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Solo lane after mid season

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Solo lane after mid season 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 1, 2020 1:03am | Report
So we already saw an adc thread. So we have Assassin and solo lane left.
With this thread, I wanted to talk about what you guys are thinking about what will happen to the solo lane and your thoughts on the shift in general.

So for those that haven't followed the patch notes or haven't heard, the biggest change coming to the solo lane is the rework of gladiator shield and berserker shield. They lose their sustain passive and become tier 3 items. This whole change will probably remove or heavily impact the sustain meta that has been in the solo lane.

For me, this is a welcoming change. Pretty much the best (ab)users of these items would gain a big advantage in the lane over others. This change will make a lot more gods become (more) viable in the solo lane again.

Now that these items have changed the big question is really what is going to happen in this lane.
Is it going to return a bit more towards S1, were early damage options were quite prevalent?
Are we going towards the different type of sustain meta, were gods with high kit healing hit the stage? Which will bring back the solo lane mages.
Or something else?

I am curious to know what you guys think about what will happen.
I myself think it is kinda pick dependant on what we will see, but I do fear we can land back in the S1 post warrior nerf with some bad luck. I do think we will see some more early kills and probably more damage coming from the solo lane. Probably items like The Sledge and blackthorn seeing play in the early spots. Lastly, I think another item that may see early use (on no/low sustain god kits) can be Stone of Gaia.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » July 1, 2020 9:46am | Report
I think for warriors in the solo lane, if they have a built in heal on their kit they will be building more CDR, and those who don't will either be building Soul Eater or Stone of Gaia, due to them both receiving buffs.

Higher health builds will make Stone of Gaia more valuable as well so items like Void Shield, Runic Shield, the Cudgel tree, the Iron Mail tree and the Talisman tree along with some select items will be stronger to increase that extra gained healing through Stone of Gaia.

Without any sustain aside Chalice of Healing with potions these warriors like King Arthur if they don't adapt to other healing items like the aforementioned ones they will fall.

Aside from that, the new meta leans more towards high pressure guardians and mages, who never needed those items anyway and don't really need to adapt.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 1, 2020 10:13am | Report

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » July 1, 2020 11:19am | Report
New solo meta: Warriors with insane healing in their kit (those who never really needed glad or berser). I just wonder if blackthorn rush will become a thing again with gods like Tyr, Guan Yu, Amaterasu...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 2, 2020 3:55am | Report
Just got through half fine's vid, but seems my fearful solo lane becoming (majority) a mage lane again might come true :/.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 2, 2020 10:04am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

New solo meta: Warriors with insane healing in their kit (those who never really needed glad or berser). I just wonder if blackthorn rush will become a thing again with gods like Tyr, Guan Yu, Amaterasu...

Depending on matchups, I think Tyr might be fine. But take a god that has a more difficult time clearing, such as Guan / Ama early game, and if you've got a magical Solo enemy building the re-buffed Tyrannical Plate Helm, for example, you could see some very high pressure and loss of farm due to waves being pushed into tower range.

Hades, for example, could really mess them up...interrupt Guan's 3 w/ his silence, heal himself and minions (easily outheal Guan), push hard w/ Tyrannical

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 2, 2020 2:14pm | Report
I think boV/genji's sledge might become a bigger thing, then blackthorn, although it might seem more use again.


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