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Subzero008's Blog
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June 12, 2015

This Is A Blog

Views: 1113 Subzero008
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#breaktheblogmeta  |  A  |  Blog  |  Is  |  This  |  ThisIsABlog
This is a blog.

Good day.

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March 31, 2015

So, I played Smite again

Views: 6620 Subzero008
And it really changed the way I thought about the game! It's like my eyes were clouded, and now they're clear for the first time. I think that Smite is a really, really good game now, and it's insane that I didn't think that before. Holy ****. #retroactivefacepalm

And if you believed anything I said up there, I have a bridge to sell you.

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March 14, 2015


Views: 1758 Subzero008
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Terry took Death's arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.

The End."

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March 12, 2015

For the First Time in Forever...

Views: 1714 Subzero008
I played Smite. One Arena, One Conquest, One Conquest Ranked. And for the record, conquest ranked ended up as a win with me as a 10-1-3 Thor. MVP.

And it's the same damn game as before. Maybe it looks better, maybe it's shinier, maybe it has a few more gizmos than before. But at its core, it's still flawed for exactly the same reasons I left the game to begin with.

"Teamfights" are nothing but chaotic orgies of everyone trying to wombo combo the other team before the other. Nobody wants to play support. This game is still ridiculously snowbally. There's no counterplay. The amount of strategic depth in this game is ridiculously tiny. Seriously, that ranked game was just us getting a lucky kill, and then wombocombosnowballing them every single time, from skirmishes to full on teamfights.

There is something seriously wrong with the game if I can leave for more than two months and get back and play with just the same amount of skill as before. I ended up pitying the enemy team, and thin…
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March 07, 2015

Odin Rework

Views: 1444 Subzero008
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I've been in a state of ennui recently. Dawngate died. I literally cannot play Smite due to some weird glitch where the game is apparently already installed when it isn't. LoL and HOTS are there, I guess, but I've been feeling really weird playing those.

Anyway, I've made literally two posts in the past two weeks and haven't bothered to check on them because, ennui. A state of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. (Or at least when it comes to MOBAs - MTG's lore is always nice, BoI Rebirth's going well, almost Plat God, and it's always nice to wreck people in Pokemon Showdown and Smash FG.)

Blah blah. I've not been working on the Dissecting Smite things as often as I could have, or should. So, as a thought experiment, I thought, what if [God] was made in Dawngate?

Here's the results.


Passive: The Allfather: Whenever you use an ability, you gain a 15/20/25/30/35/40% attack speed aura (40-feet wide) for five seconds. More interesting …
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