score will give me 120 points. To even go up, I'll need to win over 10 …
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