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Subzero008's Blog
Blog Posts: 32     Views: 63097     Comments: 255
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January 22, 2015

It's About Time

Views: 1149 Subzero008
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:(  |  :)  |  :o  |  :P  |  =_=
I haven't been active lately.

I've committed myself into making two more Dissecting Smites. Counterplay and Flexibility. Then I'm done. I'm gone. It's about time, wouldn't you say?

I'll make another blog post when that time comes, explaining why.

So it ain't goodbye yet, but it will be soon. Cya.

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March 16, 2014

The Worst Game in the World

Views: 4208 Subzero008
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aWEIhbdQHIFBqouifnQO  |  Idiots  |  Matchmaking  |  Players  |  Rant  |  Smite  |  Stupidity  |  Toxic  |  Troll
I give up. Clearly, some divine force does not want me to play Bastet jungle. First match, laggy and two DCs. Second, 1 DC. Third, this.

I just had a match with the most stupid morons on the history of the planet. These kinds of idiots are what matchmaking is supposed to keep out, in theory.

You know the term, "Pentakill?" These guys got Penta-KILLED. I wish it was a joke.

Giving first blood within two minutes, dying five ****ing times by five minutes. They never ****ing grouped, they never ****ing did anything.

Artemis never ****ing grouped, always went off by herself, attacking ****ing jungle minions and lane minions while it was a 5v3 battle right ****ing next to her. She hit with about 10% of her basic attacks, because she could only hit people after using her ultimate. Fire Giant was being attacked, and she went off to attack the Gold Fury, even though Wukong and Ares were right next to the FG, waiting for her.

Ares never ****ing grouped, always went off by herself. He'd be b…
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March 11, 2014


Views: 1087 Subzero008
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Guide  |  Handbook  |  Jungle  |  Procrastination  |  Smite  |  Update
Ugh. I've finally updated my Jungler's Handbook. I'm sorry for not doing it sooner.

For the next few days, I'll be updating my guides. I'll try to never let them become this stale again.

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February 08, 2014

Odin Jungle Guide Finished!

Views: 1375 Subzero008
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Guide  |  Jungle  |  Jungling  |  Odin
I finished my little secret project - Odin jungle. It was pretty fun, I think I killed about 50 Nemesis' yesterday while working on it. Odin > Nemesis. As usual, the main jungling guide has been updated with an overlook and a link and pretty pictures.

I don't have anything else, but I'll make sure to update my other guides once I complete my lastest project: Nemesis jungle. But I'm having trouble getting a match where I can play her. :(

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February 03, 2014

An Unfortunate Announcement

Views: 2761 Subzero008
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Anhur  |  People  |  Rant  |  Smite  |  Team  |  Toxic
I will not be working on my Anhur jungle guide for hopefully a long time, because I am ****ing sick of missing everything thanks to this lag. It has been a complete nightmare.

I can't play Anhur jungle when I can't land anything. And my teams...

Unnecessary and Depressing Rant

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