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Subzero008's Blog
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December 07, 2013

Updates, Popularity Rant

Views: 1449 Subzero008
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Guides  |  Honest  |  Iamawhinybitch  |  Rant  |  Trends  |  Update
Anhur's section in the Insane Jungle Guide is complete. Finally. Honestly, I wish someone would actually try one of the listed gods and give feedback.

My Sun Wukong guide has been updated with the addition of a ganking and roaming/rotating section, though the latter isn't pretty.

Now for the rant.

Okay, I think I can say with a certain amount of confidence that my guides are pretty good. But I really question sometimes, what constitutes an upvote and what makes a downvote.

An unfortunate truth is that some of us have already formed our opinion of a guide by looking at the opinions of others. That is why 'fads' and 'trends' exist, since people like following a leader.

Another truth is that there are some hidden gems that are locked away because people would rather look at the guide with 10 votes and 5 bars rather than the guide with 3 votes and 4. Then that 'top' guide eventually swells to popularity, despite being lower in quality than the guide below it.

I'll be honest here. …
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December 07, 2013

First Desertion; Lobby Chat Rant

Views: 1328 Subzero008
So...I just deserted a match for the first time.

I kinda blew up. For the past seven conquest matches or so, I've tried to jungle. And all but one time, I couldn't.

You see, I call jungle as soon as I enter lobby chat. Sometimes, it was a leaver. Other times, someone else called jungle. I accept that. I usually opt for support instead. But sometimes, I get the jungle role, and I'm stuck in a lane anyway due to the actions of an idiot!

These people just completely ignore the lobby chat. Then I call jungle and seemingly get it, and I go in the match, blind, buy my items, and about ten seconds after I leave spawn, I realize that someone else has purchased Bumba's Mask.

The match I deserted had TWO other junglers. Two. What are the odds?

tl;dr version: For the love of God/Gods/Whatever, look in your damn lobby chat! I don't care if you're on Skype or in a party, you shouldn't force people to go through 40 minutes of ****ing hell! Even if you decide to be a **** and take the jungle …
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