September 07, 2015

Telepath, Mind Mage [DucksRocksContest]

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Telepath: Support/Control Mage.

Telepath is a highly versatile, utility-focused mage who can fulfill multiple roles in a team. His untraditional debuffs and crowd-control give him a plethora of options in a fight, and although his damage is not high, he can make up for it with careful use of his Dominate and Architect of Thought abilities.

In-lane, Telepath functions as a powerful mid laner who can avoid being pushed out with Dominate, and usable waveclear in Traumatize. Thoughtseize can be useful harass, but his skills are limited to baiting the enemy into fighting in a group of Dominated minions.

In teamfights, Telepath absolutely needs control of the battlefield to function. An empowered minion wave lets him become a devastating siegeing force, and Traumatize can be a devastating control spell against an entire team. His ultimate is perhaps the single trickiest ability to use in the entire game (zero exaggeration), but it can be a devastating blow against the enemy team and force them to make some unpleasant choices.


Health: 415 (+80 per Level)

Health Regen: 8 (+0.5 per Level)

Armor: 10 (+3 per Level)

Magic Resistance: 35 (+1.1 per Level)

Attack Damage: 55 (+2.7 per Level) (+20% of your magical power)

Attack Speed: 0.9 (+2.0% per Level)

Attack Range: 60 feet.

Movement Speed: 380


Passive: Mind Reader: Telepath can see the ability cooldowns and targeting indicators of all enemies within 55 feet. (Basically, you see a four-section circle with ability icons over every god's head, and you can see the progression of their cooldowns.)

Q: Dominate: Passive: Telepath gains 6/7/8/9/10 magical power per stored Dominate charge. Telepath can hold up to 2/3/4/5/6 Dominate charges.

Active: Telepath spends a number of Dominate charges to gain permanent control of target minion, pet, or monster, increasing its attack damage and move speed by 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of your magical power) and granting it 50% damage reduction from abilities.

Dominated units will prioritize targets, in this order: Enemy gods hit with Thoughtseize, enemies hit by basic abilities, enemies hit by basic attacks, and then will push like normal minions.

Range: 40 feet.
Cost: 1 for minions, 2 for jungle camps and pets.
Charge Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds.
Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.

W: Traumatize: Telepath unleashes a wave of psychic power, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 damage (+75% MP) to all enemies in a 45-degree, 50 foot cone, stunning enemies hit for 0.5 seconds and slowing them by 30/45/60/75/90% for 1 second.

Cooldown: 15 seconds.

E: Thoughtseize: Telepath steals the thoughts of target enemy within 40 feet, dealing 55/100/145/190/235 magic damage (+60% MP) increasing their cooldowns by 1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5 seconds and decreasing his own item and ability cooldowns by the same amount.

To clarify, this is NOT the same as a silence. Like his ultimate, it is not considered CC. It will not interrupt abilities, nor will it disable any active abilities or anything like that. This obviously has its pros and cons, as it can't be mitigated by tenacity, but it can be rather unreliable.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

R: Architect of Thought: Channel for 1 second, focusing on target god within 45 feet. After channeling, Telepath can control target god for 3 seconds (+0.25 seconds per 100 power), dealing 40/47.5/55/62.5/70% damage and becoming slowed by 50%. Controlled god cannot target itself with any abilities, nor use any consumables or active items, and will take 50% damage from its allies. This effect is not considered CC.

If an enemy walks out of range while channeling or the ability is interrupted while casting, Architect of Thought is put on a 9 second static (read: unchangable) cooldown.

Basically, you possess an enemy god for 3+ seconds, and "your" (technically his) abilities deal reduced damage, but you'll take damage from both sides. However, the god you're controlling is resisting you - therefore the reduced move speed and damage, and you are unable to target yourself - so Poseidon cannot use his ult at his own feet - but he can use Whirlpool and then walk into it to take damage.

What makes this ability balanced? It's that Telepath is literally stuck for 5 entire seconds channeling one ability, and 1 of those seconds are him doing nothing. He cannot damage the target himself, and is forced to use them in other ways - throwing them into towers, making them attack allies, or simply dragging them out of position. It's a scary ability, but that's why it has a massive cooldown.

Cooldown: 180/170/160/150/140 seconds.


Telepath is a very antimeta champion. He can use enemies' burst damage and mobility against them with his ultimate to wreak havoc and drag them away despite the move speed debuff.


Core: Shoes of Focus, Polynomicon, Chronos' Pendant.
Damage: Obsidian Shard, Gem of Isolation, Chronos' Pendant.
Defensive: Ethereal Staff, Warlock's Sash, Spirit Robe.