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December 14, 2013

Guide Updates

Views: 1255 Subzero008
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Guides  |  ishappening?  |  LOLWTF  |  Update
Hey, Raventhor! My Worst BEST Guide in the WORLD has made front page! I even edited it to remove all the sanity! Ahahahahahhaha!

On another note, Nu Wa guide has been updated slightly. Expanded teamfight/splitpushing section, expanded items (including demonic grip), added more emphasis on basic attacks.

One more thing: I tried getting Clay Soldiers a rank early, and I found that I didn't really need it. I honestly preferred a bit more damage out of her flame strike than being in Snake Form for 10 more seconds.

I'm having trouble with the matchups, since jungler rarely directly engage someone like in mid lane or solo. I guess I could give a list of enemy junglers, but no one is that aggressive in casual. Any tips?

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December 14, 2013

I Have Seen The Abyss

Views: 1311 Subzero008
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elohell  |  feeding  |  playerbase  |  ranked  |  trolling  |  WTF
The abyss is bronze league.

I filled in as Ymir, and alarm bells began ringing in my head as our He Bo didn't say anything and just picked him and locked.

Hades called solo, Agni called mid, and our Thanatos called jungle. I was the tank.

He Bo didn't move until minions have spawned, and about ten seconds after leaving base, he started moving toward the solo lane. I, Ymir, was stuck in the duo lane against Neith and Sobek.

To be clear, we had all chosen our roles except He Bo. The only open slot was duo, and I thought he would be the duo.

Our Hades wasn't doing great either. His starting items? Rank 3 meditation and Mark of the Vanguard. His first item bought on his first recall? Sprint.

Our Thanatos was also being a toxic douchebag, saying he'll report us all, he couldn't believe this was ranked, uninstall, etc etc. Right out of the book.

We surrendered at 15, since some thought we could actually win.

There is an Elo hell, and I have seen it, and gazed into its depths. *dramat…
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December 10, 2013

I Need Advice - Tryhard Mode

Views: 1757 Subzero008
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accountability  |  advice  |  artemis  |  help  |  jungle  |  league  |  meta  |  ranked  |  smite  |  tryhardmode
After failing horribly in the two most recent ranked (Art jung) matches I had, I'm beginning to question if I shouldn't play ranked. I need some advice on that. I need feedback so I can improve, which is why I typed this.

The first match was a complete ****up on everyone's part except our solo. It was awful and I do not wish to discuss it.

The second match is what I want to talk about. My team was Guan, Sobek, Xbal, me, and Aphro. Enemy team was Bastet, Agni, Ra, Neith, and Ymir. Bastet was jungling.

I chose to help Guan with his left blue*.

I was in left lane when the fire nation Bastet attacked right, getting a kill for the enemy Neith and one for herself. I had time, so I took both bottom furies.

Then mid was in trouble from Agni (Agni was almost in the center of the lane), and the mid was at about half health. I tried to gank middle, and failed (Agni was about a single basic away from dying, and Bastet and I were heavily damaged from the fight). Aphro had healed herself to abo…
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December 08, 2013

Nu Wa Jungle Guide FINISHED

Views: 1070 Subzero008
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Guide  |  Jungle  |  Nu Wa  |  Smite  |  Update
I finally finished my Nu Wa guide! And it's halfway decent! And uses an untraditional format! You have no idea how hard it was to not type this in allcaps!

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December 08, 2013
+Rep | Report
Fightbackagainst  |  Guide  |  HiddenGems  |  Scout  |  thesystem
Firstly, thank TormentedTurnip for giving me this idea. There are a ****ton of underappreciated guides on this site. And to put it bluntly, many of them are far better than the so-called top guide.

That is the purpose of my* future series of blog posts, Guide Scouts; Where I find these hidden gems and show them to the community. Today's guide is Zeus: Overpower, an excellent guide by Gaarthar.

While the guide is somewhat threadbare, what is there (mainly the item and gameplay) is pretty good. It has adequate BBC coding, and frankly, is a lot easier to read than current the top Zeus guide.

The main feature of this guide is the aggressive playstyle it advocates, which is unique from the top three most viewed Zeus guides. The main focus is not hanging back and being defensive, but to go into the enemy's face and use Zeus' dueling skills to their fullest potential.

I recommend you all go take a look, and give it some love.

*Hell, not mine. Why can't you (yeah, you) do it too?

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